AttentionIowa Lily Fans!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey, next Saturday October 15th is the day for our Iowa Lily Society Fall Bulb Sale in Des Moines.

I'll be there with llilyfan, Iowaron and Moby (if we're lucky!) Stop by for some great buys on lilies & a chance to meet more lily addicts. It's a perfect time to plant these gems now for summer blooms.
Here's a link to our Lily webpage---

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm going to add more Orienpets--the colors were striking this summer.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi Wanda, I'll be there! My calendar is marked and I'm pinching my penny's! Jill

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Wanda--looks like a great idea--wish I could go, too.

btw, does the Iowa Lily society get their bulbs from Lily Nook? Just wondering....

Have fun. t.

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi tabasco,
We haven't had much success in buying wholesale lily bulbs from very many Canadian growers. Not a lot of incentive to sell wholesale to U.S. Lily Societies I guess.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Who have you spoken to? (re canadian wholesalers?).


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Hope I'm not running to late ?
I found this transportation at local Homeland store,
I stole it and am headed to your way
Lily sale here i come ! putt ... putt ...!

Thumbnail by tazzy
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Gee, and i thought you were just going to fly here on your broom.... LOL Did you know my nickname was "Wanda the Witch" as a kid? Now, where did I put that broom???

Love to have you Tazzy...

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I wish i could me there !
I will be there in spirit broom and all ?
while i am wishing
" wish that old truck was mine ! "
The hood ornament is a heat gage

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

I'm so jealous - have to work Sat. Is Sue's pc up and running yet? I miss her!

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey Laura,

They couldn't find anything wrong with it at all! It is working just fine now that it has cooled down (we don't have ac).

Now I'm just to busy to spend much time on the computer. Mostly I lurk when I do manage to log on.

Sure wish we could see you Sat., but I know how it is.

Are you planting any lilies this fall?


Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

SUE!!!! wonderful to see u! I've been thinking about u often, wondering how all those lilies are doing too. Are u going to start selling this fall? or not till next year? And how about the coop bulbs, did u get them figured out? And the newspaper article, do they have it published on line? I wanna see it!

As for fall planting, I got one pink in a trade and thought that would be all for this fall, no time to look. We-e-e-ell, Ron just emailed me the list and I don't think I can bear to pass some of the up. Typical or what? we can resist as long as we're not looking at them, right? I'm gonna have to send him an order, it's imperative!!

Oh, and the scale did the same as yours, bit the dust. Took a long time tho, I really watched it close and it was over a month before it finally succumbed. Dratted thing!! lol

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

What's that lily in the first post?

Hey Laura ~ good to see you! Sorry you're going to miss the sale. I'm going; any excuse the see those fun Iowa people! :)

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)


It didn't want to set a pod either, maybe next year. I used it for pollen, but didn't have too many of those take either. I'll be more diligent next year and try to get my timing right.

Yep you're right it sure is hard to resist when you have the list and all those pretty pics to look at. We won't discuss my lily bill this year!

Mary, sure am glad you want to associate with us Iowa people! So glad you are able to come.

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok you guys, I'm excited now. I spent a couple hours at the mall skirting tables and hauling in the bulbs for tomorrow's sale. It's gonna be FUN!
I can't wait to see every one again. A new steakhouse has opened in Johnston (just a short distance from the mall) called The Texas Roadhouse. Oh I think I can hear them Bar-b-Que ribs calling my name after a hard day of talking lilies and selling big plump bulbs!

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

Well I'm pleased to announce not only the joy and success of our Lily Societies Bulb Sale yesterday, but the micro-Roundup that occurred at the Sale was awesome too! What with Wandasflowers, Llilyfan, Moby all there working with me (Iowaron) at the sale, up pops our new friend Momof2D! Aren't Dave's Gardener's the best?
Here's a picture of the table setup in the mall.

Thumbnail by Iowaron
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Moby--the first one is "Shocking"--an Orienpet generously sent to me by llilyfan last fall.

Momofd--great to see you at the sale yesterday! Why didn't you stay for a picture?

llilyfan, Moby, Iowaron & wife Peggy all had a great time. Here we are in our official "lily Society" shirts. (Nebraska carpetbagger Moby forgot to wear HER shirt!"

