Free, online books related to gardening and a maaaajor etc.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I just wrote Elaine from Georgia, asking her to post her butterfly pics on the photos forum.

Then I looked and lo there is a special forum for butterflies and gardening to attract them. There are so many specialized forums now that I miss a lot.

I'm just lucky I stumbled onto this one. Of course my ears simply perk up at the word "books" - I have a lifelong addiction to books that started as soon as I could read more than one word at a time.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Now "ya'll" come on along.. We love to stay in state parks so we can have those campfires.. I can taste those s'mores now, and that hot cocoa.
Have to check out that butterfly forum.. Love those books too,,,thanks, Elaine I need a better camera..

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Nothing wrong with the pics you posted over in photos forum. aint the camera it's the nut behind the lens... you appear to be a good nut. LOL

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Welllll, I never met a "nut" I didn't like.. here is an iris from today (my brother sent me the rhizome from Arizona after it sat in his garage for a long time) must be very hardy.

Thumbnail by EFGeorgia1
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

your Iris are blooming already? you be ahead of us. We're just doing lilacs and tulips and still some daffys and this little guy whose name I don't know.

It's only about the size of a quarter.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh,, pretty,,, looks like an allium (?) does it smell good? My daffs are gone,,,just leaves. Irises just blooming and a gorgeous clematis. Will have to take a pic and post on photo forum. Elaine

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

It seems to be a Zephyranthes of one kind or another. It made more blossoms today, but I didn't get back out there with a camera.

(Zone 7a)

Bet they'd look cute peeking over a mule's ear. Don't mind me - just saying hello.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

turns out it's a Star of Bethlehem and that I put the thing in the ID forum last year oh how funny to have complletely forgotten.

See how the tight bud cluster opens one bud after another?

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, just love it!

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Very pretty. I have a bunch of the stars planted but they are just not doing well. I think maybe they get too much shade. I have moved some and will see how they do.. Elaine

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I just wanted to peek in and say thank you for all these awesome links. What a treasure. I particularly loved poking around at the Flower Fairies link - a great site for children and adults alike.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thanks for bumping this up!


(Zone 7a)

Nice to meetcha VeggieHappy - if you have any links or ponderings to share, would love to "hear" them.

Well, thank goodness I posted these links here - my computer crashed, so all was not lost.

EFGeorgia, did you visit Yosemite? It would be so much fun to see any of your pics. What was a typical day at the park like for you? What wildflowers were out and in what kind of habitat?

Does DG have a camping forum? Blooms, sounds like you have some pastoral tales to tell, too. There are ruins of abandoned farms and homesites remaining in some of our local parks, and the Star of Bethlehem is one of the survivors - along with daffodils and lilacs and double orange poppies and summer phlox and Bridal Wreath (Spirea vanhoutii??) and a pink rambling rose (Dorothy Perkins?) and peonies, etc. - that keep coming back every spring while the stones of the ruins subside back into the earth. I really hate it when neatnik fuss budgets bulldoze a site so that not a sign is left of what went before. They wouldn't even let a 12" high remains of a foundation of an iron works that survived the Civil War and major floods of 1868 and 1972 (Agnes) around here stay around. Grr.

Waving at Tamara - I haven't been on DG much this summer - have been detoured a bit.

(Zone 7a)

Thought this website on cats and fine art was cute - yes, this belongs in the Fragrant Forum - no more imperative need for wintering scented geraniums indoors than over the litter box -

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

waving back!

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Veggie, thanks for bumping. Blue, so sorry about that computer crash. If you need flower pictures, I have lots. I hate the sound of those bulldozers (and chain saws too).. We live on 2 acres of mostly woods and have lots of wild flowers that I protect. We didn't get to Yosemite... yet. And,,,, Blooms, we just got back from your wonderful state. Met my mom and family. I hated that I didn't have computer on and remember you are in Moab. We were there during an evening thunderstorm and took some video. Now, to go back and do some more reading. Elaine

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

What a pleasure it has been to visit these links, although my time is limited now I will return to enjoy your posts again and again. Thanks for taking the time to share. I am enjoying My Garden By louise Beebe Wilder at the moment, I am learning a lot from her writings and enjoying a pice of an era passed ,it's such a delightful read and a long way from the tutorial manner that most gardening books are written these days.

Thanks Again

(Zone 7a)

Neil, you're very welcome - nice ta meetcha, too. I guess, for now, things are not going to be organized around this thread, so y'all just share anything you come up with and perhaps later this winter, I'll rewrite this thread.

Edited to delete a website I added here. It has many complete works in their own words by philosophers and classicists from Aristotle to Hegel and inbetween and beyond - but it also is heavily slanted toward a form of bigotry, and I hate it when science and philosophy are exploited to merely support pre-existing biased perspectives. I'll bet the Gutenberg Press has most of those works anyway.

This message was edited Aug 25, 2006 10:34 PM

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