Where to find the seeds?

Rockford, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm new into seed hunting, and I'm sure many others are too.

How about posting the plant names and where you'll find the seeds.
Perhaps sample pictures of seed pods would be great.

Some entries in the PlantFiles have seed and seed pod photos that may be of use to you Creadman. I agree that there are many more entries that need to be filled in with this information so if I may take this golden opportunity you've presented us with .....

It's seed buying time for many of us and for some there is still time left to take those photos of seed and seed pods out in the garden. The PF is a fantastic resource but there is always room for improvement so if you were wondering how you might fit into helping the PF or were thinking the season was over and not many more chances for photographs, seeds and seed pods among other plant parts are a great way to fill that gap. The PF needs You! :)

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi, I thought these links may help you with finding the seeds.

Seed ID Workshop http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/seedid/all.asp?sort=common
A different page, SeedID: http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~seedbio/seed_id/index.html

The Seed Site: A website devoted entirely to seeds http://theseedsite.co.uk/

Seeds of Cultivated Flowers http://www.frsa.org/plateindex.htm

Woody Plant Seed Manual, Photos http://www.nsl.fs.fed.us/wpsm/Photos.html

Post as many different seed pods and seed pictures at daves when you find the on your flowers please.


~* Robin

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