Three months into storytelling

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Well, it's three months into storytelling for me. Since then I've told stories in Bleddfa, Whitby, Middlesbrough and Stockton, Commondale, Stavely, Edinburgh and Newcastle. All amateur of course as I'm a beginner but very good experience for me. Won't be as far away now till the spring as the festival season is over for the moment. Can catch up on housework!

If you'd like to hear a story or two (not me, sorry) click onto this link.

Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

Northerner, thank you for the link. I am in contact with several disabled students who love to hear stories. I will be passing your link on to them. I am sure both the teachers and the students will be over joyed to have a few new stories to listen too.

I think this is an awesome thing to be doing also

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I didn't realise that there was a season for story telling, is that because of the weather and organising festivals? Or is there another older reason.

I always imagine winter to be a good time to sit around the fire hearth , the flickering lights from the flames lighting up the expressions on people s faces as the story unfolds....The winds wailing their laments outside the window panes ,as the mystery deepens....the gasp of fright as a log drops and splutters it's sparks into the atmosphere.....

Bet you can't wait till next spring again...... (any excuse not to have to do housework!)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

There isn't actually a season Sueone. You're right in that the winter months are traditionally the time to be sitting round a fire listening to stories. Of course, sitting round a campfire, outdoors, is a great deal pleasanter during the warmer part of the year! But the festivals are mainly during the summer months with some in the autumn and spring. It's pleasanter weather, when people are more inclined to plan a holiday.

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