when do i start basil seeds indoors

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

when my last frost date is may 15th.?
i have heard everything from 6 to 8 weeks up to 16 weeks.

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

Last year I started all my varieties of basil (regular, lemon, & lime) indoors on 3/24, 3/25, & 3/28 & they all germinated within 4 days. I planted them out the first weekend in May.

I know that I'm in Zone 7, but perhaps this will give you some idea.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Herbie, I start mine 6-8 weeks before planting out (or for me, point of sale). I prefer 8 weeks because I like to repot them into 4 inch pots around week 4 or 5 (after germination). That really helps them get a great root system as well as much bigger topgrowth when I plant them out.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

thank you both very much. am trying them for the first time.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Need seed? I have plenty of Genovese, pelleted! This is the absolutely best for fresh eating, salads, cooking, and pesto! Just holler, Herbie!


Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

shoe - thanks but i bought some "italian broad leaf" plants from my local shop and they grew almost 3 ft high with that great basil flavor so i am gonna buy the seeds from them.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

basil--if fresh--germinates really fast. I would plant about 4 weeks before last frost date.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I've already started mine. It grows nicely in a bright sunny window, so I keep a pot indoors year 'round, along with other herbs. The only one I cannot seem to do well with indoors is Cilantro.

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

I won't be starting mine indoors here until late March. While I'd love to have some growing indoors, & have more than ample (wall-to-wall floor-to-ceiling) south-facing windows to grow it in, my cats would butcher it faster than I could use it - lol!!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Cilantro is squirrelly around here outside....it likes cool conditions. I have to plant it either in October or now. Once very many days around 80 degrees set in, its a goner.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I'd like some seed Horseshoe.

How can I get some?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

D-mail me, B-Boy. We'll make arrangements, okay?


west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm dying for lime basil...anyone have any seeds? I have billions of seeds--probably got something you would want! lol

I have started some basil seeds indoors. Right now they are only about less than 1'' tall. My question is, does Basil tend to get spindly as it grows in the garden? If so, can I just pinch the tops to make a more bushier fuller plant? Just wondering. Thanks.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I know Debbie found my SASBE offer over in the herb forum... If anyone wants Lime or Lemon Basil, I've got lots of seed (more of those after the intial 10 pkts are gone, too), so LMK by posting on the Basil for SASBE thread, http://www.davesgarden.com/forums/t/585127/

Rebecca, basil should absolutely be pinched --early & often, LOL! Leave just 2 or 3 pairs of leaves on the initial stem (not counting that first set of cotyledons or nurse leaves), and pinch off the top. You may already see small pairs of leaves forming at the base of the leaves just below where you pinched... each of these will now grow to form a new branch. Pinch back the branches in turn as the plant grows, leaving just 2 to 3 pairs of leaves per branch. Each harvest will be larger than the last, and pinching will prevent your plants from flowering (which changes the taste of the leaves).... you'll get bushier, fuller, and tastier plants!

Kearny, NJ(Zone 7a)

Herbie...just keep in mind that Basil is very very unhappy in cool weather. I put some Lettuce Leaf and some Nufar Hybrid out last year the first week in May and with the cool damp weather we had last year it just sat there for almost a month turning yellow. I wound up starting more about May 15 and put it out about June 15 and in the end it grew much better than the early planting. The Lettuce Leaf never really recovered.


Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

rich - thanks and will do. was going to start them the same time i do my tomatoes which shoujld be tomorrow but i will wait a while long with them.

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