Photo by Melody

MsHansen's Member Page


  MsHansen wants you to know:  

  A note from MsHansen:  
"I live in a second floor apartment (which is also the top floor) in a suburban area, close to the city of Aarhus - not too close though, I like my fresh air and blue skies! :-) I like creating beautiful things with my hands and with my imagination. Container gardening, building webpages and making jewellery are my favorite things to do. I live with two tabby cats who have their own giant umbrella plant for chewing, and a basket full of catnip for sniffing and sleeping next to in the hot, lazy summer afternoons.

Since the space is limited, I really love growing vines, especially annuals like Morning Glories (no room for overwintering stuff). Another favorite is all kinds of fragrant flowers like Four-o'clocks, Nasturtium and Petunias, and herbs like Pineapple Sage, Lemon Balm, assorted mints and basils. Yum.

  Photo from MsHansen  
"Cleaning berries in my mom's garden a few years ago. Ah, memories :-)"

Picture of MsHansen

MsHansen signed up on Jul 5, 2004