Has anyone ever purchased or used the Daisy cloner ?

East Lansing, MI(Zone 5a)

I see this cloning apparatus in Charlies Greenhouse & Garden magazine advertised. I'm curious has anyone tried using it or other cloning devices. Do you think this is a good cloning device?

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I have not used a cloning device. I was having problems getting some passion vines rooted and a friend took some cuttings and was sure that in 2 weeks or less they would have roots in his buddys cloning machine. Mine in sand/perlite rooted and his failed. So, I don't know. But I do know lots of people use aquariums with airstones and its supposed to have the same effect, moving water with added ozygen. I do know lots of the big liner houses use them so they must work. Are the worth the money for home use? I guess not many on this forum use them so that may be a clue.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't have first hand experience with a cloner, but I've been wanting one for a long time.

Hubby just announced I could buy one for Valentine's Day! :0)

I toyed between the EZ cloner, and the Power Cloner 45. After talking to the shop owner I'm going to go with the Power cloner, only I'm going to get the 165, not the 45.

I am so excited I can't see straight.

It is guaranteed (money back for 30 days, and pump for two years). The shop owner warned that I should probably go with a smaller cloner, since they worked so well. He said I could end up with way too many plants.

He didn't realize that was music to my ears! lol...

Jamaica Plain, MA

I'm very curious how well it works for you. Please keep up informed because I have been toying with purchasing a cloner, too. If you would, please let me know.

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

build your own , lots cheeper ..


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Well...I have to say I am already very impressed with my power cloner 165.
I'm very glad I went with the 165, because I filled it up very quickly, and would have been very disappointed with only 45 slots...

The very first thing I "stuck" was 82 daphne cuttings. These were semi woody cuttings, which the instructions say can take up to 30 days to root. But, in just 24 hours, the cuttings had already produced visible white callus nubbies. Daphne are very slow, if not very hard to root, and the fact that they began to callous in just 24 hours has shocked me!

I'm very pleased and impressed, so far!

Today(two days later) I've stuck the remaining slots with jade vine, stephanotis, and others...

I'm anxious to see how they are going to do in the next few days...these today were stiff green, not woody, so should see even faster results with them...

Also, I really like having the clear dome. Most other cloners do not have this feature. It is a real plus.

East Lansing, MI(Zone 5a)

Seed picker:What temperature is your propagation room? Do you have plenty of light for your cuttings? What I mean is plenty of artificial light or bright indirect sun for part of the day?
You seem to be propagating some quite unique plants. I hope you have the best of luck!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Please keep us updated with how your plants are rooting. It sounds like a great thing to have and I would love to be able to root things that quickly. Do you mind giving me an idea what it costs?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey Cat - save me a cutting of each of those vines - maybe we can trade! What a nice gift - something you will actually use - LOL - DH and I did that starting this VD, and I bought myself 10 African Violets - gotta love a man like that!

Jamaica Plain, MA

Hey Sparky,
I know it's cheaper to build but I don't want to build my own...at least not this season. I'm willing to pay the price...

Jamaica Plain, MA

Seedpicker, where did you purchase your power cloner?

Jacksonville, NC

I am planning on rooting cuttings in my cloner.....


How is the transition from the cloner to soil? Process?

East Lansing, MI(Zone 5a)

If you leave cuttings in hydroponic water culture for several weeks or longer then it may take approximately one month for the adjustment.This is why it is only necessary to start the roots when using any form of hydroponics.

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