It's gonna be cold!

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

Since we have had NO winter and it is nearly the middle of Feb. I thought it would be safe to start putting my babies out. Tomato, bell pepper, a variety of herbs and flowers, some broc and cauli. We have had days in the mid 80s for goodness sakes! Now it seems we have artic air and we are suppose to drop below freezing this weekend. The plants in the ground I will cover with sheets and mulch with hay. Some of my containers I can move but not sure what to do about the EB. I don't think I can move them. They are super heavy and I wouldn't know where to take them as my garage is not accessible (door spring is broke and it won't open). Sheets and hay? Will that be enough?


west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'd just throw an old blanket over them--our freezes seldom last over 4 hours--even the really cold ones! lol

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

If you don't have too many EB's, fill a gallon milk jug with hot water (not boiling) and set it under the covering blanket. It'll release heat all night and protect your plants.

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

Good idea Big Red. I think I will try that just to be safe. I only have 5 EB. dmj is right, when we freeze it isn't usually for more than a few hours but after all the work I just did I don't want to risk it!


Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

I haven't tried it yet, but the ex-farmer across the street from me puts 40 watt light bulbs under his covers whenever they forcast a "hard freeze". Seems to work for him. I don't want to risk it though. All mine are coming inside tomorrow after I get the furniture moved out of the way. Ed

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, I brought in what I could and covered what I couldn't drag in with towels. All is well. The few things that I forgot to cover did get some freeze damage but I think they will recover. I might loose a few of my marigolds and maybe a baby lavender I just planted.

Sure wasn't expecting a freeze down here this late!

Hope everyone else faired well.


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

They're getting pounded out East. 22 1/2" snow in Central Park! Lotz of power outages up and down the East Coast.

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