
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone, I have purchased quite a few different succulents on clearance and need some help with the care of them. Do I keep them inside? How often do you water them and how do you go about transplanting them?

Phoenix, AZ

My Succulents are planted in a black metal fire pit that I never used. I used a mix of about 50% sand and 50% potting soil. They get afternoon shade and get watered almost every day. They have been in this "planter" for a year and have just about out-grown it.

Thumbnail by Fish_knees
Phoenix, AZ

The instructor from the water dept. who teaches at DBG recommends a mix of 1/3 potting soil, 1/3 pumice and 1/3 arroyo sand or decomposed granite (not a fine sand). I use this for all my cactus and succulents. I think other care will depend on which succulents you bought. My eschevaria (sp?) all died as soon as summer hit even in the shade. Others did well. I water them only once a week. sam

Mesa, AZ

All my succulents are outside, all the time. If a freeze is predicted or I think it is going to get down into the middle 30's I will cover them, otherwise they are fine. It is better this time of year to be very sparing with the water. Full sunlight during this weather is fine, but come April the sun will just cook them, so bright shade is better or just morning sun.

What kinds did you get?


Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Not really sure. I bought this huge cement bowl full of them from Lowe's on Clearance but there was no info included. I do reckognize some of them from Fish Knees photo though. I also got some when Target clearanced everything before Christmas and most of them had nothing to indentify them either.

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