Cool weather caution

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

As much as I have looked forward to and celebrated the arrival of cooler weather (finally!) to our area, we all must also remember to be careful. I just found out that a woman I used to work with and her 6 yr old son died early this morning when their home burned. With cooler temps@ night, firefighters see a spike in fires caused by space heaters, etc. Fatalities are especially common when there are no smoke alarms in the home.

Please heat your homes carefully, and have heating systems checked. Please be sure to install smoke alarms in your homes, and be sure the batteries are good. Be careful out there.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the reminder. we use a wood stove to heat our house, and i always have my eye on the back door and the fire extinguisher to make sure they are both handy! first protocol is always the escape plan and the meeting place.

Fire drills are very important! Always have a plan and a back up plan! The house can go, but i want my family and hopefully pets safe.


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