Ice Berg Lettuce ..what variety ??

kotgarh, India

Hi, I was wondering if any of you grow Ice berg lettuce in a big way ? If you do which company do u buy ur seeds from ?? I'm looking for a variety that grows huge compact heads and slightly resistant to heat also.. Any suggestions .. need the seeds asap !!


SARANAC, NY(Zone 4a)

ITHACA - It has been around for years and there is a reason for that - they may have modified the strain a bit but still refer to the modifications as an "Ithaca strain" even if they give it a different name: Stokes has two - first is the plain old ITHACA - so listed, the second is called SKYLINE, an "Ithace Strain" so indicated in their catalog, both about 85 days: Stokes also sells in bulk to growers if that is what you are looking for.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I like Great Lakes from Willhite in if it would just get cooler where they would taste better. Having a real "hot" winter down here this year!

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