What new plants are you hoping to add for 2006?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I am always looking for new dayliles, but after looking at the catalogs, my wish list is growing. Is anyone growing the Doubledecker coneflower? I think it looks hilarious, it is a must have! I like to grow unusual things.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm adding ferns, hosta, ligularia, more bleeding hearts and my usual unusual assortment of annuals. I'll be experiencing my first real attempt at shade gardening. :) I'll need to stock up on some hosta too. LOL

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

i have already ordered daylilies and dwarf irises. i want to add 2 japanese maples, siberian, japanese, and spuria irises along the stream and around the pond. i want to add mini/dwarf/small hostas, heucheras, and ferns for the shade garden.

Athens, OH

Heucheras, salvias (one day I WILL find a greggi that will survive here), the new bicolor baptisia.
Any weird and wonderful and deer resistant.

Favorites from last year:
Dranuculus vulgaris
Baptisia alba var. alba WayneCo (grows like a tree, ~4 feet high)

Thumbnail by rox_male
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Cut n pasted from elsewhere:

For the general landscaping:

gardenia, Kleim's hardy
winter jasmine
ensete glaucum, snow banana
musa cheesmani, Cheesman's cold hardy banana
poncirus trifoliata, hardy Japanese orange
roses, Mr. Lincoln and Zepherine Drouhin
clematis paniculata, sweet autumn clematis
rhapidophylum hystrix, needle palm
yucca rostratum, beaked yucca
reseda odorata, mignonette
a curcuma or a hedychium (to be dug in the fall)
a gloriosa lily (ditto)

For a hummingbird garden:

salvia elegans, pineapple sage
ipomoea quamoclit, cypress vine
lobelia cardinalis, cardinal flower
lonicera x brownii, honeysuckle var. Dropmore Scarlet
monarda didyma, beebalm var. Cambridge Scarlet

There are others. There's an Everglades tomato vine that supposedly reseeds itself up here in the north, that I would love to try, and if I find a trachycarpus takil I might have to stick one of those in the ground somewhere.

Ya know, I may have to come back and edit this some more. :)


Athens, OH

If you are interested in trades this March:

I have clematis paniculata, sweet autumn clematis. I am going to see how to propagate it so I can share it if you want.
I also have seeds from clematis virginica- I can send these if you want to try them.

I also have monarda didyma, cambridge scarlet. Do you have Marshall's Delight? That plant just took over last year and I will definitely be giving some away.

Don't have lonicera x brownii but I do have lonicera x hechrotti. Anyone know how to propagate it?

Have you tried Roscoea; it is a ginger which is supposedly hardy to zone 6. It would like to try it this year.

Thumbnail by rox_male
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)


I will look around and see what I have. I have phyllostachys aureosulcatis, but it's only a year old. Too young to propagate.

I have four o'clocks (deep magenta, and white.)

I have some nice, richly-perfumed hostas that get three to four foot tall flower spikes: http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/2982/index.html

Lemme cast about for some more things, but those hostas are fantastic, and they *need* thinned. :)


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I can probably spare Lobelia cardinalis but first I have to find it. LOL I know I brought it when I moved but I am not sure where I put it. I was so busy keeping track of the named plants that I didn't stress so much about the others. :( I also have Mondarda Jacob Cline if you can do with a different red.

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Badseed, re: hostas if you don't mind watering and watering, last year I bought 30 hostas @ $1 each at the local Wally World during end of season clearance (late June?). It seems like Wal Mart always over-orders hostas. :)

And of course, I have my heirloom hostas I described above.

Rox, I remember when I was a little kid propagating honeysuckle by rooting it in a glass of water. That may be the case with your lonicera. :)


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Someone mentioned clematis, I have one huge Henryi that I love. It is the large white one. Each year I plan on layering a few branches and never get around to it. I also have Ramona and Gardners Delight.

Badseed do you have the old fashion Bleeding Hearts? I cannot wait until Spring to see what reappears. I added several new ferns last year, foxglove, and those mini hosta.

It is really raining hard here tonight.

Athens, OH

As soon as the Lonicera wakes up a little, I'll take a few cuttings and try to propagate it. It is a lovely plant, but the deer like it a lot!

