Can we have a 'GIVE A PLANT DAY'????

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Alot of things are not up that early (and certianly in YOUR area)

I thought we were looking at May 15? March wouldn't be a good time around here.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Linda - I really do appreciate all your great thoughts but................
I didn't think of this project to be "a project" just a way of thanking people, beyond good Feedback. I'm not about to assign names because I have no way of knowing if, say, TuddyE has been great to you, as she's been to me, or Mitch, Wanda, Weegy, etc. We can each send 10 packages if we want or just a card or a little gift.

Maybe I'm just not getting the point across here: it's saying thank you without expecting anything in return.

May 15th sounds great and I think that's when most plants can be shipped without danger of either cold or heat.


Syracuse, NY(Zone 5a)

Hm, I think I get it Pirl, and I'm all for it. Thanks for the proposition. I got a thank you from a DGer in the form of some seeds I had been looking for and a card that thanked me for trying to be an environmentalist here in the forums (unfortunately and surprisingly hard to do) and I can't tell you how much it meant to me.. as I had been very discouraged by many other members. Also I'm glad this thread made it past the "people will be hurt" stage.. especially since after feeling hurt maybe a giftless person could be introspective and decide if there's any good reason that they've been skipped this year. Most of my trades have been with really generous and thoughtful gardeners, from my experience this shouldn't be a problem.

And not complaining about the date at all but whew, one more thing to add to the spring list :).

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm glad you agree with the spirit of the thread. As for the "one more thing to add to the spring list" feeling I know how it is, we all do. You could make a label now, put packing material in a box and just add a piece of your favorite plant as you're moving things in springtime.

Just think how much more the plant will mean when we all know how busy we all are once we're out in the garden again. You can even write out a note now to get a jump on the project.

I'm sure you'd be thrilled to receive something and find the time to open it and plant it - so just keep that thought in mind as you send off your gift. :-)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

A wonderful gesture on the thoughts to reciprocate, pay to, and/or fulfill a kindness.. as there are so many that do so, in a variety of ways.

As JoleneS, sanannie, Posie4U, trunnels and the others have tried to relay some of their concerns and ideas, I too shall share my concerns also.

When such true deeds of generosity and kindness start getting ‘organized’ – it tends to deteriorate and deflate the validity of what such a ‘gift’ .. was allegedly (genuinely) intended.

What throws a wet blanket on the scheme of things .. may could be those, that seem to bend over backward to ensure that they know that everyone else knows also.

There are, and will continue to be many, that share and give from the heart with reverence, devoid of anticipating anything other than the mere acceptance of the gift.

- Magpye

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

DarwinESF: A thank you note and a gift of a book, gift certificate, etc. can be ordered during the dim days of January and you could be the first to send out your package when mid May arrives! :-)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I have to see if this photo works so I can show off what a really terrific, fantastic person sent me today!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll have to try again later but..............

Jackie from Kentucky, DG's TuddyE, sent this unbelievable package, which arrived today. There are so many bags of homemade candies many with dark chocolate, nuts, raisins - just all kind of wonderful goodies and she sent me a thank you note!!! I couldn't thank her enough. This lady is one terrific person. It was a huge box and we're not allergic to any food products so we'll scoff it up.

This is so far beyond anything I could have expected!

Now I know when I look in the dictionary under fantastic why there's a photo of Jackie and her sweet husband, Dan. They are superb human beings and it's my privilege to have met them through DG.


Georgetown, KY(Zone 6a)

Awh shucks pirl, you are making a country girl blush! It was nothing. Anyone would have done the same for such a generous and caring person, if they could. Thanks!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Jackie: you are Christmas in November! Arlene

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Pirl! I'm back, and I'm in!

And if ya'll don't find me charming or delightful enough to send me a gift...then you don't know what yer missing!!! LOL Just kidding ya'll!!!

I've only traded a few times on DG, since I'm still a newbie, but those I've traded with have been more than generous with me. I have a few in mind that I'd love to send some gifts to. "Out of sight, out of mind" is terrible, but true...sometimes we need someone to remind us to say "please" and "thank you." sooooooo.......

"Thank you" Pirl for being the one to remind us! :)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have never traded but would still send something...don't even know how the "trades" work. Who do I send it to? Just anyone on on dg?

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

When is the "Date" we settled on?

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

sounds like fun,please count me in,

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Heather!

I subscribed 20 days prior to you so I guess I'm considered a newbie. If a bride is called a bride for the first year then maybe we'll both be newbies until next May. Then do we become OLDBIES?

Your post was delightful! Just think of the reaction of the person (or people) you send to!!! I get goose bumps just thinking about it.

