Sinnigias !!!!

Springfield, MO

Someone ask about mine mix here is what I use.

a part is 5" az pot this make about 5 gallon of mix

15 part pro mix "BX"
7-8 part of perlite
3 part Vertimilture

2- 2 1/4" square pots of gyspum
1- 2 1/4" square pots of charcoal


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks so much for sharing your pictures & growing information.
I love the sinningias & want to add to my collection. Your info will help me to do a better job of growing them & now I can have them everywhere!:)
Move over AV'


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

David, thanks for the info and thanks for the photos! Right now I have mine surrounded w/ plastic to ensure higher humidity and so far they are doing well.

Madison, WI(Zone 4b)

I am very happy to have just found this group! I recently purchased several sinningias from Dave at the AVSA National Convention and I am hooked!! I have also placed another order with him.
Am I correct in understanding that the best way to get a plant to bloom true is to top it? I would like to do a program on sinns for our AV club next spring and would like to be able to give each member a plant.
I am also wanting to try my hand at hybridizing (I have several registered AV's), but it is extremely difficult to see into those little flowers. Dave - are you willing to give out any hints?
I am attaching a picture of Ozark's Rosey Freckles - quite a beauty. The next message will have Scoundrel x self in it. I just found out that you can't attach two pictures to one message.
Nancy B.

Thumbnail by sarahclarinda
Madison, WI(Zone 4b)

Here is the picture of Scoundrel x self.

Nancy B

Thumbnail by sarahclarinda
Springfield, MO

To get sinningia to bloom true you need to leaf or crown cutting (unless its species or and strain). This is the same way you do african violets to get true you need a crown or leaf Sinningia is no different.

NIce picture of O. Rosey Freckles.

To Sinn Scoundrel x self this plant bloom two different way have it bloom the other way yet for you.


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

MsC's drooling on the keyboard over those pics...beautiful plants!


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh those are just beautiful! I ran over the phone cable w/ the lawn mower and can't put in my order until my phone line is reconnected! boo hoo for me! Just as soon as the phone is up and working I will be ordering several Sinningia.

Madison, WI(Zone 4b)

I have topped a couple of my sinns and there are multiple plants coming up out of the original rhizome. Do I leave them like that or remove some of the young ones and put them in their own pots? I am going to have a shelf full before I know it. If any of them are blooming when we have our state show in October, they are going to be up for sale.

Madison, WI(Zone 4b)

Scoundrel x self has only bloomed this way so far. I am going to top it again so then I will have three plants. I would like to see the reverse coloration.

Springfield, MO


Now that take the cake running over you phone line with the mower, you knew how slow the phone company is its might be next year until you phone is working again.


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

David it's already been 2 weeks today! Maybe next sometime next year! LOL.

Geez, you're like the store in the movie 'Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?' A geographical oddity, 2 weeks from everywhere! LOL

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh I know and the part that I really like is they say you can order repair services from their web so I have done that, twice and still waiting.

Ya gotta love the phone company! NOT!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

You know everybody complains about Southwestern Bell or other baby bells, well let me tell you, I am forced to use Verizon and in this year and 1/2 I have nothing, not one little thing even remotely positive to say about them!

That's the problem with a monopoly. If you have only one choice for a utility, what else are you going to do?? Take their abuse and like it, because you have no other choice. I switched to MCI's Neighborhood earlier this year for our local service. So far so good.
I hope they get your phone service fixed soon.

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

The most scrumptuous photos of Sinn leucotricha I've seen !!

and a whole slew of photos from the same person:

hope you get that phone line fixed soon!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Me too! :- (

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Excellent pics ...that light pink is to die for.
Loved the music to...


Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Wonderful ! Thanks for sharing.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I just got my latest edition of AV mag and:
There is an article on Sinningia; pg 40.
There is a picture of David, probably not his best, but still there, pg 34.

Also did you guys see that beautiful cover photo of Alliance? Now adding Alliance, Heartland's Lime Sherbet & Rebel's Gingham Elf! Cute, cute, cute!

