Christmas Swap-Old post reached 100-please post here

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL tazzy...your cats sure are adventurous. Mine sits under the tree once in a while, but doesn't even seem to notice anything else...doesn't notice the lights, ornaments, etc.

I would like to continue the RR as well. I have and handcrafted/ put in and have been looking forward to it. If we could each make an effort to get it back to the post office within 1-2 days, then it may even make it back to maineroses before (or just after) Christmas. It is a shame that folks have been holding it longer than 3 days. Oh well...maybe next time, eh?

I thought Brian was saying that he only exchanged seeds (I'm assuming that's because nothing else in the box interested him, not because that was only what was in the box).

-Tiffany :-)

This message was edited Dec 16, 2005 6:41 PM

Thumbnail by tiffanya
Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

LOL,tazzy I know how you feel only ,here it was the 2 pups
that dismantled the last 2 sections of our tree plus they really
ENJOYED the tree skirt..

Robin,I`m still not real sure what happened to the box
when it left here (minus the candles) everything pictured
was still very christmasyy it had a very lovely angel
handmade mittens,ornaments,snowman stocking,very nice
hand towels, and spiders, goodness can`t rember all of it
but to let the next in line know there is ONE very strange
item in it a john deere calendar,I couldn`t get the lid completely closed so I put it across the top inside so nothing would get sticky..and one more thing (yes I do tend to get long winded )
THANK YOU for starting this robin .

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

RainGazer, Oh thanks for posting! I was starting to have a complex about "oh I knew what I put in was crap!" while I was reading through the last few posts until I got to yours. You said the box looked fine so I feel better! I knew the mittens were kind of cheesy but when I saw them at the craft fair I grabbed just about all the kid had made. (Well he wasn't really a kid, maybe early 20s) A local church was hosting a craft fair for the disabled and this kid was shaping the mittens with a dremel...blind! I can't use one of those things even being able to see 20/20! So I bought several of the mittens, stockings, trees, and candy canes and just fell in love with them. I guess I could see how they could be lame but I really thought they were neat and rough in just the right degree. Edited to say: I'm glad you started this robin too Maineroses!

This message was edited Dec 17, 2005 2:52 AM

Garity, I didn't think anything you put in was crap! It was all great! The Santa ornaments were fabulous, as was the bear ornament. Those are what I kept! I thought you went out of your way to put plenty of items in. You replaced the broken cups and moldy bulbs, plus put in other items. Relax, you did great! And what a wonderful story about those mittens. I didn't think they were cheesy at all. I thought they were neat. I like handmade stuff, but the story on those mittens really puts them over the top.
The whole thing was great in my opinion! Everything that was in it, I would have been thrilled to receive as a present.
I did get a bit of a chuckle as I opened the box. My husband was sitting close enough that he could see into the box as I opened it. As I was opening my mouth to exclaim what pretty items were in it, he spied a small wooden box and burst forth, "Hey! Is that a turkey call?!" LOL It was raspberry tea bags.
tazzy, I can't stand the suspense! Did you receive the box? What do you think of it? Any chance of you posting a picture of it?

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes - Please post a picture so we can see. I agree with RG..Garity, you went above and beyond by replacing broken items. I don't know who 'mentioned' a problem to Robin, but perhaps some wires got crossed along the way. Hey, it's the holidays..nothing about that box could be too bad...everything about it was in the spirit of Christmas. At least we can share a box of Christmas spirit...I know some that can't even do that.

So, on that note....Merry Christmas everyone!! May everyone be blessed with health, happiness, friends and family that love them and peace of mind!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks guys! On keeping a positive note with the schedule, it is always great fun to open those stragler gifts after Christmas! The best ones were those my mom found in the closet a few days after Christmas that she forgot to wrap. They were always little stocking stuffer type gifts but for some reason those were the ones I remember most. How funny. Not all will be lost if this robin doesn't make it for Christmas, it can be the robin that extended the spirit of it all! I would have gladly taken a spot towards the end of the flight plan because of that!

I would have been happy to be toward the end, too, Garity, and would have asked for that if I had known I would be one of the ones who held it up for more than 3 days. I didn't sign up for this out of greed to see what fabulous gift I might be able to snatch out from under someone else - I did it in order to be part of sharing the Christmas Spirit. I'm perfectly pleased in my belief and opinion that's exactly what I received and sent - the Christmas Spirit. The things I put in may not have been the best gifts ever, but a lot of thought and consideration went into what I did put in there, and I learned a new craft just so I could make something to send out (I'm not super crafty beyond cross-stitching). To be completely honest, I was a bit offended when I read that someone had complained, especially since it was so soon after I had added my items. I was a bit hurt, too. But I see now that most people are happy with the thought behind the gift, even if it's not the greatest gift ever. I'm sure anxious to hear from tazzy...

