Hurricane RITA - thread #11

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Here we are folks....and here we were

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

We went to Sam's club to restock. Most everything is back to normal
It seems that everyone is smiling at each other now, which is a good thing. We saw several very large trees broken off, but not on any houses. One of our neighbors yard and driveway is completely covered with pecans, not out of the husk. Still a little weary, but improving.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Glad it's improving, and really glad that Sam's was stocked and had happy people there.

I always had the "adrenaline-let-down" after the storms. Kinda' like letting the air out of balloon!

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

HAHA Pati. tees away I can take it. LOL

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We bought an 400W inverter for our van at Wal-Mart for $24.99, I think. It plugs into the cigarette lighter and has one receptacle in it. It's sufficient for charging/using notebook computer, using our battery charger, a TV, etc. We read that you have to be careful not to get too high a wattage or it can damage your battery. I'm not sure how much inverters are that clamp onto batteries rather than plug in to a lighter.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I have one I bought on-line for $9.95 It's small, I just keep it in the glove compartment. Only a 75W 12V....I may check one out at Wal-mart like yours.

I wanted it mainly for the cell phone

This message was edited Sep 26, 2005 2:37 PM

Come to think of it, I can plug the cellphone into the ciggarette lighter...DUUH

This message was edited Sep 26, 2005 2:41 PM

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Hello everybody! its me and we are fine and safety.. we are at my mom in new iberia, la and will stay here for longer and not know when we will be able to go check on our house in sulphur la.. Its very bad over there lots of tree down on roads.

RedRose is fine and with her family also with my Dh's family in Baton Rouge LA.

I am here at my sis and checking the email and here.. I wont be able to come here often and check DG butg please praying for us and I am worrying death about my other two dogs who are inh the house..

Love yall,

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Tricia said it will probably be 7-10 days before they are allowed back home. :( Her e-mail to use is for those who'd like to write her for now.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I made a mis post and a foolish statement... all gone now

This message was edited Sep 26, 2005 11:51 PM

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

they can survive without food but not without water. they can also get kidney failiur with absence of water.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

can't we mail a letter to her neighbor or something???

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm positive Tricia left them with plenty of food and water, you guys.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

I know something must be done. if not a neighbor, maybe a animalpolice or the ordinary policeforce can leand a hand.
edit. but she expected to be able to go home sooner that the authoroties will let them

This message was edited Sep 26, 2005 11:49 PM

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

It's a good thing that we can change our minds about what we've written isn't it

This message was edited Sep 26, 2005 11:52 PM

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Just a note - water that is still - (not moveing) is not considered safe for human consumpsion after 24 hours uncovered. This is because of bactieria (sp?) build up. Someone jump in and correct me if my facts are not correct.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Not sure of its shelf life, so to speak. Probably depends on what environmental issues surround the water; I've drunk water from a large tumbler after it's sat on my nightstand for a night or two.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thanks Dyson, did you happen to notice we are ATTEMPTING TO NOT PANIC, you are such a help LOL

araness will be out of touch for a while, they are headed back to Orange where she will likely have no phone service. hubby has to work :-(

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

If it's concerning dogs, they can drink water that's been in a bucket for quite some time and come out barking like champs.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Yes, I got this same information from Auburn Univ Vet School a couple weeks ago.

I called down there (got a direct line to their small animal facility) and asked much the same question. Dogs, cats, horses and other creatures have different systems than we do and even stuff that would make us deathly ill won't faze a critter. As long as the water isn't contaminated by gas or antifreeze, it should be fine for dogs to drink.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

OK, everyone take a deep breath, thank you to kim and Mel for helping us to not worry so much, or at least find something else to worry about LOL

hope they don't get hot in taht garage?!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Please, I'm sure Tricia feels badly enough at having to leave them in the first place. Let's not make her feel worse, okay? We're all concerned about our friends and their critters, but worrying aloud about worst-case scenarios isn't going to help them or their babies. If folks have ideas to help, that's great!

This message was edited Sep 27, 2005 12:10 AM

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Yep, son's dog drinks water from little standing pools in the slickrock out here in the desert. All kinds of things in it and doesn't bother her at all... I did it once and was sick for more than a month. May I say the desert is no place to run outta water.

Edited to say edited above here

This message was edited Sep 26, 2005 11:56 PM

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

If Tricia can't get home I'm fairly certain the mail isn't getting delivered. Are we all getting punchy or what.? But maybe a call to the sherrif's office wouldnt be outta line. Sulphur isn't getting much coverage. heck Iberia looked pretty bad on CNN, not like it the greatest place to be either.

Has anyone seen pics of any of those small towns on the marsh fringes? They seem to be saying no deaths from the hurricane. Isn't that a wonder?

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Blooms !!yeiks, dont forget those wartercleaning tabletts next time or some iodine when you are hiking in the desert :0)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I, too, have drunk the same water from the tumbler by my bed a few nights in a row. It tasted stale, but didn't hurt me. I am a mouth breather at night and so it dries my mouth and throat out so I always have to have water by my bed. sometimes I forget to get fresh water before I go to bed.