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

About time you all checked in
Was getting afraid the lot of you was in jail
great pictures / Moby didn't need her club shirt
she was showing those famous legs .

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

You should have seen Moby earlier--showing off legs in shorts & halter top!

llilyfan showed up with daughter and gorgeous "bulblets" in tow....

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

And Iowaron tried to run off with one of the sleeping "bulblets" when he thought we weren't looking...

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

And there were babies at our bulb sale. Llilyfan figures ya just can't get 'em started too early I guess. Here she is with her newest Granddaughter, Breelie.

Thumbnail by Iowaron
Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

You guy's were great, I've planted mine (yesterday) already, Ron --- big thanks to you for the tip on the Martagon.....I would not have known! Sorry I did'nt stick around for a pic or go to supper, I like to get home to hubby, he's so isolated and I just wanna be home to keep him company, but even 'he' cant keep me away from the next Roundup! I'm looking forward to it and I promise to stick around and do cleanup work. Thanks you guys for all the 'tips' you provide! Jill

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Yeah, Iowaron & llilyfan are full of helpful tips.... And ready to get the rest of us addicted!

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh Oh Oh! Let me tell you about where we went after the bulb sale. A brand new Texas Roadhouse restaurant ( opened up in Urbandale,IA last Monday. (or so I thought) Well when we got there, some folks were standing around outside waiting to get in. As Peggy and I approached the front doors, we were asked by a manager if we had an "Invitation". Of course we didn't. It turns out that the restaurant is scheduled to open next Monday, but this night was a Training Night and VIP Party. Which means invitations had been sent out and folks were going to be seated and fed FREE!!! Can you guess the next part?
The manager let us in with the VIPs!! What a wonderful assortment of meals were served, everything was absolutely delicious, and the price couldn't be beat!
Here we are afterwords outside the restaurant...
ohhhh, don't mention food right now, we're all stuffed! :-)

Thumbnail by Iowaron
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey--that pic turned out great! Incredible food & cute waiters. Ask Moby! LOL

Good thing they fed us for free--I spent waaay too much on lilies yesterday! Do you suppose I have to go out and dig some holes now???

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Breelie is such a beautiful little thing ~ just like porcelain doll. Sorry that I missed Jill (Momof 2d) Hi Jill! (waving)

OK, I promise that next time I'll wear my shirt. Considering it was a sale, I was afraid that someone might approach me and think I was actually in posession of real lily knowledge. Gonna have to work on that!

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Moby! Hi-ya back! Sorry I missed you and Peggy and the babies too! And the pics are great! I'll show hubby,See ya at round up!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I see Ron hid all the photos of us chowing down. Good Thing. Too many waitresses passing around food to sample. I was afraid they would have to ROLL me out of the place.

I started planting lilies yesterday, I really did. then my oldest came over to borrow my lawn mower to mow her rented lawn. Called back 20 minutes later"Mom, the mower keeps stopping! it's not out of gas & now it won't start at all!"

Well, if you leave the mower set on 2 inches and try to plow thru a foot of uncut lawn --the bag tends to clog & jam the blade! I went over, raised the mower blade to 4 inches & got suckered into mowing the rest of the lawn, dumping the bag after every short row! Next thing I know, my daughter has run back to my place for big clippers, gloves, a shovel & saw.

Under the long grass, we found brick edged beds, a flagstone path and other evidence of a gardener living there. No perennials still alive. Overgrown bushes & raggedy apple trees. Junk trees growing thru the fence 12 feet tall. Beer cans, tools, & junk in the long grass too.

Lizzie really went to town trimming bushes, trees & fence row. I advised & tied branches for the recycling truck to pick up. The people who lived there before her were real pigs.
Lots of junk in a little shed with the door torn off. If she stays there until spring, I'll have to find her a lawnmower & get the shed door fixed. Right now, I'm leaving my lawnmower for a few days. We'll cut the lawn again at a shorter length & maybe throw some weed killer on it.

Neighbors came out of their houses to say "Hi" to Liz and compliment our work. No one likes an unkempt rental in their midst.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Sounds like Mom has rubbed off on somebody. Good job!

