I'm on a mission!

(Zone 7a)

I figured I'd put this thread here. Because I'm gonna Propagate the heck out of some stuff this year!! I use to not want to grow any annuals or have a desire to trade for annual seeds. But somehow that has changed.

Since I'm darn near dying and going through planting withdrawl because of winter. I have made up in my mind that I am going to grow the biggest, most beautiful annual garden I've ever seen. I will be one Gung-Ho, Annual growing Nut! I'm on a mission!!!

So I'll be posting the pictures here. If I don't get my hands on some flowers I'm going to loose my mind! Where is the helpline and support group for this addiction??????

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

I think you just started the helpline! LOL I'm hoping to get some seeds started pretty soon, but am not having near the withdrawal since it is so warm here. I have cannas, daffodils and irises already coming up.

(Zone 7a)

Awwww rub it in! LOL LOL LOL

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL What are you planning to start?

(Zone 7a)

EVERYTHING!!! ha ha ha

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Kim you sound like me!! Every seed I bought or traded for has been an annual. So many more options for changing things every season I think, and there is so much more flower power!! Go over to the annual forum too!!

somewhere, PA

Kim - I think you don't live far from me.

Anyway - seed starting is definitely the way to get through winter.
Its so exciting to see something new poking out of the dirt. I go crazy
with it every year - always grow way too much! I've also got some
cuttings going - a few roses for my mom and some phlox for a plant
sale this spring. Whatcha got going there in Gilbertsville?

We'll be waiting for those pictures now!

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Kim, thanks for the laugh. I was thinking of you just this week. I have a few seed started myself. :)


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok you guys need to take some deep breaths and review the all of the 12 steps.
LOL I know how desperate one becomes in the winter and my winter is so short compared to many of you. I may have some annual seeds I can send your way- just have to make sure that mine germinate.

Old Lyme, CT(Zone 6a)

I feel your pain. It is an addiction! We had a few 50 degree days last week and I was out in my gardens doing clean up.
I received 44 varieties of seeds a few weeks ago of which 21 are perennials. I would have already started some but we're going away for a couple of weeks and I have no one to look after them. But when I get home, my husband is going to understand why I sooooo desperately need a greenhouse.
I'll be thinking of all of you getting your hands dirty and looking forward to it myself.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm so glad I found the Helpline!!! I've started already via wintersowing. In the spring I plan on propagating via cuttings everything else!!!!


(Zone 7a)

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Oooooh Kim,
Do I ever have some seeds for you then. I have grown what is 'supposedly' an Annual for the last two years. Except that I cheated and dug up the plants to over-winter them *-*
But, they made it through last winter, and right now they are 'shooting out new leaves'. Not much flowers to them but has INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL DARK BURGUNDY FOLIAGE.

Alternanthera dentata 'Purple Knight'

They also root easily from cuttings. I've never grown from seed, but intend to try to this year to see how to germinate them. Also plan to order seeds from Parks to see how they are packaged.
BTW: They are very proud of them at Parks $3.95 for 10-Seeds.

[can I get away with that?]....lol

Want me to send you some?

Also, been meaning to write you to see if you want me to send your Catalpa Tree now ????
Or in the Spring ????

It is about 5' tall now, so maybe we better talk!

I'll D-Mail you.

LMK if you want seeds of
Alternanthera dentata 'Purple Knight'


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

So, it's NOT just me!!

Bandon, OR(Zone 9a)

No it's not just you. Think we all are having an attack of spring fever. Where I work just got in our summer supply of pots and two big racks of seeds and it took everything I could do not to buy a packet of each of everything. But then its early days yet. I'm sure I will NEED more seeds soon.

(Zone 7a)

Emma, How are you?? I definitely want the Alternanthera dentata 'Purple Knight' . It is on my want list from Parks. And as far as the Tree..Spring is good. We'll talk about it's size when the time comes...LOL Glad to see you!

(Zone 7a)

And what's so funny the is listed as "May be and invasive weed" in the PF. Dog gone it! INVADE ME! It's so pretty it can grow wherever it's little heart desires...LOL. If I counted on "Not" growing the plants listed as invasive..I wouldn't have any plants!

somewhere, PA

Kim - you are welcome to come to my place to get a local tree! I've been weeding out catalpa trees
since I moved to this place. They are beautiful, especially when in bloom.


(Zone 7a)

WOW! I might have to take you up on that offer. And bring you some plants while I'm at it!

Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi Everyone,

Hope I can join in...I have just assembled a really cool grow light stand that I found info for on one of the forums here. I am calling it my Germination Station. I have been busy getting seeds and trying to figure out what exactly I have. I have the same Spring bug that everyone has!!

I have never really started anything from seed so I need some help. I am hoping you all will come to my rescue. :-)

Now that I have my "Station", seeds, and a few jiffy pot trays what next? I know it says on the back of the packets to start 6 or 8 weeks before last frost but what is the best way to germinate? Do I just sprinkle a few seeds into each pellet, water, cover, and set under the lights?

I am such a novice, and a little bit of a goofball !!! :-)


(Zone 7a)

Welcome! You just stick around here...we'll having you growing all kinds of stuff..ha ha ha

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Do you have a link for the grow light "station"?

somewhere, PA

Tia - some seeds like to be exposed to light (so good to sprinkle on top) and some need
darkness (so need to bury or put in dark place for a while too). What do you want to germinate
from seed? Most annuals are pretty easy - and follow seed instructions works well. Stuff
like pansies or snapdragons need to be started earlier than 6-8wks before last frost.


