Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

We are waiting here to hear from you, and also if you have any information about those that can't communicate yet.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Alive and might have to stay as they say Dallas is running out of gas

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

this is how I feel after the storm. we are fine. thanks to everybody that expressed concern and well wishes. This is a truly special group, and I am happy to belong.

I'm here ... still praying and holding hands with each of you over the miles. Hugs to every single one of you. ... Elaine

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

That's a HAPPY picture that we all needed right now. Thanks!

(Zone 8b)

Justmelisa and Trois are posting on the other thread that they have both survived OK, if in Lisa's case only just.
Ican't spell this morning!!

This message was edited Sep 24, 2005 9:41 AM

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

This is a strange one.
How to check-in?

Start w/ the Katrina Found Members in LA?
That's a pretty good starting place and we know they 'could' answer.
Found Twice?

Then do a TX ?
Maybe tie-in w/ the TX Forum?
Where to cut off in TX?
East of a line from Corpus Christi to Dallas?


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

good suggestion ric (charlie?)

but how to implement? whatever you decided, i know it will make it easy to check in and keep up. this check in could go on for weeks you know...

i noticed this AM they had a rita thread in the TX forum, didn't even occur to me, DUH???!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I'm good at suggestions but others here did the Katrina Check-in.
I bow to their expertise.

Here's the TX Thread.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

it's kinda long, i wil suggest they start one just for checking in. several folks are keeping up on both the TX and the weather forum, so they can copy posts over if need be...

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

i'm fine here in conroe. son adam and my two kitties are here. the kitties are pacing, want to go outside, but even though our wind is not near as bad as originally forecast, it's still too scary to be outside. lots of tree litter in the yards and street, but nothing big - at least as far as i can see from my window. Not a lot of rain, hoping for more (for my parched beds!) scattered power outages throughout the area, but ours is fine except for some flickering and brown-outs (therefore will shut this computer down after posting this.)

unbelievably, my son's boss called him last night about 10pm to say that he will open the business (a club in central houston), adam is to report to work tonight!

i would start a check-in thread in the tx forum, cross linking to this one, but need to turn this comp off. you don't have to be a tx'an to start a thread there, you know... :-)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I was just coming here to say I started a TX check in thread. Thank you maggiemoo. :)

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I was just coming to say I had started one too. LOL I couldn't take the title out, so I put a link to your's so there wouldn't be confusion and posting in two places. Thanks Badseed.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

We're fine. The power went off for a very little while, but is back now. I haven't really looked outside yet, but we didn't hear any big thumps, so I think the roof is probably fine, too.

I'm so glad you're ok, Lisa!!!

~ Marylyn

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

((((((((Pati))))))))))) Thank you for your prayers and all you do here, my friend. :-)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

my sis NE of Orange os OK, but so many trees between shelter and home (2 miles away), doesn't know when she'll find out anything.

those in the area should know that TeamOne from JFK is setting up at the NPS visitors center now and starting rescue/cleanup/restore/repair! My BIL and other PS personnel have already been clearing trees and debris, they are not wasting any time :-)

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

WHEW!!!! Glad you heard from your sister.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i jus tposted a link to here from the 3rd katrina check in list, hope that brings more updates...

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

TamaraFaye, It's great to hear that clean up has already begun. Thanks for posting that. That is very encouraging to hear for all of us who have no other info except for CNN and the weather channel...sometimes all they seem to report is damage, damage, damage...even if you see folks in the background repairing and rebuilding. I've been watching TV off and on this morning, and checking the web, and your report is the first I've heard of clean up crews...please continue to pass on the good word!

It's such a relief to hear folks checking in and knowing you're ok. My sis and family is in Beaumont, they stayed. They have very minimal damage. God is good, and prayer works! :)

Hugs and prayers to everyone in TX and LA,

Quoted ...
TamaraFaye, It's great to hear that clean up has already begun. Thanks for posting that. That is very encouraging to hear for all of us who have no other
info except for CNN and the weather channel...sometimes all they seem to report is damage, damage, damage...even if you see folks in the background repairing
and rebuilding. I've been watching TV off and on this morning, and checking the web, and your report is the first I've heard of clean up crews...please
continue to pass on the good word!

It's such a relief to hear folks checking in and knowing you're ok. God is good, and prayer works! :)

Hugs and prayers to everyone in TX and LA, Heather

Heather, hope you don't mind me quoting part of your post. So eloquently put! ... Elaine

I got a voice mail from Angelsong this morning and she was on her way home and had been called into work. She sounded very tired but is doing ok and said the adrenline was kicking back in.

