EU Round Robin Revival or Swap

It's been a while since we last did this (2003) and our numbers in this forum have dwindled somwhat so I'm asking for a bit of brainstorming here.

How many of you would be interested in a Round Robin?

For those unfamiliar with these someone starts off with a list of addresses and a package with say 20 packets of different seeds. These are sent to the next person on the list who then looks at the seeds, makes a decision on how many, if any, packets they want and replaces those packets with some of their own (well packaged seeds), this person then sends it to the next person and so on until the package comes full circle to the originator. It's quite a good way of getting some interesting seeds you might not have tried before.

Or would you rather have a swap?

This would be all members of the swap sending in say 10 different packets of seeds to one person a nominal fee for postage and a padded addressed envelope for the returns. Once everyone has sent in their packets, the organizer then sends the members a mixture of 10 packets from other members (but not those packets the member sent in) as a kind of lucky dip.

Or would you like a mixture of (light) items in either a swap or RR?

If you are interested in either would you:

Prefer a themed RR or swap such as perennials or climbers only or a mixture of several types such as herbs, flowers and veg or an anything and everything set of seeds?

Last thing, we're coming up to a busy time for a lot of us, would you like to do this now (to be completed by end of November) or after Christmas?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Baa, count me in, I'm happy with anything that's occuring.A mix would be nice, as I haven't managed to save much in the way of veg seeds this year.


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, I'd love to join in. A mix would suit me too and I don't mind whether RR or swap format - whatever is easiest and most popular :)

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

I'd love to try the RR format (I prefer to choose what and how much I take out), and a mix of flowers, herbs, and veg seed would suit me best.

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Yes, I would like to have a go, I've a few veg and flower seeds. The round robin sounds fun, but I don't mind - whatever is easier to organise.

Mixes are always more fun I think. As for the format, they both need as much input from everyone involved so it's no different workwise doing one or the other.

I've posted a thread in International Trading too although 5 is enough to have an interesting exchange. I'm going to leave this thread open to see who else wants to join in and set a deadline for joining in Saturday 5th November.

If those of you who want to join in would send me their postal addresses by Dmail please, I can start to collate the info and form an initial posting route.

General guidelines will appear in a few days, don't worry these aren't onerous :)

london, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'd be interested too, Baa - sounds a good way to get some different seeds.

Thanks everyone and welcome to Mike! Yes it's a greatway to get different seeds, especially those you might not have even considered growing before and it certainly helps the garden budget stretch a bit further.

I'm going to start to list some of the basic guidelines, these will also be included in the package. Please feel free to add anything you think might be relevant or tell me I'm talking nonsense :) This is all a bit 'lectures to grandma on egg sucking in the 21st century' and common sense but it's always worth mentioning!

1. The route will be listed here (no addresses of course) and in the package itself. I will be including printed address labels for you to use if you want to.

Please let me know as soon as you can if an emergency has cropped up we can always make another route so the package gets to you sooner or later depending on your needs. This saves the package being held up somewhere for weeks and one less thing you need to think about.

2. One of the biggest problems in seed RRs are escapee seeds. The little origami/folded paper packages are fine in normal circumstances but often fall apart in transit and go horribly wrong in RRs. I find the best for travelling are the little grip seal clear pockets but not everyone likes these so whatever you use, be it Glassine to wage/coin envelopes please make sure it's taped up securely, not forgetting the bottom and sides.

3. When the package arrives, please let me know either on forum, D-mail or E-mail and the same when you send it back out please. This helps us track the parcel and so the next member knows roughly when to expect it.

4. I will start the RR with a set number of seeds. When you receive the package please feel free to take out the seeds you want, should you take ten packets, please replace them with ten packets of your seed. They can be garden collected, traded or shop bought. There is no limit to the amount you can take out as long as they are replaced with others.

5. The usual number of seeds per packet are around 25 but this is just a general guide, if you have only 5 of something unusual (no less than 5 please), I think that's still acceptable since it may be just what someone is looking for.

6. Please add no more than two packets of the same kind, i.e. if you have 4 packets of Digitalis purpurea (pink), please add no more than two. If there is already a packet of Digitalis purpurea (pink) please only add one. This helps keep the diversity of the package.

7. Please be considerate :) We can't always expect a like for like exchange, a rare beauty for me could well be a pernicious weed for you but if you do take something you feel is a bit special, please try to add something you think is a great plant, doesn't have to be rare or unusual. If you take one type of seeds such as a veg, please try to add another veg, it's not always possible but again it helps keep it interesting for everyone if you can.

8. There will be a time when the poor old jiffy bag will be too battered to reuse. If you feel it is getting too grotty please replace it with another jiffy type bag.

9. Please use botanical names as far as possible, any problems with this please let us know. From my handwriting you'd think I was a Doctor so it's helpful when I add Baa somewhere on the packets I contribute, you can then ask what on earth they are if it's too indecipherable although I do try to make it readable. This is also useful if you need growing info too.

I'd like to do two things slightly different with this one, a Lucky Dip packet and a Final List.