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Tia: Here is a great site for germination requirements: http://tomclothier.hort.net/

Kim, I've got one row of lights going already in the basement. I've planted pelargonium, lobelia, allium, and alpine strawberries. The pelargonium are sprouted, and I see one lone lobelia seedling coming up in the Crystal Palace container. It's always first for me.

I'm sterilizer starter mix in the oven in turkey roast bags, and I'm washing all my containers in soapy bleach water. My next planting will be coral bells, and I may start some hardy geranium seeds soon, though it is a bit early. The artichokes need to be started soon, as well.

Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Everyone,

This is the original thread that I was posting on regarding the grow light....

This is the link to the plans for the stand that I built. I saw a lot of people building the same one so I figured I would give it a go. It was very easy to put together and sturdy too.

so far, these are the seeds I have collected..
Several kinds of Sunflowers
Gaillardia Goblin
Red Hot Poker
Morning Glory
Touch Me Not's
Blackberry Lily
Red Bee Balm
Cassia Alata
Mexican Sunflower
Butterfly Weed
Purple Majesty Millet
Banana Canna

and herbs and veggies...
cukes, tomatoes, peppers, basil, rosemary, dill, sage, chives, parsley, cilantro

not too much, right??? hubby thinks i've gone seed crazy!! hahaha

thanks for the link weezin, i need all the help i can get! :-)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Those PVC light stands are great! I've got six of them in my basement. Each one has four shelves and each shelf has two 4 ft. fluorescent lights that will sustain four flats per shelf. I start most all my seeds for my little nursery business down there. The lights are on chains so that I can raise and lower them, as needed. One light rack, 4 tiers high, would provide adequate light for 16 flats of seeds or seedlings.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

What a great site - Tom Clothier! Thanks! So much info and I am always looking for resources, I know that I will use this site often.

Tia, don't argue w/ your husband, when he's right, he's right and I think at this time of the year we are all a little nuts from not being able to follow our bliss!

I am going to have to make a few of those light stands- I remember somebody was making one before and I meant to make a note of that, but like so many things it got put on the back burner. Now with this reminder I believe I will have to act. HD here I come!

Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

oh boy April,
the hubster just happened to be here beside me on HIS computer (yes we each have our own to keep order in the universe) and he said he is going to print out your statement and frame it so all can see. It gave us both a good laugh.

Thanks. :-)

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)


In my house I have a PC, my kids (2) each have one and my DH has 3!
What can I say I married a computer nerd! He works for a software/DB company and most of the PCs are bits and pieces from one place or another. I have all the latest software, etc. HEY there have to be some perks for being married to a geek for 23 years!

Remind your husband that just because he's right about you being "...seed crazy...." doesn't mean this is a trend, it's just one bizzare circumstance and nothing to get too excited. Although come to think of it, it may be something to get excited about because this may be the only time he is right!

And because of my professional background I feel compelled to do a bit of teaching, I hope that you won't take offense. we in the field use proper terms and hope to educate lay people so I hope that from now on the two of you will stop using the word crazy and use the correct medical term, "nutsie".
LOL glad I gave you both a chuckle.

(Zone 7a)

Guess what I've got going??? NOTHING! Arrrghhhhhh
Weez, green with envy...LOL LOL

somewhere, PA

I've got some primula germinating now! Wooo hoooo!
And I just got my seeds from Thompson & Morgan as well as Parks.
So... I'm off to pot up my seeds today. (Singing gleefully).

Tia - did you look up those seeds for germination instructions? I'm not familiar with
all of them but many are certainly annuals you start 6-8 wks from last frost. (And sunflowers
are fine to sow in-sitsu, outside.)


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Ah, you lucky guys who can plant in in-situ. My season is so short here that the only direct sowing I do is for root crops like carrots. The rest must be started in my basement and transplanted. If instructions say '6 weeks', I start them at 8 or 10 weeks and it comes out OK. My actual planting season starts about 18-20 weeks before last frost, so I garden in my basement for several months. It gets pretty green down there.

somewhere, PA

Ah but your glorious long days during summer, right? You guys have champion sized cabbage
and nasturiums there.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, our summer days are long, and cool. We seldom reach 80F, and 70 is more likely. Most veggies seldom bolt. Yes, cabbage, and all the brassicas do well here, although Brussels sprouts are iffy in a short summer. We grow wonderful nasturtium here. They are one of my favorites! Did you know that extended light periods can actually inhibit the growth of some plants?

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Hi Tia...we are neighbors (well at least in the perspective of the cyber world). I live about 9 miles from Easley.

I have a new tiny greenhouse this year but with all the rain and cloudy days we've been having. Lighting is definately something that I need to work on :)


somewhere, PA

Interesting! I know that daylength affects some plants a lot - onions e.g. And christmas cactus
don't bloom if they get light too long.

I always wondered what you do with your house plants in the winter? Do you put grow lights on them?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

My small house plants go down to the basement under lights about the time I put up Christmas decorations, but the big plants are on the beams, so they just reach for the light! Our Christmas cactus start blooming in November when the days start getting short and put out blooms from time to time over the winter.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Look Weezin, you have to stop bragging about your wonderful summer weather or I am going to start planning my entire summer w/ you! In Houston 80 in the summer would be a welcome relief!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

LOL - I was in Dallas once in the summer [August]- big mistake!!! I burn't my hand on the balcony railing!!!!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

You'd be wearing long johns and a parka all summer here in Alaska, April!

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