what kind of pear tree?

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

My cousins have a couple of pear trees that are full of fruit this year.. The trees seem to have come up from seeds many many years ago in a fence row. They seem to be an heirloom variety perhaps. The pears are about the size of a large walnut so very small for a pear. I have done a few searches trying to find what kind of pear this is.. Seems to be and endless variety of pears.
Any ideas?

I would like to try to start some from seeds.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

If they are wild seedlings, you shold have no problem with starting others from seeds. There a number of types of wild to semi-wild pears scattered over the country, ranging from small round sugar pears, to course pear shaped pears that will set your teeth on edge. They are not named varieties.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)


My first thought was a Bradford Pear... But since bradfords are short lived and these don't seem to have that problem I sort of ruled that out.

These have a wonderful flavor. I like the name sugar pears.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

If they are small, they could also be a Seckle pear. when I was a kid, we called them pickle pears, because that was what my grandmother did with the few we let actually ripen. They are sweet even very green - speaking from experience!

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

No, can't be Bradfords. They produce a small round hard tan fruit that looks nothing like a pear & is inedible except for some wildlife interest.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Glad to hear they can't be Bradfords. The cousins brought me one to taste and I haven't actually seen the trees yet. They have a wonderful flavor and very sweet although a very small fruit.!

Just having the names of sugar pear and seckle (seckel) pear have given me enough information to do some great websearches.

This is one site I found.


Also... my goodness some of the recipes.. ! Thanks for the great input!

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