daughters been bitten by what?...

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

My daughter went up to Essex this weekend to visit her boyfriend and got bitten by this mystery fly.

apparently it was black about 1/2 long, it bit her with a sharp pain, she tried to blow it off, but it seems that the prongs? on it's head were attatched, it took her and her boyfriend a while to get it off....I can just imagine the panic, she hates anything like that....LOL

she's been left with a red mark which looks quite sore, I have no idea what it could have been...any ideas?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sounds like a horse fly to me. The bite is painful, but doesn't normally leave a reaction, just watch it doesn't get infected
Poor horses .......

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

I thought it sounded like a horse fly too - they are quite large, give a nasty bite and some people come up in a large red lump. Nasty things.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Never thought of that one, not that I've ever seen one, or would know what It looked like.
It's gone down a bit this morning, but she's still whittering on about it.

worst part of it was that she's gone up to help him put some plants in the ground that I'd sent up for his parents.Her and her boyfriend had to dig out a flower bed and stick these plants in , well....my daughter doesn,t do dirt!!....her nails are immaculate...so you can imagine the indignity of having dirty fingers, and getting bitten too...she'll never venture into the garden again, except to sunbathe that is!

None of my family seem to have the love of gardening yet, one daughter though tried last year, she grew some toms and cucumbers from seeds, only for them to wither away later.The bedding plants from seed were on top of her wheelie bins, put of the slugs reach, her partner lifted the lid and shot them all over the patio....She bought some plants to put in her garden, most of those died too,hope she doesn't give up after those failures.

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