Springfield, MO

Mine picture was taking several different time at the convention, I hope I get in next few days and see what its was. I put in time before this convnetion in packing and getting me ready then you get their you have to set up and visit with everyone when mid-week come you start to loss some sleep. one was taking like one of eye was close but I figure its snap when you binded your eyes.


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

David if you get your pics in will you pick a few & post them for us??

I hate having my pic taken...I always seem to get caught with my eyes shut or doing something silly. Never when you are looking your best for

I'm sure your pics will be fine!


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Actually we don't get to see much of David in the shot, he's standing, talking to someone who's seated so we see him looking downward. And I know that somewhere I saw the photo of your winning sinningia, thought it was in the AV magazine, but must have been on the AV site?

Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

I didn;t know either!

There's no excuse not to be growing at least one Sinningia. In fact everyone here should have a Sinningia (absolutely) and an Episcia Strawberry Patch (if you want one). If you don't have either, why haven't you dmailed me yet?

Can I trade ya a homemade doily:)

Springfield, MO


I though I post the winning sinningia on the group that won commerical best other gesneriads.

You see me standing or seating anything its keep me busy their. But I do some seating see when I was 17 I have a bad accident mine left knee was dislocated all the limilited and muscle and so on around the knee was pull and stretch in two....They set the knee in place 8 hours after its happen that day that was how bad it was and operation on it one week laterly. from it I have mine second knee replacement about 3 years ago and at 18 mine ankle bone was set so their is not movement in mine ankle at all this is on the left leg. This happen 32 years ago to me all from horseplay but I was the one that was not on the horseplay the boys pull me into it and I got push off a 4 feet high back porch.


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

you did post a photo your beautiful Sinningia, MALxIs P05-06- but I would have bet good money that I saw it on one the .org web sites- just can't recall which one! Any idea when that gem will be available?

Sounds like you have had an awful time w/ that left knee and ankle. I know how difficult that can be and I know that as good a job as the surgeons and therapists can do, it is never as good as new! I worked w/ so many people that were injured in accidents or on the job. I always told them that the hardest job they would ever have is rehab after surgery!

I am still waiting for my phone line to be repaired!

Springfield, MO


Since you work in this field I have no limilited (I hope I got this close) around the Knee, so I have to wear a knee brace also on that leg.

I said next year on getting the phone line fix they are that slow.


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I really like the Sinningia Country Crocus.

Ottawa, IL(Zone 9a)

love that white lighting.hey dave, got that one? i am hopeing to do a trade with a lady from twian, she has some beauties.i'll keep you posted.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Mrs.Bonnie- if you don't mind my asking, how do you get them in the country?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I didn't follow your suggestion regarding my Sinningia Leucotricha exactly. One thing you said really struck me about sinningia needing more water- so I increased the watering of my Leucotricha- guess I'd been afraid of rotting the tuber, anyway here is the result!

Thumbnail by aprilwillis
Madison, WI(Zone 4b)

Here's a picture of my latest sinningia from Dave. It is called
Los Angeles. At the rate that I am going, the sinns are going to
outnumber my violets!

Thumbnail by sarahclarinda
The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

That's lovely!


Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Really pretty Sarah ! You must be really great growing them ! Thanks for sharing.

Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Wonderful pictures!

Springfield, MO

Nice picture of it Sinn L a I hope sinningia comes to be your number one plant that means i get to sell you more ))))) What mine problem is I like to get several more of the older but I keep getting the selfing that is blooming off the color is off so I threw them away.

You bury the tuber to deep on Leutric leave the top 1/3 out of the soil mix. I feel when Sinningia is in terrumium they don't enough water but when you grow on the shelf I use a #21 cord for the sinningia i feel this right to work the best..


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Sarah your Los Angeles is beautiful! It's on my list- if I ever get telephone service again.

David I really thought I had enough of it above ground! Wow, will repot, thanks! So much to learn.


Madison, WI(Zone 4b)

Dave -
I have a long ways to go on number of sinningias. I have 14 varieties of sinns and 175 of AV's!

For everyone's info - Sarah Clarinda was my great grandmother. I am Nancy.

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