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Hello all just wanted to say good morning!
See how everyone is one week away from Christmas...
I made peanut butter fudge,peanut blossoms,banana bread for gifts,I didnt have money for a tree-so a neightbor of my sister -just got me a 3-4 ft charlie brown tree lol with a set of clear lights-and a few christmas crystal bulbs-only angles and manger scene.It made a lovely little tree and My mini dashaund start digging at tree skirt lol thinking this was her goodie lol.I had to tuck the tree skirt in so she couldnt dig it it.My sis and my brother in law is in process of move to NH. so I invited them for dinner-there old home the stove fridge is been sold.They came back up to maine to check mail,drain water pipes.and get more of there stuff.
So i made baked stuffed pork chops with homemade sage stuffing baked pototoe,vegs and banana bread and rolls.
Dinner turned out great and they loved my tree.
My family-children,grand I won't see this holiday first year I won't get to be with family-kinda sad.I have been sick with liver,heart.
and they have family's of there own.I am use to having a big -buffet christmas eve-church candlelight service.opening gifts next day.
But i wont be this year.So im trying to stay busy -and cooking to get threw holidays.I was bored a bit this morning so i came here to check my thread watcher and mail.And wanted to check to see what everone else is up too.Morning Robin

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

it came today ,
have company will load it up to for traveling on
will get it mailed back out on monday replished as best i can so kiitymom get head in mail box . mainrose i will send pictures of what i added and took later .

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

thanks tazzy

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Thanks Tazzy, I will look for it about Wednesday, I should be able to get it back out the next day, I have a bunch of stuff to put in, so I might be forced to remove a lot so I can get everything back in.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

kittymom , its going to be heavy i restocked it and had to go to bigger box.

tazzy, I have to ask. Have the gifts been ransacked? Is it as bad as was indicated to maineroses? Would you post a picture of what was in it when you received it?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

wiil do in morning ,
got tired blood tonight LOL

I understand completely! Rest up! :o)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

there she be !
almost got to be real special took picture ,
packed back up box
added my stuff came to computer to post picture .
Np camera ? looked all over house ,?
unpacked box there it was . i just got carried a way with the season LOL

Thumbnail by tazzy

thanks for the pic, tazzy. I think it still looks great! Were you pleased? Would you tell us what you took?
Merry Christmas to all!

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

ROFLOL, packed the camera. Come on.....I could use another camera. LOL LOL LOL


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i took 3 pk seeds a Christmas mitten ornament ,and a tea towel

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I wanted to say Im a bit disspointed to say the least
I have gifts in round robin worth 15.00 for buckwheat and lavender pillow scarft 12.00
there was suppost to be a exchange for that in gifts.
I really dont see anything in the swap anyone would want
is there still candy in the thing with snowman in there
There was candy in there.And glass oranment.Also bulbs
I relise begining it looked great but -i really dont see anything in there that is exchangeable.So I am dissapointed.
I did alot of work putting in gifts making buying and trying to make this special. the calender-is a free item.You can get at a insurance
company.This swap was for new-Or handmade itiems.
Sorry to complain but I can see why items really arent intersting.Robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I have put in this swap
a buckwheat and lavender pillow value 15.00
a potporri pie value 8.00
handmade scarft value 12.00
candy in snowball thing lying in box
2 cups with tea-they got broke i see from beginging post
note cards from maine store
a couple oranments-one crystal
I could go on...But
i dont see any thing anyone would want

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

here is first picture

Thumbnail by maineroses
Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)


I know that you've put a lot of yourself (and interest in a certain quality item) into your original packet. I see the difference in the current (e.g., mass-production promo item vs. requirement of new or handcraft).

I understand the feeling behind what you're saying. For example, "I put in a $15 item, which isn't there anymore, that was replaced with a 'free' item." But, perhaps, some folk in here are on hard times, or maybe they really liked that item, have them all over their house, and want to share? (...hoping for the best. )

When I first saw the mittens in the photo, they looked like shortbread cookies. My thought was: YUMMY! LOL!! (I like shortbread!) I liked that garity told us the story about the mittens...if there are any still there by the time it reaches me, I will select a mitten, and I will write garity's story on the back so that I can think about that each year I pull it out to put on my tree. (See my new RR -- 'Getting to Know You' -- I really liked how we got to know a little more about garity by reading why she chose the mittens.)

