Zone 5 strawberries and blueberries

Eagle, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Fellow Gardeners,

We're going to try growing some strawberries and blueberries this year and wonder if anyone has particular varieties that they like. We live in Michigan, Zone 5.

Also could use some info about how many plants to get to start. The strawberries seem to come in 25-plant groups. Any idea what the yield would be on 25 day-neutral plants? I've also read that you should plant more than one variety of blueberry. Any suggestions?

As you can probably tell, I'm a real novice here and don't know much about this. Would really appreciate any info you can share. Thanks.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Lily, I've grown the Day-Neutral 'Tristars' for a long time. The berries are not large, more like medium size but the flavor is IMO the best. Very sweet (no need to add sugar) with REAL strawberry flavor. And they really do produce all season, with a 2 week break after their June crop.
Figure you're going to plant them 12 - 15 inches apart, how much space do you have? They will fill the voids by next season.
The first season will not give you much to eat but the following season you can count on enough to please 2 or 3 people and have enough to freeze, too. From 25 plants.
If you want more than 25 plants, get a second kind in case Tristars don't do well in MI.
I've tried the Ozark, but they didn't do well here.
You are going to love your fresh home grown berries instead of the red cardboard things the markets sell.
Can't help with Blueberries.
Andy P

Eagle, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Andy P, for the info. From your comments, they sound perfect for my applicatin! I have found some information in a catalog I received yesterday (Indiana Berry & Plant Co.) that talks about the Tri-stars, too. I think I'll give them a try!

I really have lots of room, so I could plant a lot, but I'm the only one in my family that really likes strawberries, so I guess I'll go with 25 to start. I'm sure the neighbors will enjoy them next year!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Lily, I'm waiting to see what recommendations you get for blueberries. I'm thinking about planting a couple myself.
Enjoy the Tristars, there taste will impress you, yummy.
Andy P

Eagle, MI(Zone 5a)

If you're interested in some general information about blueberries, along with specific plant info and pricing, take a look at the Indiana Berry website ( I learned more from this catalog than I did from my various books about gardening!

Wishing you a productive and enjoyable 2006 gardening season!


Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

These blueberries are supposed to be hardy down to zone 3

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

For blueberries, you do need to plant different varieties for pollination.
Choose some that are similar in maturity dates, like early, med. or late.
Plant them close by so they can pollinate.

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