"heirloom" tomatoes that don't taste right

(Zone 7b)

Feeling frustrated with the bland no-taste tomato starts available here in town, I grew "brandywine" from Stokes seed this year -but they were almost bitter, not sweet the way they should be. Looking for a good variety with a nice sweet taste - sort of like a large variety with the taste of something like "sweet 100" cherry tomatoes - any suggestions?

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

How about trying " Kellogg's Breakfast"?? I grew it this year and found it to be a large, yellow-orange, sweet and delicious tomato. Will grow it again!

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

Daylily: I grew Brandywine from Veseys this year and I was none too impressed, either.

It's hard to know what will taste good in any given year since weather conditions seem to have a crucial impact on flavour. Plus, some things will taste great to one person, and be totally lost on another.

I'm new to heirlooms, so I tried a few this year to get a feel for them. I grew Druzba, Yellow Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Abe Lincoln, Rutgers, Dr Carolyn, Green Sausage, "Lumpy Red" (that had been crossed with something else) and one called "Rinaldo" (came from an Italian lady in Michigan). They all taste different. I am learning that you really *do* have to try them to see what you like.

I have seeds, both purchased and saved--would you like a few to try? I can't guarantee the saved ones will be true to type, but they should be interesting anyways (I'm hoping you share my sense of adventure, lol!) D-mail me if you're interested.


(Zone 7b)

emaewest, you have a d-mail, and thanks for the offer!

cottonpicker, where do I find "Kellogs Breakfast?" not in any of my catalogues.

(Zone 7b)

Oh boy, 4 more sites to drool over, many thanks.

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

daylily2zeus.... Kellogg's Breakfast from:: VICTORY SEEDS, PO Box 192, Molalla, OR 97038. OR, on-line: www.VictorySeeds.com

Good luck!

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Rose de Berne is an heirloom. It is rosy and sweet....not the longest producer nor the largest fruited one, but perhaps the best taste.


(Zone 7b)

Indy, that site made me laugh with the bit about the Red Sox! At the risk of inflaming all sports fans on DG, could you explain what they are referring to re:the Red Sox, since I don't follow sports at all, I don't get the reference..and I am Canadian, after all, so can be forgiven my utter ignorance on that point alone, eh?

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Concerning the Red Sox.........This Fedco page is from last fall when the Boston Red Sox finaly won the world series of professional baseball. This was after about an 86 year drought of not winning the big one. So Fedco is wishing its customers the same release of gardening "curses" as the Red Sox had in baseball.[New York Yankees team].

(Zone 7b)

amen to that.

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

I grew Heirloom Brandywine as I have year after year from the previous years seeds and they came out juicy as ever and tasty. The average size was softball and a bit bigger. Been growing these jems for over 37 years now. My dad, his dad and his dads dad had grown them. He still makes sure I grow them and gives me seeds I don't need cause I save them too and grown them.

Thumbnail by gardening101usa
(Zone 7b)

That is a beautiful tomato, any idea why the seeds I got as "Brandywine" might have
been such a disappointment? I tried them because my grampa used to grow that kind, and they were wonderful -sweeeeeet! Think your dad might be willing to donate some seeds to a tomato fiend in Canada? or you might?
I'd be eternally grateful - I miss my grampa's tomato sandwiches.

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

Daylily2zeus - already pm you that I would very happily oblidge you with seeds. I know you will enjoy them. I start them indoors in 2x2 cube flats february 28th here in Massachusetts. After 6 weeks I transplant to peat pots 4" diameter type. I harden off around April 30 - May 5 and transplant to there permanent home. I don't know why yours were tastless but I can say that I water them weekly no less than 1 inch of water ovehead though all ya hear is not too. I've done it all my life but I do not go into the garden the day I water it or the day after. When they start turning stop watering them as water can dilute the flavor. I cut back watering the first sign of turning by 1/2 then a week or two before I pick the estmated ripe ones I don't water that week.

Thumbnail by gardening101usa
(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the info and the offer of seeds, I shall try it and hope for a good outcome.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

I too love heirloom tomatoes and have not yet figured out how to grow one as tasty as my grandmothers were. I'm gonna try next year with lots of manure in the soil mix as that is what they used on the farm. Also like to use fish emulsion (goop from the bottom of the pond) I like your cutting down on water tip. I've received some seeds from DGers this year that I hope I can grow to perfection next year. I tried Purple Calabash this year, it was very tasty, almost red wine - like in flavor. I do all mine in 10 gallon containers. My beefsteaks this year were the size of golfballs. They tasted good, but so tiny, have no idea why. Must have cross pollinated with a cherry tomato I guess?

(Zone 7b)

Keyi, my cherry tomatoes this year were bigger than golfballs - not small enough to eat while working in the garden, but really not big enough to slice up for salad or sandwiches - very strange!
Must have been a wierd year for cherry tomatoes.

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

Keri, I'd lve to try them Purple Calabash, they sound rich in flavor. I make and put up jars of spaghetti and pizza sauces and am always lookng for a unique addition to flavor the sauces - LOL if they make it to a sauce. We eat tomato sandwiches, grilled cheese and tomato slices, and a realy nice summer (cuke, tomato, basil, oregeno in olive oil and wine venegar salad), so many times we barely put up 48 quarts of sauce. We also jar whole tomato and relishes. So the tomato goes in many direction here.

Do you have any info of where I may find those seeds?

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

While probably not technically an heirloom; I like orange jubilee. They are huge and sweet. Even doing some for my fall harvest despite the fact they are an 80 day varity. Have some golf ball size now.

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