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

I was just thinking how wonderful it would be to invite Liz and Wanda down for a "Lawn Party" at our house this fall. :-)
Ron & Peggy

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Taking care of rental as your own pays off. When we moved here in 1982, rent was very low. We paid our little pitence every month, did all the maintanence around the buildings, & kept the yard looking nice. Only bothered the landload for major probelms. Rent was never raised! 2001 came along & we were in a postion to purchase this place. I talked to the owner & we came up eith a gentleman's agreement on all of the things to do to get it so we could purchase.
Anyway, all said & done we payed him about ½ of what this place is actually worth. If we wouldn't have been caring renters, this would not have happened.
I hope your daughter has good experience as a renter.

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow, it has taken me a long time to come out of that lily frenzy and that food stupor! Actually, I got home Sat. night and DH drags me off to a retirement party for an aquaintance, then a friend drags me out on the dance floor, something this old body hasn't done in 20 years! Finally got home and Sunday morning DH drags me to a calf roping, at which we spent the day. I was too tired to see what was being said here at Dave's and it looks like I missed alot!

I think I'll be busy planting for awhile, I went just a bit crazy buying bulbs this fall, but the blooms next summer will cause a repeat performance!

Wanda, looks like you got that girl raised up and headed in the right direction all right, it won't be long now and you'll be digging plants for those beds

Jill, sure wish you had been able to see my family also, Ron got caught trying to add my little bulblet to his garden and might have gotten away with it if it wasn't for Wanda and Mary catching him!

I am rather attached to her and her brother as well as their mother, but they are only 2 of 12 grands that my DH and I have.

Ron and Peggy have an extremley beautiful granddaughter who also came to visit us at the sale on Sat. We are quite blessed!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm STILL not hungry! Do you suppose I tasted too many goodies??? LOL

I agree about taking care of rentals. If nothing else, I've taught my daughters to keep their living areas in nice condition. Clean, neat & pleasing to the eye. "Home" is a state of mind and should be comfortable--wherever it is.

I stopped into Liz' place yesterday to help her cut the last of the tall weeds & get the rocks out of the yard. We need to mow again at a lower height. We also cleaned alot of junk left by a former renter in a little garden shed. I'm lending her a few basic garden tools to play with. We'll find her a good used mower so upkeep won't be such a hassle.

Liz works and goes to college, so she doesn't have alot of free time. But she's a real nester. She had her boxes unpacked & pictures hung by day 2. I'm going to help her put a finish/sealer on the belached out front door. Not expensive--just a nicer look to her entry for $5.99 and an hour of her time.

llilyfan--I already put a simple flower garden by the front door a few weeks ago with cedar mulch for easy maintenence. She wants me to bring over clumps of onion & garlic chives for cooking. Her back door faces South & I see a brick border by the garage that will perfect for a little herb garden. When we were taking down tall weeds & brush, we found two limestone planters in the backyard corners. I'm sure I can spare a few perennials next spring to brighten them up.

My younger daughter has a tiny apartment at college. She had me pot up 3 plants and make macrame hangers for her windows. Looks like both of them carry my gardener genes... :)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Not hungry? Food stupor?? Watsamatta with you guys?

I just snarfed down a pile of smoked wings and a corn muffin with honey butter. Sustanance! Now I have the strength to tackle all of that bulb planting. Here I go ~

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I did'nt go crazy with planting lily bulbs......I planted alot of tulips though, at least a hundred. (they were on sale at Wally World) But I think you all may have me hooked on the lily's ---- watch out 2006! I cant wait to see the lilys that I purchased --- too fun! Smoked wings Moby, yum!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

What did you get? :)

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I only bought 4 lily bulbs Moby, the only name I can remember right now is Martagon, I'll look at my tags tomorrow when I get off work and let ya know the other 3. I was surprized to see that the Martagon that I bought comes in many different colors so when my blooms next spring/summer It will be exciting too see the color, I think the tag said pink w/yellow and nice spotting (or whatever ya call the spots).

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I didn't have time to really read this thread but am so sorry I missed the get together!

I was in CA when you had it and have been so busy, haven't been able to be on Dave's.

I am planning to attend the Herbaceous Perennials Conference in Ames and suspect you will all be there.

Miss you all so much!


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