Who is beginning to take serious looks at the catalogs now?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Ooooh! Those remind me much of the voodoo lilies! I guess that will be a definite gotta have now. LOL Thanks!

Okie dokie now fellow plantaholic-


Want anything? I'd suggest some of the sedges that I'll be listing. They'll appear under carex spp.

Other than that, grab away at the native grasses as there is a market for those and you most assuredly have areas where you can grow those. Native grasses are very expensive and particularly the ones with ornamental value that don't escape cultivation like that darn Ribbon Grass that is being sold under a gazillion different cultivar names. We also call it Reed Canary Grass around here and people were actually buying it by the boatloads because they thought they'd get wild canaries??? Hmmm, things that make you raise an eyebrow and wonder how it is that a noxious weed like Phalaris arundinacea ends up being called an ornamental and gains such popularity. Around here a 1 gallon of native grasses sells for anywhere from $9.99 - $15.99. Hmmm, something to think about!

Loved your comment about Barren Slosh- only you could be so descriptive!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL About the ribbon grass! I've had a patch at the other house that has been divided, given away, traded away, buried, composted, RU'd, etc and transplanted to other places and I have yet to find a place it was not happy! I do have to say it is pretty and it great in spots where little else will grow. I gave some to my SIL and somehow she managed to kill it which really surprises me! I've found it in plastic grocery bags, a year old that never made it where it was going and it was still alive. LOL I think for many people, they err on the side of 'safe'. Safe, meaning hard to kill and dependable. I think that is why it is a favorite. Personally I am a sucker for variegation which is probably why I have always kept two small chunks.

Thank you for the link to your seed list. I started down the list and copied and pasted around 5 things and figured I better get the heck out of there. LOL If you find you have something terribly neat that I must have, start chucking it in an envelope and tell me what I owe you. I must say the Angelica sounds wonderful as does the Queen Anne substitute.

I grow many grasses! There are still a few at the other house I need to divide. Others I had to move so I already brought pieces with me. My driveway is already flanked with hardy ravena grass. I'm sorry, but I love that huge obnoxious grass! I also planted a large stand of Arundo donax about ten feet from the pond. I believe my end goal is to connect the tree beds to the pond with stone paths for cut throughs and I am deciding if I should leave a lush grass area in the center or keep planning. LOL

Sweetie, I'm not charging anything. I'm slightly brain dead these days and have been winter sowing my little brains out so I run back and forth from the kitchen to the computer to update the list of seeds I am giving away and to be quite blunt... I don't have time to keep track of who sends me bubble mailers or postage. When ever I have excess, I flat out give it away. The few times I have been looking for something here, people have been like little Angels. Point in context, I got the mail yesterday and received a pack that was so fat I was wondering what the heck I ordered that I had forgotten I had ordered. Nope, I didn't order anything... that was supposedly a gift pack of 3 different types of seeds that I had been looking for to use in my moon garden sent to me by luvsgrtdanes. I think my teeth almost fell out when I saw what she sent me AND she added something to the package that brought a tear to my eye to boot. My husband took a look at her pack and even he was standing there in awe. Like I said, Angels out and about in these threads so if I've got extra... I send out my "extras" to try to give back that which has been shared with me.

Now! Go back to my list and pick out whatever your little heart desireth and let's see if we can get you to like something better than that ickie pooey Ribbon Grass! Post what you want so I can go back and update quantitites so people can see what's left.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Isn't it totally awesome when those little surprise packages show up so unexpected and bursting with some little thing that makes your heart burst? I have received a few packages like that that are so very special. :)

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I LOVED getting the mail last summer,,,was always so exciting,,,now I usually wait a few days before I get it

That was my first! I tell you I showed it off to my friends who stopped in while I was winter sowing last night and I plan on showing what I got to my MIL and my Dad when they stop in later on this afternoon. I am so proud of what she sent me "extra".

Funny but, unsolicited and random acts of kindness literally just became a topic with a gal I met here from DG and we have been talking about them. I just love getting warm fuzzy feelings!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

How wonderful,,,,I just love little surprises like that. It's those random kindness acts that stick with you. They are so special!


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I had to think about it to remember how many years ago it was, that I received a most precious and awesome gift. I was a member at the other place and had been so for a few years. Hubby had been at his job for three years and moved up the ladder until he was decently compensated for his hard work and had earned his position with many hours of overtime. His bosses often joked that he kept a cot in the back and they had no idea how he had time to be home long enough for us to create children. The running joke was about when he would sneak out long enough that we could start on number four and they asked often. We did indeed create number four.

He told them at work that number four was under way and I was two week pregnant. They all congratulated us and sent out cards and made a big deal over it. The following day he went into work, was met at the door, the took his laptop and his badge and escorted him to the door and told him he no longer had a job. The company had filed for bankruptcy and cut all the salaried employees but the top ones who would be responsible for moving what was left of the company to TX. Hubby slinked into a three month depression and I did what I could financially and mentally for the rest of us. It was awful and we did manage to get through.

