How are we doing on our fall bulb-digging??

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

Just ordered more bulbs to plant from Old House Garden!


OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Thanks for the reminder about storing the bulbs; last year they laid in plastic bags on the garage floor with the bag open. By the time we got to them, some had rotted. So we'll be more careful this year.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Dug the last of the Glads today. Only have a few Dahlias that were started from seed. Going to dig & store them as an experiment.
Dahlias are had to winter over.
Now if we had all those glads clean----
Most of the named ones are done, all the mixed ones are left.
P.S. I will be bringing some to trade at Iowa Round-up in May.

Porterfield, WI(Zone 4b)

Now it would be good if I could concentrate on bulb-digging......I thought I had gotten all my replacement bulbs from the coop, and I got yet another box..........then I was at Menards last night, and just could not walk past the bulb clearance. I realize it is getting late to plant, but I for those prices I am willing to gamble! Legit

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Legit...I didn't think it was too late to plant bulbs until the ground was SO frozen you couldn't dig in it! LOL Last year the weather was much different than it is now...I was outside freezing my behinder off trying to get my haul into the ground. This year, I feel almost 'sinful' planting them in comfort! hehehehe

DH did me the HUGE favor of digging up the last of the cannas and then helped with the shovel end of things to get the last two clumps of glads dug up. Now all that's left is to pack the tubers in peat and get them to the barely heated shop. It's difficult to look out and see all those empty spaces in my garden...but it's good *not* to have to worry about watering until next spring. :-)


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Found a couple of strange things when cleaning /digging my tender thingys. Found a few crocrosmias which I obviously didn't dig up last year. So this year I've dug half and left half in the garden. Will be interesting to see if they survive.

Also found a louisiana iris that survived the winter as well.

My callas are still in the ground. Decided I would treat them as glads this year so am still waiting for a killing frost for them. Usually I pot them and keep them growing all winter. No room for that this year.

My main winter sowing are iris and lilium seeds. They are already outside. I start lots inside but have all the chaff(lilium) in a special spot in the garden. Iris winter sowing is just an experiment this year. Most iris I start inside.


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Inanda...when you pot up your callas is there anything special (Soil, light, fertilizer) that you do to keep them growing. I've gotten several from a DG member who is able to keep them outside during the winter. So I couldn't get any info on overwintering them from her. Sure would appreciate a little UMW expertise, here. :-)


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