How to get enough compost

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Yes that would do the same thing. I think the best garden soil is sandy loam and add NPK as needed to each specific plant. IE little N high P on tomatoes, HighN K on corn etc.

Millers Creek, NC

I have been composting for several years,use everything organic I can get my hands on.The alfalfa pellets really do speed up a slow cooking pile. I haven't tried the urine on my compost yet but will give it a try too. I raked every leaf I could find this past fall,and still have about thirty bags to use this spring and summer with my grass clippings.

Hey Soferdig
For sweet tasting carrots and spicy rads , one of my books says to have a suffient lime,hummus and potash, and to much nitrogen will cause bitterness, i have always grown my carrots in between my tomatos, don't know if it makes them taste better but it seems to work.
I hope i m not telling you something you already know :) but i thought i would mention it .

" Besides , what do you expect from us ghetto dwelling Ohio folks" LOL:)

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Sue you have named my problem I have too much sh.... (nitrogen) in my garden. I am going to add a small raised bed off my garden and fill it in with sandy loam. Then maybe I can get edible root plants. Thank you for the info. Does the lime help with growth or does it just raise PH? I always "eat" my hummus never put it in my garden. But then I have to brush my teeth and tongue 3 times to get where I can talk to someone. I love garbonzo beans. I know what you mean I'm just joking. You OSU people are wonderful I just grew up with the roasting of anyone unrelated to MSU. After all we Montuckians are just mountain people who's family tree only has one or two branches.

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