Fall harvest time photos

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

This is sweet and yummy and is from the fourth planting there is one more if I am lucky enought to have it mature. How many of you are fortunate enough to grow this in the fall. Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

They are all like these and bigger I dont think the next batch will be quite as big because of lower light conditions we will see. Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I tried to teach myself how to braid but found out I was using the wrong type onions they have to big and thic stems so braided a little then tied with string I like the look even if puttting them in bags is eaiser lol

Thumbnail by eweed
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Nice looking broccoli Ernie, Which cultivar are you growing? Having a hard time starting fall crops as temps have not gone down.

. Having a hard time starting my fall crop. Temps just will not come down.

This message was edited Sep 25, 2005 1:53 PM

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Farmer ty as to the name I am not sure I bought some started seedlings on a whim one day at a commerical garden and it is what they grow to sell seems to me it had a number in its name though.

These onions are Red Burgermastter they average a pound and are really nice and do keep much better than WW but not as good as a legit keeping onion like Copra

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

now this is the way to braid onions lol sacking makes it easy to give them away in a hurry to

Thumbnail by eweed
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

eweed ..

Some mitey dandy lookin' broccoli ya got there.

A fine job of 'braiding'. They're stayin' together well .. Yep, the sack looks to be much easier.
But the braiding has that certain 'display' appeal workin' for them too! ..

Looks like you've had a pretty good harvest of the onions! Never tried any of the 'red' onions .. for I've heard they have somewhat of a 'hotter' taste. Do they - ?

- Magpye

This message was edited Sep 25, 2005 1:22 PM

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

M ty the onions were a smashin success this year I used mostly Dixondale plants but made some from seed,

As to the red onions being hotter don,t know if that is the norm but Red Burgermasters are not hot they are sweet and go into salids nicely, At least grown here thats the way they are I have read someplace water starvation makes any onion hotter.

Bannana Hybrid Surpreme big sweet and crisp.The peppers are very good this year

This message was edited Sep 26, 2005 5:44 AM

Thumbnail by eweed
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Sure need picture and comments on Banana Supreme; http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/81955/index.html.

A picture of your harvested Red Burgermasters would be helpful also;

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

FarmerdillI I will speak with my computer guru and see about the peppers she already put the Red Burgermasters on for me do You need more?

Artichoke flower I have never seen one flower before always ate all of them

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Butternut did well this year I noticed the squash serviced with the T tape were normal sized . The ones I hand watered were smaller than last year by at least a third to a half. Guess next year I will streach tape where no tapes have gone before lol

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

This is shoeasquash it was a fun guy to grow. Thanks for the seeds shoe now I will give donna the baby seed and challange her to a duel lol

Thumbnail by eweed
Orange, CA(Zone 10b)


Great looking broccolis, peppers, and onions. Cool pic of arthichoke flower. I've never seen the big edible kind flowered before. Have only seen the small, wild ones.

How long did it take for the broccolis to be ready for harvest from the time you planted them? We like brocs but I'd probably have to grow lots in order to feed my brood.

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

Never heard of a shoesquash before.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Weed, you upload pictures to plantfiles the same way you upload them to the forums. Takes longer for them to show up, but you you merely have to click on upload an image.

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Gosh, Ernie, I need to learn how to grow broccoli like yours - those are gorgeous! :)

Part of our winter squash (buttercup, not butternut) was planted at the end of the corn rows, and thus had the benefit of regular watering via T-tape. We had a far higher yield this year per vine on those, too.

Quyen, I believe Ernie's "shoesquash" is actually a Tromboncino (or similar) from seeds shared by our own DG member Horseshoe.

I'm up for the challenge, Ernie, but you have to promise to share the proper kind of seeds and not those of a patty pan. lol

Victorville, CA

Ernie- Silly me! I didn't click on the pic and enlarge it so it looked white and I thought it was a cauliflower and couldn't understand why "everyone else" was crazy and calling it Broccoli! Duh!
Another onion question though. I transplanted my onions 6in apart but how do you know when to bend the tops down? I planted Sweet Spanish Yellow Utah Jumbo seeds from Ferry-Morse.
I've finally got some White patty pan squash almost ready to harvest.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Cut this broc tonight bought the garlic and some one gave me the shallots just included them to make the pic more interesting. Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

this pic was couple nights ago they are still at it

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by eweed
Victorville, CA

Ernie- what kind of toms are they? They sure look great!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Juli my garden helper pulled up all the markers II planted several different so I can only identfy a few by sight the mishapen on in the first is Prudens Purple. I think the rest in the same pic is Abe Lincoln but not sure. This one is buffalo.

Thumbnail by eweed
Victorville, CA

Gosh they're sure nice looking. So perfect. My garden helper, otherwise known as my DH, forgot to write down on our garden map which pumpkins got planted where. So I've got a grip load of green pumpkins coming up and until they start getting bigger or not getting bigger I won't know if they are sugar pies or connecticut field pumpkins. Well, poo poo happens, I guess.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

another good fruit set

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

hope these finish ripening

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I did not grow the garlic and shallot braids just put them in to spice up the pictue

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Everything harvested in the fall is not eaten

Thumbnail by eweed
Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

What, you don't eat flowers,Ernie?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Hmm is an artichoke a flower?? maybe I do. I think they ate Dahliahs sp bulbs in Mexico years ago anyone know for sure. Ernie

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

Among others: Okra; Marigolds; Broccoli, Daylilies; Geranium; Squash blossoms;

Victorville, CA

Ok here is my fall harvest pic. minus the pumpkins cuz they aren't ready yet.

Thumbnail by Juli64
Victorville, CA

Ok Mr. Demille I'm ready for my close-up. Beefmaster and Jelly bean toms, crookkneck summer squash, blackbeauty zuccini, white patty pan squash, one little acorn squash, a couple Hungarian wax peppers that shouldn't have been picked yet.

Thumbnail by Juli64
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Here is my potato harvest from today.


Thumbnail by Gwendalou
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Hey Ernie, Happy Birthday!!!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Very nice potato haul! They will be good eating.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Some mighty nice looking veggies here.
Let me add a nice red pepper. One of the mix color bells from Parks Seed called Rainbow Mix. I've grown these for years and am never disappointed.
I have a fairly small veggie garden, so the mix color ones give me a nice variety.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Here is one of my broccoli, a Green Goliath. I only plant them in the spring and harvest side shoots until frost. They were not as large as previous years but had more and larger side shoots. So I guess it balances out.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Here is the last of my tomatoes, these are Burpee 's '4th of July'. They are the first ripe tomatoes in the neighborhood that are larger than a golf ball. Easily 10 days before 'Early Girl' and I like the flavor better too. They are also the last ones to stop producing. My favorite small.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Gwen see you got a crop afterall congrats.

Bernie thanks lol its hard to face up to 63 lol

Sarahskeeper nice things do come from small places the pepper is especialy nice.


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