But, the good deed that left me bawling...the members of that other site (most of who are here now) worked behind the scenes to put together a wonderful box for me. There was no way I could have afforded any seeds or garden stuff at all as we were barely getting by with groceries. One day the mailman showed up with a box about 2 foot square and it was stuffed with the most wonderful gifts I could have ever imagined. I can't exactly remember now, but I think around 25 people got together, made out cards, filled them with seeds and all mailed them to one person. There were glass trinkets and nicknacks, perfume bottles from other coutries, a glass version of a wooden shoe, garden gloves, a book for my new baby....there was so much in there that my heart nearly burst. I of course planted all the seeds and have much today because of that box. I have also held onto every single trinket and doo dad that was in that box. Another friend sent me a hand made locket on a satin rope with a small plastic charm on it. Inside was a mustard seed and it came with a short verse about having as much hope as the mustard seed. I'll never forget that kind gift and I have tears and chills as I share it again. That box was a gift from above even though for most of those people it was just a small jesture to cheer me.

There are angels out there. I really do believe. :)

You just summed up in one fell swoop why I hang around here.

In my personal life I get the opportunity to take care of something pro bono from time to time but there is nothing better than sneaking out under the cloak of darkness and delivering groceries or toys for kids or necessities such as deoderants/laundry detergent/toilet paper that folk often times can't purchase when hard times fall. We leave the kids home with Grandpa or GrandmaI spending the night and my husband drives his truck so I can drop and dash. I love that gift tree that WalMart puts out every year and I pluck a few names off the tree. It never ceases to humble me when I see requests for items such as one pack ladies underwear full brief size 14, or toaster (any color), or telephone with large numbers, or who knows all that I've run across at Christmas time. I pluck down the ones that touch my heart and buy what I can afford. People need a little helping hand every now and then.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

It sounds much like you are earning your halo. :)

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Yeah, come on, Lauren- leave some good deeds for the rest of us...karma hog. ; )

Hey, don't any of you have WalMarts by you? All of the WalMarts around here do. I sort of assumed every WalMart had the giving tree where shoppers could take names with requests. Maybe if your WalMart doesn't do this you could suggest that they start. Get creative ladies!

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

With a cart load of chirstmas goodies for the kids, one or two more things doesn't make a big difference at the register, but it does mean a lot to the person who is in need.

The battered womens shelter here has women who often leave with littleraly nothing but the clothes on their backs. A goodie bag with something pampering and the little "travel" size shampoos, toothpaste, etc. I'll put in whatever looks good at the time - nail polish, lip gloss, scented lotions, you name it. The kids vary in age, so they're harder to buy for but legos and art supplies seem to be ageless. When the women are able to move into their own place we call around to the churches, womens groups, and stores for the furniture etc that they'll need. Last year one of the furniture stores here gave two sets of bunkbeds, dressers, etc to a lady with 4 little ones - just took two phone calls and a faxed letter. Amazing

Last year one of the furniture stores here gave two sets of bunkbeds, dressers, etc to a lady with 4 little ones - just took two phone calls and a faxed letter. Amazing
Not so amazing actually that a business contributed. What is amazing is that you took the time to call around. Lives become so hectic these days that people often don't take the time to share time. Time is infinitely more valuable than money and particularly in the situation you mentioned above.

The battered woman's shelters in my County are much the same as those in Stacy's county. Legos and art supplies are always a big hit but so are the little green army men ;) Neat idea on the travel size soaps, sewing kits, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, and such. I normally use my own products when we travel but now I will start pocketing those. Thanks Stacy, great idea.

I don't normally like to admit this but there is a great need around here in the warming shelters for people to spend the night to supervise. If anyone is in a position to spend the night at a homeless shelter who lives in any of the northeastern counties who is reading this thread, please contact me. Yes, a disproportionately high number of the people suffer from mental illness ranging from paranoia to schizophrenia to depression but you would never be alone with any of the people serviced. Most of the men who volunteer to supervise play cards all night long and there's generally a computer available so you could play on Dave's Garden the whole time if you're not into cards. There is a great need for twin sheet sets, blankets of all sizes, disposable razors and shaving cream, and deoderants. Speaking of which, people to launder bed linens and blankets are always needed.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

I've never seen a giving tree at any of the Walmarts around here- and I frequent 3 of them since they're all the same distance away from me. Course, 2 of them are in pretty redneck areas. Picture some elderly woman posting she needs a telephone with large numbers- she'd get a duck taped- half home made phone with the numbers painted on. hahaha I love it here!! Always a laugh around every corner!

Cheryl, have you been over visiting at my Dad's house? Did you use his phone when you were there? Inquiring minds need to know.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

no- I was inspired by my own phone!!! hahaha

Thumbnail by cjolene
Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

AHHH!!! WRONG PICTURE!!!! We were laughing at fridges in another thread!!! Don't know how to change that!!

Thumbnail by cjolene
Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

looks like the date/time is way off on the phone- never noticed that before...