Anyone want to try the clematis virginica seeds?

I'll ask the propagation forum about propagating the clematis paniculata.

The hostas sound lovely (I'll have to find room in my fenced in area).

Charlotte, NC(Zone 8a)

I've ordered a new Centaurea (bicolor), chocolate Cosmos, Summer Sorbet Verbascum, a perennial Coreopsis named Heaven's Gate, a tiny Campanula named Pouffe to use in flowerboxes or pots, Little Joe Eupatorium, a new salvia for me called Marcus, etc.

I will make my first trips to Bern's in Middletown, OH, also spend a long time with my visit at Meadowview Growers, in New Carlisle, OH to do a little more buying. And who know where I'll go next??? LOL

Karin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Karin, I will be curious to read your opinion of the chocolate cosmos. Aren't those the ones that are supposed to be scented? I love cosmos, and I'm always on the lookout for a new fragrance flower. :)


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

The only major purchase I'd like to make is a Japanese Maple. As for Daylilies and Hosta... I want to get what I have organized and permanently labeled before I add any new ones to the mix. I've got 3 beds of daylilies that are going to have to be dug up and replanted into probably 6 beds... I'm really bad about planting too close together, it might look great the first season, but after that, they're just too crowded. This year will be the third year for all 3 of those beds, and they're just not going to do well if I don't give them some space.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 8a)

The description in Jung's catalog says, "the velvety deep burgundy flowers emit a delicate vanilla-chocolate scent". Now how would that smell if there were a combination of scents? Very interesting.

I forgot to mention, of course, that I will also be starting seeds that I have purchased.

Karin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

By doubledecker coneflower do you mean Echinacea indica "Doppelganger" ?
If so I'm growing it.
It doesn't double till the second year.
I got a few 1 1/2 flowers though.


Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Melissa, depending on the size of maple you want to start with, I have found good deals on some of the more scarce cultivars while browsing eBay. :)


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Joe, care to give me some of the sellers you've had good luck with?

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

I'll be adding more daylilies and also branching out into Irises...bearded, Siberian and Japanese thanks to Belinda's encouragement :-) I'm also starting some seed for 2 kinds of yellow columbines, I saw these in a magazine last week and broke down and ordered seeds Sunday. I will be concentrating on getting a BIG bed worked up for the 375 or so daylily seeds I'm starting, then want to add on to an existing bed....big plans, lots of work, hope it all pans out. I'll probably do a shade bed too, a small bed that I made last year is much more shady than I thought so the daylilies and iris will probably have to be moved. Shady gardening is something I know nothing about so we'll see how it works out.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I never plan what plants to buy.
I'm WAY too fickle for that. lol

We are in a Tropical phase so pretty much open to anything.
As for which plants when I/ we/she see it we just know.

I know there will be Hosta, Toadlilies, Ferns, Aquatics, EE's...............


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Joe, I had never heard of Kleim's hardy gardenia until I saw it in your list. I was thrilled at the thought of a hardy gardenia because gardenias are my mother's favorite flower but when I googled it I read that it is only hardy to zone 7. Do you have a micro-climate or are you planning to bring it in for the winter? I have tried growing indoor gardenias for my mother but they all end up dying. Maybe a hardy gardenia would survive in my cool garage in a semi-dormant state.

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)


One of the sites that sells Kleim's Hardy claims hardiness to zone 5 (hmmm, would they guarantee it?), but between making it a foundation planting -- microclimate -- and mulching it with leaves in the autumn I think I can get it to overwinter in our area without much fuss. Gardenia is one of my favorite fragrances too. I'll give this a try this year, and I'll let folks know how it works out. I am also going to try a jasmine overwintered -- winter jasmine.

I have a sabal palmetto I am growing indoors, which I will be hardening to overwinter outside, and I want to stick a trachycarpus takil, Kumaoan palm, in the ground in a less sheltered area (it is supposedly more cold-hardy than the t. fortuneii I have stuck in a very sheltered spot.) I also want to try a few needle palms, rhaphidophyllum hystrix, completely unprotected.

