Bumbly bee!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I was waiting for my bus today. Over the low garden wall next to me were some Viburnums coming into bloom. Among them, flying around contentedly, was a large, fat bumbly bee! Good to see the spring season under way! I'm guessing this was a Queen Bee. Hope we don't go into another very cold spell that she can't manage to get through.

So, anyone else see any bees yet?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Wow Diane that's a nice sighting :)
I'll have to keep a lookout. I seem to remember reading that bumbles have an advantage over honey bees in being able to warm themselves up more easily, so that they are able to take advantage of being out and about longer, both on a daily basis and in terms of the seasons, but that really is in the off time of year.
Here the days have been wonderfully warm (enough to sit outside and lap up the sun) but at night it goes down to about -5C - bbbrrrrrr

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

I haven't seen any bees, but yesterday there was a red admiral butterfly sunning itself on our south-facing wall. Our weather has been like yours Philomel for the last few days. Bad weather is arriving from the North-East tomorrow though - I hope the butterfly makes it; I was so surprised to see it.
Maggi xxxx

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

We're lucky down here on the Souith coast ,being that bit milder, I seem to see bumble bees most of the year.

My house is South facing, and has a bay window, that has shrubs under it, and many times during the day the bees coming along, presumably to hunt for something flowering, and bump their way along the windows, they make quite a racket...

We had a buttrfly in the bathromm last week, not sure where it disappeared to though.

But talking about that, one year, we went on a cruise to Russia, and I'd put my suitcase in the spare room the week before, to pack things as they were ready.
When we got on board the boat, and were just out to sea, I opened up the case to unpack, and out flew a red admiral!!....It must have landed on the contents, then someone shut it up without noticing it...

I made sure that it was kept in the cabin for the fortnight!!...I'm sure our guy must have thought us an odd family,my daughter left little dishes of sugary water out for it, luckily too I had a boquet in the room.It seemed o.k. Then we released it when we got back to the U.K.
Must have been the most luxuriuos travelled butterfly in Europe....LOL,Beats migrating on the wing.....

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

What a story Sue - that's great!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

What a lovely story about the red admiral!

The best I can do is tell you that I lived in Salibury at one time, and had a twin tub washing machine. One day I was using it but had the window open. A red admiral flew in and decided to investigate the soapy flowery smell. Went too close and fell into the washing part of it. I reached in and fished it out. I thought it would be a gonner but I put on top of the window ledge to dry off. Next morning it was just fine and I opened the window and it flew away again!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Guess they must be tougher than you realise.

I was always taught that you mustn't touch their wings, because if the 'dust?' comes off them they couldn't fly again...

Where do bumble bees stay at night? Do they tuck themselves up somewhere warm?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I tried to touch it as little as possible. I expect bumbly bees look for somewherenice and snug. Besides, they all wear cosy little stripey vests!!!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Made me chuckle, just thinking of these little fellows (or should it be gals?) donning their vests, maybe they should have numbers on like footballers...

I hate it when you see really raggedy butterflys , I suppose it's natural that eventually their wings will disintigrate, but I just want to get them and patch them up.

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

What wonderful red admiral stories; the one that went on a Russian cruise should be made into a story.....now who might be able to do that???
Maggi xxxx

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Lol sorgina - seconded!

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Hello Philomel - are you posting from Blighty? Hope you're having a good time.
Maggi xxxx

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes Maggi :)
Am on my DIL's computer
It's lovely to be in touch from here. Raining this morning.
I had a great time with Jane in Ireland. She will be moving to France soon, so we will all be able to meet up some time...... Lily too.

Having a great time thank you. Lots of visits to friends getting slotted in, and can join in with some of the two grandchildrens' things as they are on half term.
The 2 in France are on halfterm for 2 weeks, so will still be off school when I go back home next week.

Bumble bees make nests in abandoned rodent burrows, or in protected areas such as cavities in trees or upper areas of barns and such. They can make fairly large colonies. You definitely do not want to bumble into one by accident, and if you do, better have your running shoes on! LOL


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm hoping that I don't have another bumble bee nest this year. I really can't afford to pay for someone to remover it again. Bumble bees love my garden. Lots of grass to bumble about in, and a Cotoneaster that sends them wild!

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