Pardon the walls/floor in the kitchen- wish I could take that picture off. We bought this house that's over 100 years old and we've been making a million updates on it. The kitchen is next in line right after we rewire the electricity (it'd be nice to run the microwave and have the heater on at the same time without blowing a fuse). The lady who lived here before us seemed to love the dark and it totally messes with my mind...I really can't stand it! She also had linoleum on every floor- including the living room and bedroom! So much to do...still!!!

Oh noooooo, I'd recognize that refrigerator any where! You have been over at my Dad's house! You are not quite there in the phone department though. He duct taped his receiver and the buttons on his phone haven't worn all the way off yet but he keeps a sharpie marker close by so he can add numbers back when they wear off. Maybe I better go get my Dad a new phone. He wouldn't use it until the other one is no good though. I think he has reached that point but what do I know. He doesn't do well with change. A new phone might be very disturbing to him. Too much change is not good, he tells me that all the time.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Yeah- this must've been my 5th Sharpie job...I totally understand!

I have the same problem- it works. Getting a new phone would be no good because then what would I do with this one?? hahaha ; ) My ancestors crossed the plains and their motto has been taught even to my generation:

Use it up
Wear it out
Make it do
Or do without.

I'll never be allowed to forget that.

Thornton, IL

ROFLMAO - I am crying girl looking at your phone, yep, "looks used up" to me. Regarding the lady who used to live in your house, just imagine what's buried UNDER your linoleum!! Mwahahahaha!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

HEY! No laughing at my phone!! hahaha

Well, we tore up the linoleum in the living room this last October...found 3 pennies. Two were from the 1920s and the other one, the one that took maybe 30 minutes to get, was from 1980s (whoa!!).

Thornton, IL

Now that's FUNNY. Hahahahahaha.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Got 2 more in the mail today,,,I'm gonna look through them and then promptly toss them!

Got 2 more in the mail today,,,I'm gonna look through them and then promptly toss them!
Liar Liar pants on fire!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

LOL,,,I'm not either,,,,,,roflol,,,now, I'm not even gonna look at them,,,just toss them,,,,Don't want to be tempted,,,lol

Have to save my pennies for the plants at ChiBo. lol

Thornton, IL

cj has got some pennies.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i have an Adiatum pedatum in a pot, which i have divide at the beginning, and again when it made 2 crowns. One of the original pieces I put between logs that make up my raised hosta bed, the others are in pots and are very hardy. Mine live under the edge of a huge horse chestnut tree, they are in about 8" pots and one of them was really big and lush last year, the stems were a dark blue/black and quite tall. I love it! I also have an Adiatum venustum in the hosta bed edge, it struggled for a long time but has really started to spread well, growing into the bed itself. It keeps some green leaves over winter here, the A pedatum id deciduous. They have been through prolonged frost and to -9C, (16F), the bed does get more light in winter when the leaves are off the tree and the soil is wetter, in summer it is probably quite dry. I also have built up a bed around the tree with old fireplace bricks, those reconstituted limestone blocks, and filled it with the gritty leaf/soil mix we dug from the brick line beck.. It hadn't been done with previous owners for 20 years, it also went in the hosta bed with more of the compost from leaves.

I have helleborus in there, with ferns, polystichum aculeatum and others. Polypodium australi does well there near the base of the tree, it goes dormant in summer, grows back in August for the autumn/winter. Also have Tiarella Pink Mist, it spreads slowly and is low growing, has pinkish white flowers in spring. Cyclamen coum do well too, getting a dry summer rest. Some crocus like shade, I have some for spring colour, they flower when leaves are off anyway. I also have a clump af carex Ogon which I divided from my clump in a pot, it is a bit greener but does well.

A path goes under the tree, and next to it I have Anemone nemorosa Robinsonia, it gets full of flower in spring and is gorgeous, but I also have Lily of the Valley which has gone rampant and I am worried it will choke it out, but it looks nice, another fern there Polystichum setisferum 'Congestum' keeps green all winter, the old fronds can be removed when new ones grow in spring. Also Asplenium scolopendrium Angustatum next to a large branch cut off, laid on the ground. At the same side, near the edge of the tree I have Tricyrtis hirta, it does really well. Then Anemone blanda just beyond that on a bank, also flower really well in spring.
Adiantum pedatum

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Adiantum venustum in the hosta bed

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

polystichum aculeatum, which keeps its fronds over winter

Thumbnail by wallaby1

Oh, I have fern lust! Beautiful photographs! Lovely settings that you have created for your ferns.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

you can see a helleborus Queen of Night behind that, and Tiarella Pink Mist flowers,

Polypodium australi

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Thanks equilibrium, here's the Polystichum setisferum Congestum (maybe these will give you the ideas you are looking for). it is surrounded by Lily of the Valley

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Asplenium scolopendrium Angustatum

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I REALLY love ferns! This will my my first year to really give them a good shot. I ordered 50 Ostrich ferns and 25 Regal Ferns for both personal and business use. I am thinking I better go find some friends for them. LOL Those above are beautiful!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hellebore Queen of Night taken recently

Thumbnail by wallaby1

Oh now I have Tiarella lust. You people are just tormenting me!

I know I want a Polystichum setisferum Congestum!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Bless you! (that WAS a sneeze?) LOL

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