Arum italicum

Athens, OH

Has anybody ever split their arum italicum in Winter or early Spring?
Searches suggest splitting it in Fall, but I have a DGer who would like some now or soon.
Will they do alright?

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

In my yard you just can't seem to hurt it. I'm in Zone 8b though. I've had to thin mine out and where I've replanted it it is doing fine. Here's what it looked like yesterday. The gnome is a Traveling Gnome from the Garden Art Forum. LOL He's on the road again. The "Lords and Ladies" are on the left.

Thumbnail by KatyMac
Athens, OH

Thanks. I think I'll go out and pot some up for another DGer.

Cute gnome!

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Oh, that's pretty. I read that it was good to plant with hostas because it was present when the hosta was dormant. Either of you interested in a trade?

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

You're right LindaSC. When I moved here I was told there were hostas planted and until they came up that's what I thought the arum was. LOL I'm from Lake Tahoe and all this green stuff still amazes me! I'd be happy to trade but I've never done it and don't know how to ensure it would reach you in good condition. Is there a how-to on DG?

Athens, OH

For shipping plants with bulbs/tubers, like elephant ears, I usually dig out the plant with some soil on it, wrap it in some moist sphagnum moss, wrap it in newspaper to hold it together and put the root ball in a sandwich baggy.
Place the plant on its side in a box. Use packing peanuts to fill the box, so the contents don't shift. I usually ship 2-day (~$4).

I think this should work, but it might not be bad idea to see if anyone has actually done it before.

Regretfully I only have enough to do one trade (promised to another DGer), but next year I might have more.

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Sounds like ROX method would work great. The only trades I've sent out are brugmansia cuttings and I did it similar to that and sent USPS Priority Mail. Are you interested in brugs? I have some cuttings that I could offer as a trade. Otherwise, what would you be interested in as a trade. Have you ever grown the italicum from seeds?

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi LindaSC, I've never owned a brugmansia. Do you grow them outside in the ground? If so, I would be interested. They are beautiful!

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

I do grow them outside in the ground in the summer, but I dig the ones I like and pot them up and keep them in the greenhouse over winter. They can be allowed to go dormant in a dark basement or heated garage, and some will come back from the roots if left out for the winter, but it's never a sure thing.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Uh oh, I'm disabled and digging up/ moving isn't part of the low maintenance plan I'm endeavoring for my yard as my condition is progressive and I must plan ahead for the day I can't do as much as I can now. Thank you so much though. I lusted in my heart after seeing pictures. LOL Must stick to hardy in my zone.

Athens, OH

I know people who grow the brug in pots on wheels and just wheel them into the garage in the winter.

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Yes, I was going to suggest growing in a pot, but that would require moving. Some of the larger ones can be quite a struggle.

What about hostas? Mine are all dormant right now, but they'll be coming back before long. I also have some elephant ears that over-winter in the ground just fine.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Ooooh, oh, Elephant Ears! Yes and I have a perfect spot for them where they can just live forever if they want to. LOL Let's do it Linda! I'll take your lead in when and how.

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Good deal, what is your weather like? I would hate for them to sit on a loading dock somewhere and freeze. When I ship, I usually send out on Monday. I'll get them together and plan on mailing next monday, the 30th I think it is. Dmail me your address. They are dormant now, just keep them in a dark dry location where they won't freeze (like a closet) until spring when you can plant them.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

ROX - I have divided the arum in January/Feb. and they do great here. I also have done it in the fall. They don't seem to care. Mine are looking great now !!!!

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