Stuck on storytelling at the library

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I've run into problems re telling stories on a volunteer basis at the local public library. They've never had anyone doing this on a volunteer basis before so the young librarian that I spoke to before isn't very keen on pushing it. I've got to go through the Disclosure thing. Not a problem - it takes a few weeks and I'm willing to pay for it myself.

The library service is clogged up with all sorts of other issues. My request is near the bottom of the pile. It's just not important to them. It's not even going to get considered for goodness knows how many weeks. I've also said that I'm willing to submit a word processed letter and give them references from the professional storytellers who taught me at the workshop. As a professionally qualified librarian myself (I have more qualifications than the young librarian who I've been liaising with!) I think this reflects very badly on the local library service.

I'll have to consider other ways of getting experience. Perhaps at Stockton libraries (who already employ storytellers occasionally) - the neighbouring town. Maybe I'll even drop a letter to the professional librarianship journal that I still receive. Do a bit of stirring. It would look very bad for Middlesbrough if Stockton accepts me instead and I did good stuff there!


Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Its worth a try! I just cannot fathom the stupidity of these librarians. I think if you are able to make waves, make BIG ones. It sounds like they are a little bit afraid because of your experience in the library fields and someone might be displaced if they hired you.
Even with you volunteering, and you ARE good, they must be worried someone big might discover how excellent you are and yet how you are "not" good enough to be officially hired!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, I've been wondering a bit about how my librarianship qualifications and experience may act against me in doing voluntary work in a library. Interestingly I have not come across the same kind of reaction in education as my qualifications in education are not as high. I will try the libraries in the neighbouring town but may leave it till after Christmas now. I am hoping to go up to Newcastle again at early in January. I will ask the advice of the storytellers there.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Isn't it madness that someone volunteering to do something posative comes up against these brick walls....I think also that professional insecurity may be behind it.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Sue, I am sure you are right. It just not make sense what they are doing to Diane. But insecurities is the only logical reason for them not to want her!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

That's very kind of you Doris. This particular authority has a poor record with employing storytellers. There are still a number of authorities that haven't grasped that telling stories is a better form of communication than simply reading them. Telling is a lot more work of course! Libraries tend to be very defensive about their stance. Schools are much more open to alternative methods. Even if the teachers themselves don't have the time to learn telling their heads will employ storytellers to come in occasionally.

Telling is telling the story without using the book. But it still possible to make a telling book-orientated when necessary by showing children pictures from a book, or giving out book-lists.

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