I'm pretty confident that, by the time it reaches you, there will be things in the box that are of similar value as to what you were hoping for. I know I have some fun things to add! :-)

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

i know thats why Im doing another rr This time I have surprises of my own in store.Robin

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Robin.I am sorry that you feel that this robin has gone bad.
but I will repeat this I did send you a d-mail explaining
the calendar ,I also posted here about the calendar
and now its become an problem,this was only my 2nd
RR,and I have had great fun with BOTH but this
one has taught me one thing stay clear of Round Robins.

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

This is my last round robin also. I took an item valued at $8.00, replaced it with 2 $4.00 items, that I would have loved to receive myself, abd put in more seeds than I took out. I feel horrible that the coffee cups broke enroute, but I had wrapped them just like they were when I received them. I was a day late getting it out and I apologized for that, 99.9% of the time I have a car of my own, but at that time, we only had 1 car running, and I cannot ask my DH to not go to work so I can go to the post office. Before anyone says why couldn't he do it on his way to or from work, he leaves here at 3:30 AM and gets home between 7 and 9 PM.

I jsut received a DMail asking if I put certain intems in the box, and I'm not sure why. I replaced with an equal value, and the items I put in if I remember correctly were Christmas scented, and I know that they were taken. I'm not sure what happened to this robin, but I know it has turned me off them forever.


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

janis no one should be emailing you about this Robin.I hosted it and that upsets me.I know you took care of the broken cups that where in the round robin.I am sorry you feel that way you where not the only one.I appoliguise to you Robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

players as far as round robin you need to direct energy here.
Either continue to the end or shipped home.We Can't start emailing people asking -what they put in and took out it is over and done.Our energy should be to make it special for one another.Robin

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I d-mailed Janis to ask if she was the one who put in the two Christmas candles. I wanted to know where she got the candles or if she made them herself because I have wanted to make candles and really liked the ones she put in. That's all. Just wanted to know who to thank for them, that was just the reason for the personal d-mail. On another happy note, we are picking out names for baby and for a girl we have decided on Pheadra...forget baby books! Just look on Dave's Garden! We still need a middle name though. How bout that Georgiagarden3?


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Ok thanks garity -Maybe i misread what she wrote it sounds like Beacuase of my RR she was turned off forever.I appoiguised
I feel Like Im doing that alot.Robin

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Garity,OHHH a baby girl...that is so great.
as for the name think on it.I love my name NOW
but you will never believe the way some have pronounced
it.I used to tell my mom why couldn`t I be a sara or debbie
or robin.something easy course growing up you could
never find anything with pheadra written on it.
a little history for you the name is greek ,being irish
it gets a lot of odd comments.
and for those that maybe haven`t figured out how to say it
pheadra--- fay-dra
as for a middle name mom managed to sneak in the irish
Yvonne,Shannon add it all together
you`ve said a
Pheadra yvonne shannon welch-gleat

now on to more important thing when is the baby due
I wonder if a reverse RR would work ?ending up with you.hmmm
may have to talk to sheran about that...oopps thinking out loud again.....

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Ha Ha!
We won't know what the baby is until it is born. With my first two we found out with the ultra sound (two boys) but I wanted at least one of my babies to be a surprise (you know, the Dr holding it up saying "It's a Boy! or It's a Girl!") So we have picked out the girl name but still thinking about a boy's name.

As for it being a different name, she'll get through it just like I did. Having a name like Garity (hey also Irish!) I couldn't pick up my HS diploma because they said that "Garity" had to pick it up HIMSELF! Turns out I was listed as a male all through HS. (no wonder I had a rough time getting a date!) In the Army, I was assigned a roomate during my AIT and when I walked into my room there was another guy there! (had he been cute I might have kept my mouth shut!!!) As for the pronounciation, when I was in 9th grade my math teacher was reading the role on the first day and said "Gravity Martin?" (I was a little chunky) and for the rest of the year the boys would run full force down the hall and slam into me saying "The gravitational pull is too strong" as they flailed their arms wildly about.

I like uncommon names (my boys are Weston Gaige and Braedon Powell) and Pheadra just grabbed me when I saw it when we first started this swap. When I mentioned it to my husband the other day (yes I even pronounced it right! Yea!) he got a big smile on his face and said "I love it!". He likes the name Creighton for a boy and I can't help but think "Crate and Barrel" or "cretin" (means 'idiot') when I hear it so we are still thinking for a boy's name.


