Butterfly "Bait" Recipe for your Butterfly Garden FYI

Sugar Land, TX

I have to do this.

I'm thinking of taking one of my hummingbird feeders that has the water well in the middle to keep out the ants. Put the bait in there, but don't put the top back on. (This is the kind of feeder that is round, but flat.

Anyone think this will work?


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

koncreteb., love your Picasa page devoted to your butterfly pics! So many good ones there!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

JO, The bait tends to be a little runny as the bananas ripen so I wouldn't put it too deep. Also they light on it and may get their wings sticky. I use an old paint brush and a piece of bark or a limb with bark on it. Anything you can hang up that has a more natural look and texture to it, so the mix can run into them will be best. I guess you could always put some pebbles in the cup of your HB feeder and drizzle it over them, that might work.

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

I used fermented bananas last year (sometimes with beer mixed in, usually without) and the Hackberry and Tawny Emperors and QuestionMarks loved it. I also would occasionally splurge at Whole Foods and buy a small package of figs, which I would let rot and then put out for the butterflies. This is a great way for me to see the butterflies up close as, if I sit quietly near by, they will not pay any attention to me while they feed.


Thumbnail by Loonie1
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I have a hanging bird feeder / bath that has the option of the feeder which has holes or the plastic bowl insert for water. Late in the season I tried putting some old apples and strawberries on it (using the part with holes) I thought the holes would be good so water wouldn't fill it, like had happened previously to me when I put some in a small bird bath. Does this sound wrong? It didn't attract b's but I thought maybe it was just too late. (I don't think there was much b-fly activity at the time) Or do strawberries not work anyway? The butterflies I see here that are not big on flowers would mainly be morning cloaks and red spotted purples, I would love to get these to stick around. They usually just quickly pass through. I may try the bait in the bowl part, but there are chains on 3 sides from which it hangs and I am wondering if it will be in the b-flys way, and cause them not to bother. I will definitely try it on some old logs and more natural things as well though. Opinions please. :)

This message was edited Apr 3, 2008 11:17 AM

Sugar Land, TX

Ok, I think I got it. :)

Thanks very much.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Does anyone know if it is too early to put some of this out in 7b? I am eager to try it and see who shows up..............


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, gen2026, Our park ranger said that Ohio butterflies mostly go for the bait in spring time rather than summer. I think he was talking about the 'mourning cloak' butterfly especially, which emerges in April and May and likes fruit and sap and those kinds of things to eat. So if you get Mourning Cloaks in AR it would be just the right time for bait.

This message was edited Jun 29, 2009 4:32 PM

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