It is hot hot hot here...we hit records the last week. Sunday was 108 and yesterday was 107. It is going to be at least 100 in Beaumont/Orange, TX area as well as western LA...AND they have much more humidity than we do in austin. So you folks down there without electricity (like Saint) better drink tons and tons of water. Praise God that there is a cold front coming down that we should get sometime Thursday. When I say "cold" front...that means we will be in the low 90's rather than 108. So hopefully that will give a little relief to those w/o AC.


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

If dogs can drink out of toilets........


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL @Hap!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Hap...good point! hahaha.

Aarhus, Denmark(Zone 7a)

I don't know about dogs, but both my cats actually like stale, old water. You can serve up all the cool, fresh, clear water in the world, they still prefer to go out on the balcony and drink some disgusting old gunk out of a plant saucer. Or better yet, the bird bath! Bleh.

They only drink the "nice" water from the bowl when the outdoor puddles are dried out. Silly creatures. It's the same with my neighbor's cat, but we've never observed any ill effects. Animals are wonderfully resilient.

I just talked to Saint a few minutes ago. She's back home, and although there is damage, she is counting her blessings. She said it's hot in TX, but they have water, ice and food. The land line works, but not the cell phone. They have water, but it's not drinkable and no electricity. They have a gas grill for cooking and there's suppose to be a cool front moving in, so she's looking forward to that. She said to tell everyone hello. ... Elaine

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Hello! Dh is on way to check our house if they let him.. to check..

Here Iberia, everything's back normal.. but port of iberia is flooded. My cousin's house is flooded 4 ft in the house. He lives in Lyida, LA.

Yes, it's frustrated that we dont get much coverage about Lake Charles or Sulphur LA here. And they might want my DH to go back to work as soon as he is ready. He works at ConocoPhillips Plants in Lake Charles, LA. They re trying to start it to running. It was shut down last fri nite.

NOTICE: my both email addy is down. I was not able to get emails on my pagers. They re working on it.

Ill let yall know about our house, dogs after DH come back.


New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

You can get all info about Lake Charles LA, Sulphur LA (Calasieu Parish) here

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Managed to get online for a few minutes so maybe can get this post through. We have a generator but limited diesel so we are mainly using the elec. for pump, keeping freezers cold, occasional washload of clothes, and microwave. FEMA is here and has ice and meals in town if you have gas to get there and want to stand in line. I had to check on an elderly lady yesterday and take her supplies so I did stand in line and they were generous (probably because I had my two grandkids in the truck). We received half a dozen bags of ice, 2 gallons of water, and 4 of the meals. The kids were impressed with the packaged meals since they had canned spaghetti and meatballs, Pringles, sunflower seeds, picante sauce in a packet, a juice drink, and Jello pudding. We gave two of them to the elderly lady and my grandkids each took one. Most of the downed trees on the roads have been cut and moved to the side and the electric wires pushed off the road. The main problem is no available gas, diesel, food etc. The grocery stores cannot open without electricity. Yesterday our Walmart received large generators and will be open today but you must wait in line to get in. I will just wait until I can get gas when I go back to town. The highway patrol is keeping people from moving around or going town to town. There are many people who lived south of us and evacuated but now want to go back home and there are no facilities. We are lucky to have a full freezer, a generator and some diesel. A friend found out that a tanker with gas was coming in to Spurger at 8 this morning. They got there at 7 and are number 138 in line and the tanker has not arrived yet. I'm glad I didn't go there expecting to get gas. Each time I venture out to town the improvement is noticeable. It is just a monumental task when you think of how many counties were devastated during this storm.
The cold front that is on the way will be a blessing to many. Better get off and shut this down. Jenny

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Appreciate the updates MiniShnuz ..

Glad to hear that the hubby is goin' to check on things at home, Mini ..

Maybe he'll be allowed in, with no problem .. And prayerfully, he'll find that things aren't near as bad as some have discovered, nor, as many have anticipated ...

No doubt that them pooches (and the other critters too), will be awfully glad to lay eyes, on one of their 'masters' ...

And, am hopin' that the hubby reports back to the rest of you - that things are better than you guys expect ...

I'm sure that the cool front headin' yalls way .. will be a most wonderful blessing and well-needed reprieve for all !!

- Magpye

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

sh1025/Jenny ...

Access to, or, having a generator .. IS surely quite a blessing in itself it!

We can only imagine the mass confusion, the hurt, anxiousness and aggravation .. that is goin' on in the devastated areas.

Glad to read that FEMA is there .. and distributing goods, supplies, and food, etc. .. to you folks! Goin' out on a limb here .. but it seems that [they're] makin' great strides in improving their response time ...

The WalMart stores (everywhere) .. truly, seem to be going the xtra mile .. to hep out, and keep their doors open and shelves stocked ..

- Magpye

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Thinking of you guys today. Tricia, hope Ricky finds good things!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)


DH just called from our house!!! Everything's Fine.. no house damaged!!! My dog Tikki is alive and also my 9 chickens!!!!! Only trees fell down around property.

My car is still GOOD as new! LOL

No water or powers.. No water in house!

When he called and gave us good news.. I cried with joy!

He's bringing Tikki with him to come home here!


Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)


That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Wonderful news! What a relief! Did he get a chance to see Tigger or Teddy?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yayyyy!!! :-)

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