Time to plan your hummingbird garden!

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)

My hummers liked the butterfly bushes and the purple bee balm in the front yard. As far as I know, they never used the HB feeder right near that corner garden. Maybe they sneaked a few drops when I wasn't looking... hmmm...


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Haven't done much posting this weekend. Busy with my seed starting set up and sorting out what to grow. And how to grow it.

Soaked many of my seeds in Hydrogen peroxide last night and my hollyhocks have sprouted.

I hope I will have lots of HB plants to share around this spring.

Have Cardinal Flower and 3 kinds of Nicotanias, too. Among lots of others.

For those who want more info on the Hydrogen Peroxide for seed starting, here's AKnapp's link

http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/423028/ with lots of good info

And for a good source of general propagation information here's Briar Rose's list of links which I found helpful


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I'm sure you have this but FYI,

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

That's a nice HB site for WI information. Thanks, al.

I planted Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia) seeds today which are supposed to be an excellant attractant. A little early, but I'm getting excited for spring to come.

I am researching Butterfly gardening, too. We have always had a great representation of BFs in our yard, but this year I really want them fluttering about. Found this site for Ohio butterflies http://www.ohiolepidopterists.org/bflymonitoring/species/photos.htm

with lots of good info for our area.

There is interest in having the "Leisurely Pursuits" Butterfly Forum moved over to the Garden Talk section. I wonder if that's a good idea?! I don't know if there is enough interest in BF gardening but maybe there is...Have a look... http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/573890/

Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

Tithonia is great for attracting both butterflies and hummingbirds. It grows best for me when there is not too much rain.

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Too much rain is definitely not an issue around here :-) Will check into the tithonia. Thanks.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

If you like butterflies, just make sure you like caterpillars too! At my favorite nursery, my favorite, most knowledgeable person told me this horror story.

She was hired to design a 100 foot long butterfly border for a very rich lady. She designed a beautiful border with all sorts of flowers and food sources for butterflies. The plants grew, and by summer the garden looked great. But the lady got upset because caterpillars were eating all her plants! She called my friend at the nursery and asked her what she should do, and my friend told her that these were the actual butterfly larvae and it was O.K. Well, the woman didn't like it and she poisoned all the caterpillars and sprayed everything down. My friend said she was just heartbroken, and now she hesitates to help anyone out with planting a butterfly garden unless she is sure that they will understand the consequences of the planting.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL that's a good story. Yes, you can't get too attached to your butterfly flowers or you will surely be disappointed !

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

The end does not justify the means I guess.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Isn't it sad? I felt so bad when she told me! I always think of it when critters are chewing up my garden and I am tempted to get upset. Then I realize I just am not the kind of person who must have a "perfect" garden at all costs.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I try not to spray anything if at all possible. I only remove slugs, japanese beetles and grubs. I'll use something organic for aphid or ants. I hate spiders but I've let one or two a year hang in the front garden and patio pots. One spread out a 2 ft gorgeous perfect web from my bird bath to the lilies and live there all summer. I didn't disrupt him although some weather did a few times and he'd just rebuild and catch some dinner. I didn't want to "off" him in the fall so I caught him in a jar (ewww!) and released him in the woods. I'm not stupid so I know he bit it in the fall/winter but I played nice:)
The only time I tried parsley in my herb pots I found within 2-3 days 3 large bright green caterpillars had them mowed down to stubby stalks! I didn't even know there were any caterpillars around or where they came from. I didn't replant because I figured they knew where the restaurant was and would be back again. If I didn't have such a small apartment garden I would definitely plant enough for all of us but my space is at a premium and I have to use it wisely:)

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

dmac085- I agree about not spraying.

Last year I planted bronze fennel in a huge pot for my deck. It was this dinky little sale plant, and within 2 days this little fellow was there. He chewed the plant down to a nub in about 3 days, and then disappeared. I don't know if he got eaten or just decided to leave. My plant slowly grew back before winter hit. I hope there will be enough for everyone next year.

Thumbnail by Ivy1

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