Levilya: remember that it doesn't have to be a plant and it's just a way of saying "Thank you" that someone won't be expecting. You'd just send to anyone that either sent you something that you didn't expect or who made you smile or who gave you a compliment or who you treasure or who you might miss if they left or whose posts you love to read.

Mitch: From May 15th until the end of time.

Brigitte: Great. I'll give everyone a notice on May 1st, 8th and 14th.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

My DH and I were just talking about Christmas gifts the other day...and what a Christmas gift should mean, and should really be. I know, we were getting a little deep...and he did tease me about it. At the end of our conversation we decided that the point of it all was to simply show those in your life that you care about how special they are to you. I love to do that!

So, why do we wait for holidays, anyway? Pirl, you deserve a huge pat on the back! Now I'm getting giddy, LOL.

I don't know if I'll have a lot of plants to send, we'll have to see how everything overwinters and if I can get some things started indoors. But, I can always make crafts, pick up some cute things at the $ store or whatever.

It will be fun to work on these things during the gray months of Jan. and Feb. when there's not a lot to do.

Thanks again!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


Please don't attribute anything to me but to the people who have been so generous to me. When I received one package of Japanese irises I really did cry at the assortment, the time it had to have taken Candy to package them and all the work involved. I was overwhelmed. People like her and Jackie (TuddyE) who have hearts the size of mountains deserve special recognition.

Think of it this way: if a little neighborhood child came over the day before Christmas with a handwritten card and a Milky Way wouldn't you be touched? I know I'd cry. That's what a gift should be: so touching and so unexpected that you're stunned......and grateful.

We do have lots of time to make a craft or buy a little gift in the cold dreary winter.


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok then, I'll just add Candy and Jackie to the list of folks here on DG that deserve a pat on the back! :)

Whoever came up with this, however it came about, I'm glad that it did. I'm looking forward to it! It will be lots of fun. I always need projects to get me through the time between Christmas and spring...all those dull dreary days and cabin fever. I'm sure this will be just the thing! :)

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Pirl, I would like to participate.
Dave 47

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Dave: It's your choice. Nothing is expected, required or demanded and it's an individual and very personal, heartfelt thank you. Nobody is going to contact you to tell you who to send to or what to send. You can send to one person or many and it can be as simple as a note or a card or a plant that you know the person really wants or a plant you love and hope they'll love.

It would be nice if we were 100% sure of what the person wants, collects, desires. Maybe their threads or journals can help us all.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Pirl, You are thoughtful!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Life is short, Dave, and lifting someone's spirits is a gift to the giver.

Georgetown, KY(Zone 6a)

Well Dave, here's how thoughtful pirl (Arlene) is. I just got my and my dh's spirits lifted by her. She sent a very large surprise package of absolutely beautiful looking irises to us!!
How nice can you get? For no reason at all, she took time to dig, divide, clean to perfection and package these beauties (as well as pay for the large box to be sent to us). A very unexpected, but really wonderful surprise. I can't thank her enough for taking the time to think of us during this busy holiday season. She would be the one person who has helped so many here at DG's, and here she is thinking of having a day to give even more of herself to thank other gardeners--how unselfish can you be? Thank you Arlene. We are so lucky to have met such wonderful people here at Dave's, many who deserve a special surprise--but none more than you!! Blessings to you and your garden--Jackie from Ky

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


But it wasn't me! Someone offered me irises and when they said they had plenty more you're the name that came to mind so I could surprise you and Dan. Glad you like them. I did pay for the postage so that's all the credit I can take. Thanks anyhow.


Georgetown, KY(Zone 6a)

No matter Arlene, you thought of us and you paid the postage, that was more than thoughtful enough.Thanks again!
I would however, like to thank the person with whom you traded. They took a great deal of time to prepare such a clean and healthy selection of plants. To do that for nothing but postage is a nice thing to do. Whoever it is, I thank you for all your time and care in the packing and cleaning and sorting and everything that went into that package. You too, are a very generous person to do that all for nothing in return. Thanks again to two generous dg garden members. Jackie from Ky

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That was Winnietn who was so generous to both of us. Winni is one of those who gives and gives.

Georgetown, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Winnietn, you're super!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm really brain dead. Winnie did send me a peony during the summer but it was Weegy who sent the irises. So very sorry. My apologies.

Thanks to someone special for noticing.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I am not a seasoned plant trader, just a couple under my belt. But I have decided I am going to join in the "gifting" this May. Thanks Pirl for coming up with the idea! I have some special DG members that I love to read their posts, etc., and benefit from their wisdom many times over.
Sheila FWTX

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Let's hope this thread doesn't get lost in the shuffle between now and May.

Merry Christmas everyone. Happy Chanukah. Happy Kwanza.

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