You know, maybe I'm wrong for saying anything at all, but I just can't hold it in. I really don't appreciate all the negativity directed to those of us who have already received and sent out this robin. We, who apparently desecrated this round robin, thought we were doing something really nice.
I looked at so many things before making my final choices as to what to put into this round robin. Everything I put in was something I would have liked to receive. Evidently, I have very poor taste since there's nothing in the box anyone would want. I'm not super crafty, so handmaking a lot of items just wasn't possible for me, but the things I did make, I put my heart and soul into. Clearly that just wasn't good enough.
Two of the items I put in were Christmas lapel pins (both of them brand new, still on their cards, mind you), and one of them was a glittery Christmas bell pin I bought with maineroses in mind, because the information on her personal page says she likes glittery things, and I thought she'd like it if it was still in there when she received the box.
The items I chose to keep weren't marked with a price, so I did my best to estimate what they would have cost. If I did so correctly, the items I put in were of more monetary value than what I took out. Again, apparently not good enough.
And there seems to be a common thread about the items being new, not used. All the stuff I included was new, and everything that was in it when I got it certainly appeared to be new. Where are the concerns about used items even coming from?
The best I can tell, none of the handmade items that were put into it before it flew to the first person were in it when I received it. I'm not upset by that at all, but just because those original items aren't still in it, doesn't make it a box full of junk. That seems to be one of the accusations being made here, and it's quite hurtful.
I am horribly offended by the statement that there is nothing in it now that anyone would even want. My guess would be that the other people who put items in it are probably offended by that too. Reading everyone's posts, I believe everyone actually thought about what to add to the box, not just grabbed some dust covered trinket off the end table and tossed it in. So much for "it's the thought behind the gift that counts" (as long as the monetary value is equal, of course).
This is the first round robin I have done, and I was so excited about it, anxious to see what everyone kept and added, 'til all this mess started. If this is what they're all like, I won't be joining another one.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

well that did not help mainrose feel better much ?
God bless and Merry Christmas ..tazzy
'It doesnt matter how box got like this or why-as long as it reaches the end of its journey and the spirit of love and kindness see it threw thanks to everyone playing and means so much to me -and to all my players that joined and hope all have a blessed and joyful christmas Love to all this holiday season from my home to yours Robin "

This message was edited Dec 18, 2005 11:13 PM

tazzy, nothing I said was intended to make anyone feel bad. I was simply stating my opinions and feelings on the matter. I have no desire to make maineroses or anyone else feel bad, I just wanted to make it clear that the earlier comments made *me* feel bad, as if what I had done wasn't good enough. I'll get over whatever hurt feelings I have, but it does irritate me that you don't seem to understand that the comments "i really dont see anything in there that is exchangeable", "Sorry to complain but I can see why items really arent intersting" and "i dont see any thing anyone would want " are direct hits on the items that everyone who got the round robin before you chose to put in it.
It was my desire to wish everyone a Merry Christmas that prompted me to join this round robin in the first place. I thought perhaps something that I included in the box might be just the thing that someone would really enjoy receiving for Christmas. Like I said earlier, I chose one of those pins specifically with maineroses in mind. Now, if someone else has chosen, or chooses, to keep it, that is great, too. It just struck me that it might be something that Robin would really like and enjoy having. If it blesses someone else, then my original intent was still fulfilled. That was an example to illustrate that I really did try to find nice and appropriate items to include.
I still hope, probably even more so now than before, that everyone experiences the blessings of the Christmas season.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I can not respond to all this.I just want to wish everyone a merry christmas and send some chear Robin

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

I didn't mean it to sound like it did, and my apologies go out to MaineRoses. Sometimes I type before my brain kicks in, and Garity and I have gotten that all straightened out (so glad you liked the candles).

Maineroses I know that you put alot of time and care into the package, but I think the others did too.

Please everyone lets just let the box finish its course, and rememer the spirit and meaning of Christmas


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

9 kittymom
its headed your way i had to get bigger box so postage was ,
$11.00 I cant cram only $3 more and holds twice as much .
conf. 0305 1720 0001 6739 6820
Merry Christmas to all

This message was edited Dec 19, 2005 12:34 PM

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Thanks tazzy! I know I will be happy with it and I know I will love what all the previous contributors put in the box.

RG, I completely understand how you feel. I would have felt the same way. You really can't see what all is in there in the picture with the wrapping and such. I think it will be lovely to receive and am very excited to see it.

Thanks to ALL of you for sharing!

Merry Christmas and God Bless you all!


Thank you so much, Susan. I truly do appreciate your understanding. It means a whole lot to me.
I hope you find something wonderful for yourself in the box.
Christmas blessings to ALL,

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