Is my Colorado Spruce sick?

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

I've owned my house for five years, and this tree is my pride and joy. I've been told it is at least 50 years old, and it is as tall as my house.

In August, I noticed that three or four branches on the tree looked like they were dying. The needles were completely yellow and dead, and it seemed that there was a layer of dead needles caught in the branches, thicker than a normal drop. This is happening in the lower half of the tree. I can't see any dying branches in the top half.

I don't think this is the blue spruce blight that I have read about, since the needles are not purple, but yellow. Could this be due to the drought we had this summer? I didn't water the tree because I was told that spruce were drought tolerant.

I did trim the very bottom row of branches off the tree two years ago, so that my dog could have a cool place to lay under the tree during the summer. I hope this didn't hurt the tree in some way.

I wish I had a better picture, but you can see half of "my baby" in the picture, to the right. Can anyone assure me that my spruce will be OK, or should I call the tree doctor?

Thumbnail by ceceoh
Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

You didn't do any harm by pruning, except perhaps to change the shape adversely. Could be spider mites, bagworms, a needle fungus (which often strikes the lower limbs first due to higher humidity there), root disturbance, an underground gas line leak, the drought (if it was as bad there as it was here), or something else. Since this is your prize tree, I'd have your extension agent or certified arborist take a peek at it. By the time a spruce shows symptoms, the problem may be fairly far advanced.

Good luck with it --

Guy S.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

From your description I would suspect cytospora canker.


See what you think.

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

I wasn't sure it was the canker, because there were no needles turning purplish-brown. Not that I noticed, anyway. And all of this seems to have started in August, rather than spring.

I'll probably take your advice, Guy, and contact an arborist.

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