"Alba" (White) Coral Vine

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I planted this last Spring and it really has grown by leaps and bounds...I also bought the rare Red Coral Vine on Ebay and am awaiting for it to get going like this one did...want something to quickly cover an arbor?..This might be what you wanna grow..hope you enjoy..I know the Bees and Hummingbirds do...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

I love that vine! Are you growing it in full sun?? I would really be interested in seeds if you have collected any. I have several seeds that attract hummingbirds/butterflies. Unless there is something specific...check out my journal. :-)


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Lisa..It's in full sun and I shall look for seeds..It just started blooming about 2 weeks ago...

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

:) Donna

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

I have a silver lace vine that looks similar........will you have seeds for trade when available?

Thumbnail by jackieshar
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Did you start your coral vine from seed? I've tried starting the pink one from seeds and have had no luck getting any germination. If you started from seed, can you share your method?

That white is really lovely!


Mc Call Creek, MS

Wow, that is pretty! I have one that came up, but it has not bloomed for me yet. Has your red one bloomed for you yet? Is it a true red? I'll bet that is a sight!


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Onalee..so I bought the Alba in a 3 gallon pot and am not sure about growing it from seed..will have to read up on that..
Kay, the Red one hasn't bloomed yet..it was very small when I bought it from this Lady in texas that sells them on Ebay..It was the only one she had left and didn't want to sell but I begged and got it..LOL...I kept it in its' little pot for weeks till it was big enough to go into the garden..So, I am hoping next year will be better..can't wait...it is a perennial here....Jeanne

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)


Your vine is beautiful. If you would like to trade some white seed for the pink I will have ready to harvest soon, please Dmail me. Thanks, Barb

Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

Hiya JeanneTX, I was wondering if you able to collect seeds from your White Coral Vine. If so, I would love to trade with you or sasbe if possible. How did your Red Coral Vine turn out?

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I have the coral vine--its not all that hard to find. I would look around in Houston, San Antonio, or Austin before ebay.

PS I love the vine too...I also have the pink.

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