Now that the planting is done.........

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Did you have a favorite Iris that you bought this year? Or do you have something special on your wish list for next spring? I know this is a little crazy since the growers change their lists every spring. But I thought that it might be fun.

One of my favorites is "Hot Ziggedy" from Kerr's

I bought it because my grandfather used to say "Hot Ziggedy" whenever I gave him a kiss. Sweet, isn't it?

My one big splurge is from Kerr's too. Creative Vision.

Next year I'd like Vapor and True Spirit - both from Superstition

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i think i will add Quandary for next year i won first wave at fall iris giveaway at local club and it ws on my list of wants . all are on Superstitions link above

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

First Wave is beautiful. I don't think that more ruffles on one iris exsist. I'm in a Quandry about Quandry. :-)

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

The planting is done? Gee, I guess I'm behind as usual. LOL ;-)

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

'Quandry' is a really unique, yet pretty, iris. If you're up for something different, it's a good pick. Here's my picture of it:

I also like 'Vapor'. It bloomed for me this year, and it was great. It's a bit of a slow grower here, but would probably do really well for you, doss. Here's my picture of it:

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the link to your photo of Vapor. It is lovely and looks worth waiting for. Quandry is quite unusual. Fascinating.

Mgh - I guess there's always planting to be done. I'm still working on the rose garden right now. The daylilies are in for the season I believe. Other than that, I'm dividing and conquering. And dividing and replanting. Mostly grasses right now, ground covers and ferns. But I am on to dreaming already.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Tazzy, you are ALWAYS winning great iris. What's your secret? Stuffing the drawing box???

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Don't miss a meeting and always show up and work sales show . it like points system . we drawn 5 people every month at meeting you are only eligible if you attend 5 meeting a year . this was implemented when i was president of club . all year when work was needed for show and sales no one around . iris give away meeting all were there and brought cousin sue , uncle get freebies . i am from the old school don't work don't eat . so with a lot of hissing and booing and lost friends i got it passed . ,now half of club doest even show up that night LOL we have contest G.A. and you can win that way . my team won on GA so we got extra. Enter shows if you get on Queens table you get so much credit from club and they write ck to hybridizer of your choice like Queen of show get 40,00 1st runner up 20 .00
best La. 25.00 etc.on down the line . we also have a flower arrangers class in shows

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I like the way you think Tazzy. Sounds very reasonable to me....don't work.....don't eat!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

It so sad but every club ,church ,etc , has 5% of people doing all the work ! Workers can burn out quick !
It takes at least 25% to have a smooth running
club. climbing off soap box, and going out to plant more Iris and pull MORE weeds

La. iris
Garnet Storm Dancer

Thumbnail by tazzy
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Garnet Storm Dancer is the one you convinced me to buy Tazzy. And I'm looking forward to it.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

It is my favorite .

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Hey Doss, Expose finally perked up with some new leaves, they're about 1/2 inch above the dirt, remember I told you the dogs decided that would be the only one they would dig up???!! I'm am so thrilled.
I am not done digging and dividing yet, still have quite a few to finish up with. The weeds are gone, but I'm sure they'll be back. So I guess I'm not done planting yet either!
Isn't Garnet Storm Dancer a Louisiana?
Oh and to answer your original question here on this thread, I didn't buy my favorite, Expose, it was given to me by a wonderful lady!!!!!!!! I cherish every little leaf that's popping up. That wasn't a cheap one, was it?????!!!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Weegy, Yes, I remember the dog dilemma. I'm so glad that it's growing. I believe that Expose is not known for increasing quickly. Maybe it needs some dog action to grow. :-)) Last year (2004) it was $85.00. Now that is a very silly number for an iris.
Garnet Storm Dancer is a Louisiana and I'm very excited since it's Tazzy's favorite.
If it's not one thing it's another. You are going to have to invest in some preemergent. You've never stopped weeding since you started that place.

I'm window shopping for daylilies before everyone closes up shop. I was looking at regular lilies and I kept thinking that I needed something shorter for the space. DUH. What blooms longer than an asiatic lily and is about 3/4 as tall? You've got it. A daylily. But it was fun shopping for the asiatics. I kept wanting the more expensive ones anyway. As if daylilies are cheaper, right?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Doss we just have high price tastes ?
If I like it,
it is going to be out of my price range for a few years.
Thats it ! " I am a head of my time ( finances ) "

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Tazzy, sounds like you have a good system going! I agree, during the past 18 years of working dance recitals, chaperoning cheerleaders,PTA, Choir trips, school trips,Girl Scouts, church, etc---the same group of volunteers showed up all the time!!!

