Now that the planting is done.........

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

well i would buy the cat and pumpkin if it is ever For sale and that Three Strikes iris just went on my list

Lebanon, OR

Thank you kbaumie. I think in part people want you to do all the detail and sell everything for under $10,00 here. My wood is very good oak! I do most shading and detailing with paint and not a pin that draws a line for the outline. If the piece could in my mind be an outside piece I use marine spar varnish which is more expensive but then you can hose the piece off for years and it will not sun fade, or weather fade at all.

I painted Starship Enterprise on Slate for myself and it has my logo on the top. I am very pleased with the outcome of that one.

Again thank you one and all.

Now I am sewing misc iris items for the National Convention here in Portland next year, lets see pillows, pillowcases, napkins, aprons, potholders and ovenmits to name a few items.

I think I might start carrying some of them on my webpage year round as well as some titanium ornaments and earrings.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

you never cease to amaze D. We'll all look forward to it.

Lebanon, OR

Thank you one and all.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I've seen her Starship Enterprise's BEAUTIFUL!!

Denise, did you ever take time to relax and have a pedicure and massage after you planted all your irises? Should we start calling you the Energizer Bunny? You just keep going and going and going!!! ;-)

Lebanon, OR

The perm is next week, the pedicure is the 22nd, tomorrow is running away from home and all and being with friends doing fun stuff. Massage will be next month.

Right now getting the games ready for Halloween party. Invented a game called GHOST same as BINGO but 16 gameboards all different from different halloween clipart.

Have a word search and crossword then one that you have to think on because you have to come up with a ton of words from HALLOWEEN...

The menu is done.

The invites out

The house is all done up from inside to out.

Costume is done...


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Let the Party begin !

Thumbnail by tazzy
Lebanon, OR

Tazzy that is just tooooooooooooooooooooo cute:)
Made me laugh!

Just got in from daylily cleanup...I hate that job...

Anyone want to come and help and stay for the haunting party?


Lebanon, OR

thought you might get a kick of this

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

not the back of them

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

I loved making this fabric witch and she is holding a frog

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

the mantle all dolled up

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

finally my black cat! easy and cute!

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Very cute, Denise. Looks like someone is really good at the arts and crafts! Did you do the toll painting as well as the sewing?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

So cute .
I am craft challenged !

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

d - love your work. i wish i could paint! this a collage of my fall decorations.

Thumbnail by daylily970
Lebanon, OR

daylily970 so cool:) I love it...
You did something I can not do and that is a posting of the collage.

Next to Christmas, Halloween is my favorite time of the year, one can come out of the "normal" lifes we live and become something or someone we want to be or be something/someone we would never be. To me it is fun:)


Keep the pictures coming

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

d - you go to google and download picasa2. you can collage with that. it took me several tries before i could do it but i did it.

Lebanon, OR

thank you, I did now we will see if I can do it.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Halowwen is soo much fun. Why waste it on the kids? My older daughter was looking for more gruesome decorations for her college-age Halloween party. I grabbed four full head masks, stuffed with paper, added a strong jute string & stapled shut. Presto! 4 ugly "be-headed" heads to hang over her serving bar. Got the idea watching the shrunken head on the bus in Harry Potter 3.

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