Toad Lily seed pods

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I've been checking my toad lilies and found that once the flower dried up, there was this pod left. I was thinking I needed to let it dry on the plant, but when I checked later, they were falling off while still green. So I picked them up and checked the other ones still attached, and they came off very easily. Is this the seed itself, or is this a pod and there's seed inside it? If so, they have to be pretty small, as these pods are about half and inch or smaller in length. So do I just keep these and let them dry and that's it, or do I let them dry and then try to open them up for seed inside?

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

I had the same experience with my toads and I'm thinking these would be the pods. Mine were a bit more brownish and when I picked them apart there seemed to be itty bitty seeds within. I'm not sure how viable mine are or even what good seed from toads looks like but mine look like a light honey colour (in good lighting, lol).
Again, the seeds appear to very small. I'm going to give them a whirl anyway just to see what happens. I would take a pic to show you but I just don't think the camera would capture them very well.


This message was edited Nov 10, 2005 9:54 PM

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm letting these pods dry and then I'll probably just plant the whole pod, since that is what was dropping on the ground anyway.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Sounds like a good idea!

I just tried to get a pic....boy this was tough. I put an acquilegia seed beside the toad seeds just for comparison purposes.


Thumbnail by Erynne
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.........

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Do you know which toad you have? Some are sterile. Possibly the one you have is a sterile hybrid and that's why the pods aborted. I have 14 varieties of toad and of those,the following are or are possibly sterile:
"Tojen"diffinantly sterile

The following make a brazillon seeds:
"Angel's Halo"
"White Towers"
"Variegata"(but no variegation when grown from seed)

Not know yet:
t.macaranthus?...didn't bloom well this yera,jury's still out on seed production
t.latifolia...recented divison in trade,bloomed poorly this year but I think it sets seeds
"Guilt Edge"baby plant,not big enough to bloom
"Gilty Pleasure" as above
"Yungi Temple Form"struggling to come back from drought


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

It's Sinonome. :-(

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Uh-oh! .I've had my Sinonome about 3 years and I've never found a filled pod on it.Sorry....but I could be wrong though. We've had drought conditions 3 years running and hub's dis-connected water source on that side of the house when pipe burst inside wall of the house and hasn't fixed it yet. so it's a pain to water on that side of the house..GRRRR!!!


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Not a problem! This is my first year for the toadie. It was wonderful! Seeds are just a bonus anyway. :-)

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I collected some seed from Miyazaki this year, and I'm trying it in the wintersowing experiment. If I get anything to grow I'll let you know!

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