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Just talked to Moodene. They are fine no damage to the house, limbs down etc. They have no electric but have a generator on the way. Dasiy Mae stayed outside the whole time and is fine.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone,
Just wanted check in and say hi. We stayed at home in Clear Lake. I have electric , but no water here due to a water main breaking just before the storm hit. I have plenty of bottled water. We have allot of leaves and small tree limbs down in our yard. Our neighborhood has allot fo tree damage. I just fininshed cleaning my yard. We are all truly blessed. This could have been allot worst here. I pray for the people of East Texas and Louisanna. Take care.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the compliment Elaine! :)

It's just so nice to hear some good news...that things are getting cleaned up already...folks checking in. We can start to breathe a sigh of relief. I know there's still lots to get through, and we are still praying. It's just good to see hope rising this early.

I'm so glad that DG is such a tight knit community. I've told all of my friends and family about the check-in lists and prayer groups...folks opening their homes for practical strangers to stay with them. One friend told me that it "renewed her belief that there are good, caring folks out there willing to help." :)

I can't do a whole lot from way up north where I am, so I check the boards as often as I can and pray. In the last few weeks gardening has come in second as my reason for my DG membership. Ok, back on topic now, sorry. Just wanted to say what a terrific group y'all are!

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Has anyone heared from MiniSchnuz? She lives in Sulphur, LA.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Hello rose318 !! ..
We, all .. truly appreciate your checking in!! So very good to hear, that you and yours are okay.

There are quite a variety (and number) of threads, where other DG'ers are checking in and givin' the rest of us .. their virtual 'thumbs up' (as best they can muster, with the afterwrath of Rita). Have been several folk, that are sending messages via others .. to fill us in on their current stats also.

Some of you may want to take a gander at some of the other threads, to get some updates/reports of their fellow DG'ers! Good-ness, I think I've got a dozen of these threads marked 'to watch' .. and am still piecin' the puzzle together!

- Magpye

This message was edited Sep 24, 2005 7:42 PM

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

miss_kitty is fine didn't get to talk to her but talked to her grandmother and she said everybody was fine.

Hope it's okay to post this here. I received this from LouisianaSweetPea in Chalmette,LA.

We live(d) in Chalmette, Louisiana, which is located in St. Bernard Parish (Parishes in LA, Counties in every other state). St. Bernard is adjacent to New
Orleans -- a suburb of N.O.

St. Bernard Parish was one of the hardest hit by Katrina, and the eye of the storm tracked DIRECTLY over our area -- but it was New Orleans that got all
the coverage. There has been water up to, and over, the eaves of our house, and the water has been standing there for several weeks.

Just as the area had been drained, along comes Rita and our area got flooded AGAIN. So discouraging.

But your thoughts and prayers are very welcomed and much appreciated. Thank you.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

More than alright IO1!
I was going to DMail LouisianaSweetPea this evening.
Glad she's alright.



Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

Elaine, you're doing a great job !!! :)


Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

We made it through the storm fine. Thanks.


Long Beach, MS(Zone 8b)

Jean: I have many friends in Chalmette and have heard from most of them and as you know, they lost everything too. On the Mississippi Coast, I suffered lots of damage but my house is liveable and I had to get back to work as they were letting some of the people who didn't return to help open our new offices go. If I can help you in any way, let me know. Where are you now? My prayers are with you.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

You can find where Jean is from her thread in the Helping Katrina Victims forum...

Long Beach, MS(Zone 8b)

Is there a Louisiana check in. I must have missed it and can't find it. Thanks to all of you for your help with Katrina and with Rita.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

No, but she is staying in another state at a motel. Had nothing to return to yet, as St Bernard Parish had just receeed and now re-flooded. So not sure she has checked in since the storm, she just wasn't in this ones path. She is posting picw right now of hteir motel room and things people have sent...


i think a LA check in might be a good thing, but everyone seems to be checking in with the htreads they are familiar with right now...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Nothing official yet Ruby.
People are just wandering in and getting comfortable.
I think everyone is kinda in a daze today.
More sittin' round in the palor than checkin' off a list.
Just feels right this time. Family...............

Glad you're OK!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I think everyone is kinda in a daze today.
More sittin' round in the palor than checkin' off a list.

well said!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Dianne492 lived at the port of Iberia, LA and Flicker just reported that :

I just spoke to Dianne. She and her family are ok but her house has 8 ft of water in it. I don't know when she will be able to return or what she will find. Probably the winds and waters have taken her lovely collection of hoyas and orchids. Let's hope I am wrong. Her family is staying at her mother in laws. Some parts of New Iberia don't have electricity, cable tv, or internet yet. She can't get on line .
Where Dianne lives is near a marina and the port of Iberia. She is right on a waterway. All of those folks are in shock. The waters are still rising.
All of us will have to help Dianne start her collection over when the time comes.

I'm sure she will need a DGbuddy.....I asked Flicker in the above link if she would like to take it on.

I also put a link to this thread for Nightbloomer (on the last thread she had on *watch*)

This message was edited Sep 24, 2005 9:38 PM

Thanks for sharing that, Lilypon
... Elaine

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