I had one Girl Scout mom who did not show up to help at a single meeting or trip in six years! You can bet her kid was always there....

I'm glad you finally figured a method to reward the people who do the work. You go Girl!

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I am new to to irises... and fairly new to DG. I planted my first iris rhizomes this past weekend in North Georgia. I bought them online and had 91 rhizomes of varying sizes. I read all the books and put the rhizomes just even/or under the soil... with roots pointing down and fans pointing up! I barely watered to tap soil down and stood back to admire. Within an hour, a neighborhood basset hound was inside my 2' high planter sniffing my handiwork! I shoo-ed her out but we are not living there yet... so can I expect that they plants will be eaten when I get back. Now I'm worried after reading about the dog

This message was edited Oct 11, 2005 9:44 PM

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Squirrels ,cats love to dig them up .
i lay a brick on plant for few days they lose interest

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I'll have to try that brick idea. Here is a picture of what WAS there when I left..... hope some are still there when I go back this weekend.

Thumbnail by teateacher
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Nice raised planter - and Welcome!!!

The brick idea is brilliant Tazzy. Why am I not surprised?

The squirrels are my rhizome predators but they just leave them strewn around. Once they are rooted they don't bother them anymore. The dangerous thing to do is to use bonemeal. You can be sure that dogs will tear them up. Speaking from experience.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

cats do not care what fertilzer you use ?
they dig them up because they can !
can not take credit for brick trick ,
northern iris grower use this trick to stop heaving in cold climates in fall

This message was edited Oct 12, 2005 10:33 AM

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You'd think that it would take truckloads of bricks! Collected wisdom is just as good as original thought. :-)

Lebanon, OR

halloween time at the Stewart homestead


Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

People have such fun with halloween. I feel as if I'm a Halloween scrooge (LOL). I'm glad that these photos are coming. No one around here gets in the mood like you people do. We do have a design professor who assigns pumpkin carving to his students and then displays them in his garage Halloween night. Pretty fancy!

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

bah boobug! that's really cute doss!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Bah Boobug. Now I know what to say to the kids when they come to the door. Maybe they should get coal? No, it doesn't come individually wrapped. :-)

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

hahahahahaha! Hey, Doss, enjoy it for the kids, we sit outside at my neighbors' with a fire going, eating chili and drinking! We all bring a bowl of candy and instruct the kids which houses not to go to. It's actually alot of fun.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Weegy - what kind of a neighborhood do you live in? Which house not to go to??? How do you qualify to be a non-qualified Halloween house? Sounds sinister.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

We're all sitting in the neighbors' front yard, there's no one at our houses to give candy to so we tell the ghosts and goblins which houses which houses we live in. It's as easy as that! Still have to buy candy, I don't want them frolicking through my yard throwing candy wrappers all over, see we have it all figured out!

Lebanon, OR

More fun on Halloween

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)


Lebanon, OR

Glad you are enjoying these gang

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

now you have MY picture and
a cat and pumpkin.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Lol TAzzy - the self deprecation is cute. Who ever does those Halloween signs is gifted though. What charming characters.

At our house we rarely have visitors - just the kids we know and after 9:00 wandering Stanford students sometimes ring the bell. They don't get candy though if they aren't wearing costumes.

Lebanon, OR

I paint them in the winter:) it is relaxing.

Thank you

Doing a new one that is ghostly, spidery and haunting this year and a big 6" moving scarecrow and if time a witch.

I have to paint several new signs for the iris garden as well.
A drunkards path sign, for the twisty walk, a house for the guest iris and one for the seedling patch..

I almost have the catalogue done for 2006 on V now...way ahead of the game this year.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh wow............what one is this:

Lebanon, OR

looks alot like three strikes to me


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, I declare - you might as well go into having your signs for sale - but then it wouldn't be quite so relaxing. And you do need your time off. They are really very clever and well done. Thanks for making me smile.

Lebanon, OR

You are welcome. I used to paint lots of items but now no one buys them even tho they are treated with marine spar varnish to withstand our weather.

Enjoy the holidays


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

irislover, that is amazing to me, that no one buys them!! They're outstanding!! I am continually amazed at the talent here at DG!

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