Lucky Dip
I'd like to add a packet of mixed seeds, all from ornamental plants some of which are unusual, some ordinary, these are from spilled packets. If you love to have a bit of a challenge or mystery please feel free to take a spoonful from the packet and/or add your own jumbled seeds or those that will inevitably be in the bottom of the jiffy package.

Final List
At the end of the RR, I'd like to put up a list of all the seeds left over for you to choose from if you want some more.

I'm looking to send this out before Wednesday 9th November but I will let you know the day I send it.

Finally I'd like to thank everyone for giving it a go, RRs do tend to generate a good bit of chat in the forum and don't forget to show us what they turn out like too when they grow. Most of all Have Fun!

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Can I still join the RR..?

Saya! There you are, I hope you are well.

Yes it's still open until Saturday so please let me know your address :)

Great news, the seeds will be very well travelled, thanks to everyone for joining in!

The route I propose is:

Philomel - France
Sorgina - Spain
DPMichael - Crete
Saya - The Netherlands
Patbarr - Sheffield
Sueone - Dorset
Mike_G - Surrey
Baa - Hampshire

The packet will leave either tomorrow (Tuesday) evening or Wednesday so any comments or prior commitments, please speak now or forever hold your trowel and dibber, well at least until the next time ;)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Wonderful Baa, I look forward to receiving the packet soon :)
Thanks for organising this!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hear hear, thanks must take some organising, i have problems just sending to one person, let alone organising a cahin....LOL

It's really appreciated though, gives you something to look forewards to , a surprise (well almost) package coming through the door.

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Thanks Baa, Glad you came up with the idea. I'm glad there aren't too many people on the list or we'd have to wait ages.

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Wow, I'm 2nd on the list! I'm getting really excited. Thanks for organising this Baa.
Maggi xxxx

london, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

*Sigh* - I'm not 2nd on the list! (Twiddles thumbs...)
Baa - have you now devised the longest possible way of getting from Hampshire to Surrey?!
Thanks for getting this all organised, Baa - a tour de force, could we say?

The hardest thing I find starting RRs is chosing the seeds to go in, I always worry that my choices will be boring or inappropriate LOL. It takes more than one person to make an RR so it's thanks to everyone who has taken the plunge!

Here's the thread for tracking the RR I'll be updating it with arrivals and dispatches so you can all follow the seeds progress, you can also add questions and comments there as well as here, it's always good to get feedback.

Mike_G LOL yes and on a bad day on the M3 the package would probably arrive quicker than I would!

I wonder how many miles the package will be taking since it will be travelling all the way to the far end of Western Europe to Dimitri. We did have one make a record time of around two weeks from me posting it with a similar number of members, that was particularly good going though.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Thank you so much Baa for organising this...this is always so much fun...I 've never been disappointed by RR's and I 'm sure you've chosen a pretty and surprising selection of your seeds ! It's also nice to join a RR at this merry time of the close to Christmas ...and overhere in Netherlands to "Sinterklaas/ Sint Nicolaas" (december 5th) who brings gifts from "Spain - Madrid" for the children.

At the moment I 'm recovering from a bad next to the removal this is the reason I did 'nt visit DG so much past few weeks.

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Saya, nice to see you again! I hope you're settling in to your new home well, and your health is improving. I didn't know Dutch children thought their St Nicholas pressies came from Madrid. In Spain it's the 3 kings who bring the pressies on Jan 5th, but here in the Basque Country they do celebrate San Nicholas on Dec 6th and children dress in traditional costume and go round the houses singing a special song in Basque asking for sweets and sausages, which people obligingly throw at them off their balconies!
Maggi xxxx

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Thanks Maggi..We're still living between unopened boxes..but we love this house and we're glad that we 've decided for it in spite of leaving my old garden behind.. My daily goal pute one thing on it's place time all the boxes will get empty. With so many extra space we've won by this removal it is 'nt that difficult. I 've removed most of my plants and shrubs from my old garden..some of them are potted or in plastic bags with their soil. If I 'm feeling better I 'll plant them provisional on a sheltered spot close together. I did 'nt find the time yet to think about a gardenplan. Some has allready done: the magnolia (x soulangeana) has been pruned, the terrace walls are renewed, I have (a provisional) path to get into the shed without dirty shoes, old left treetrunks, shrubs are milled out. The garden is clean now...exept the Aegopodium podagraria that grows on one spot in the garden and that I have to get rid of.. Any suggestion will be welcome !
Hey..yes...Sinterklaas has arrived traditional by steamship yesterday..the arrival was seen on tv.. In the news on tv there will be a spot about Sinterklaas and what he has done today. For the little children a period of exitement has started. Sinterklaas and his helpers will visit the Dutch children unexpected and brings candy and oranges from Spain for the sweet ones...oh wow ..he'll spank the naughty ones and eventual takes them with him when he goes back to Spain..brrrr LOL On december 5th is his birthday and that's the day he brings presents.
On december 6th Sinterklaas is allready on his way back to his palace in Madrid.
Wether he exists or's one of the best kept secrets from Dutch adults for the children...LOL

Saya, I hope you will be feeling much better very soon!

How interesting to hear about Spain and the Netherlands Father Christmas, do you exchange presents on Christmas day too?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Sorry to hear you've been ill Saya. Hope you're making a good recovery now.

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