I like to try pushing the envelope, even though it's killing me this winter worrying about whether or not everything will make it through. :P


Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)


I should have worded "... what seem to be good deals ..." :( A Japanese maple is on my list, but I've yet to purchase one. I think you might be able to find decent references by cross-checking what people have posted in here and comparing it to seller feedbacks.

An example of a user that catches my eye when I search "Japanese maples" is laceleafmaples, 593 buyers have given him/her over 1200 feedbacks, with a 99.7% success rate. With so many return purchasers, and such a small negative feedback I'd buy from him/her in a heartbeat.


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa, did the little Japanese maple, that I sent you live?

I like brugs, cannas, bananas, my blk e.ears, ect but I get tired of lifting and lugging in. I gave some of my stuff away this fall.

Daylilies, hosta and iris are my favorites because they keep on growing!

Doubledecker was in the White Farms catalog. I will try and find a pic.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

E. purpurea "Doppelganger" AKA Doubledecker (don't know where I got indica)


I got it from I think White Farms.
Lazy S's has it too.



Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Joe, I thought I pushed the envelope but by your standards I am definitely a coward. LOL I am looking forward to your reports.

Are you in zone 5a or 5b?

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)


Out in the countryside the local zone is 5b, but since I am in town I'm an optimist -- 6a. This year I started planting according to microclimates, and I have several areas that are relatively warm and very sheltered.

The other thing is that if I don't have a lot of $$$ in the plantings, $10.00 for the crape myrtles, $10.00 for the basjoo banana, $5.00 for the silk tree, $25.00 for the palm tree, I haven't lost a lot if they die. I'll keep trying until I find something that *does* work. :)

I throw it against the wall. If it sticks, it stays. If it doesn't, I find something else. :)


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Jeeze--- a very ambitious group of gardeners here!

Right now I'm working on 'fine tuning' my butterfly garden and my hummingbird garden and have ordered some interesting seeds for those--- I'm looking at Bluestone's catalog (20% off preseason sale) for plants that will extend the season for both visitors to my garden...

Also would like to get certified as a "Natural Habitat" by the NWF and also as a "Monarch Way-station" this year (and get the 'plaques' to hang up!).

Of course, I am always getting distracted with my plans and purchases for a woodland garden, my spring bulb obsession, trying to get better at starting from seed, and on and on...

Always new things going on for the 'gardener' in me. At the expense of the rest of my life!

But it's fun!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)


Bluestone Perennials is offering the Doubledecker Monarda at half off for a spring special


Athens, OH

Do you know when bluestone starts their 20% sale?

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Rox, I got a card in the mail a couple of days ago, and of course now I can't find it. But, you just entered that code.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, t for the tip. I also received that post card if I can locate it. I have never ordered from them. They do have a good rating in Watchdog. I also like the yellow coneflowers.

Hybridizers are making so many advances in the horticulture world!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Teresa, if you find it, holler at me! I just "KNOW" mine got thrown away, but I'd love to add a couple more coneflowers, they do so well here. :-)

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I found it! Here is the code for the 20 percent discount. s6pemb245

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks Teresa, but the way it looks, they aren't giving it on sale items... bummer.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Is Bluestone located in Ohio? Do they send large plants/bulbs ect.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Yes, it's in Ohio, and they send very nice plants. I've only ever gotten plants from them, no bulbs, I'm not even sure if they have bulbs.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

bluegrass, Bluestone sends small plants, but don't let that deter you. I've never had such amazing growth from 1st year perennials. By mid summer the little cell pack plants from Bluestone were bigger than gallon plants I'd bought, and many bloomed the 1st year. I love them!

Rox, The only way I've had success rooting my trumpet honeysuckle is layering, but that has been very easy.

I really want one of the newer coral colored magnolias this year, but I'm not willing to pay the Wayside price for one. Have any of you seen them offered anywhere else?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Speaking of coral color, I visted the Western KY Botancial Garden in Owensboro. They had a beautiful Coral Peony. It will soon be time for them again. I only have the old fashion pink and white ones. Their scent is heavenly.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I just got a postcard from Bluestone saying the 20% off sale ends midnight Feb 1.

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