
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Here the outside leaves of mine die off mid summer. You can give them a "haircut" and remove the dead leaves if there is new growth in the center. Gardengeek - you're not too far away from me, but they do great here. The get a little bit of morning sun, but not muchc after that. I water about an inch a week if we don't get enough rain, but otherwise I just leave them alone.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


I think my problem is that a few of mine are in the afternoon sun. I'm going to re-do the whole front yard in Spring and they will get put where there's more shade. I have 2 that are in morning sun and do better than the other ones. This year I got the new ones in earlier and they have had enough time to settle in,,,I'm hoping that helps.


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Sounds like a plan :) That should do the trick. I have them in full shade to just a little morning sun. Anything more than that and they look very unhappy.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Only the best laid plans,,,,LOL,,,,That's the plan,,,,now we'll c what happens in spring,,,OIY,,,LOL


Indianapolis, IN

Hello, I am new to the site and am Hosta fancier with interest in Pumonaria. I have a few and am interested in obtaining more. Can anyone tell me if they have ordered from any of the following and what was your experience? Terra Nova in OR ?, Earthly Pursuits in Maryland?, Besich's in Knox , IN? Others ?

Also, has anyone heard any "expert" speak on Pumonarias?

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Gimli- I've been growing them for years, and they are about the most carefree full shade plant I've grown. Not much more effort required than your average hosta, and gorgeous foliage and spring bloom. I have to admit, I grow them more for the bloom than the foliage. I haven't heard any "expert" but I have a number of them and I've never had an issue. I've ordered from Bluestone, but most of mine have come from the local nursury (they owner knows I like them) or from trades. For the most part, they'll do fine in fairly dry shade once they're established, and a little water if it gets really dry or they get too much sun. They may need a trim mid summer, but that's really about it.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I'm just praying mine make it through the winter this year,,,LOL Tried 5 new ones last summer. Haven't had luck before but,,,these looked very nice going into late fall.


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

plumonarias, yes, I would have to say these are my most favorite plants of all time, water them, feed them, in my area just make sure there is no afternoon sun and these babies smile at you 24-7!! All year round! What more could you ask for?
I only have five plants, have 3 babies in pots in the shade garden overwintering, that the squirels have picked clean and have picked on the momma plant but that's in another thread ;-) I intend on growing lots more, I even purchased seed last year with no luck, maybe I should try to WS.
I have Rasberry Ice, Ms. Moon, Excalibar, I know these aren't spelled right and I have one that has 'cotton' in the name but can't remember right now, been a long day.and one more that can't remember the name off hand. Have some good pictures will have to look for them tomorrow, have to scan them first, another story lol
I'm glad I saw this thread, why isn't there a thread for Plumonarias? lol
Mine have been here for at least 3 yrs (3 of them) the other two probably this is their 3rd. I have no excuse for not having more, except maybe I never see them anywhere for sale here, just this one nursery that has a stand in the towns nearby, I really want to grow this plant but haven't had any luck in the past. I think the seeds must need to be 'fresh'? Any ideas here?
I was having computer trouble when this thread started I guess and never saw it, thanks for the thread pins2006!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I do have to admit that I have a couple in too much sun,,,but they will definitely be moved when the big renovation takes place this spring.


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I have two that are in complete shade and the others are dappled sun in the morning or that was where they were, I have these 200' trees lol over the top of them and now they are getting struck by nature and falling apart. Now my shade garden is on it's way out I'm afraid, I'm getting ready to start another this spring and move all my plants am not looking forward to it, my other garden is 75' long whew! a lot of movin!
Kelly, if they looked good in the fall they'll probably be ok, just not too much sun, after the leaves come out, that is like mine are in full sun until the leaves come out real good and then they get the shade they need.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


That's a lot of work,,,,I will also be doing major work this spring,,,putting in 3 - 4 new beds,,,,I'm looking forward to it,,,,I have to totally tear 2 beds apart and redo them,,,too many roots from the trees in the soil underneath. Need the new beds as holding beds and then will get the old ones dug out, new landscape fabric down First,,,them fill with nice compost and composted manure. Will be having to buy tons of landscape fabric.

The Pulmonarias that are in too much sun will definitely be moved to a shadier spot. They looked good so I'm hoping,,,LOL


Indianapolis, IN

The reason for my earlier question RE: an "expert" in Pulmonarias is that I am trying to locate a speaker for a Hosta Society meeting and could not ask Masha Bennett of England. (the author of the book being touted as the 'authority' on Pulmonarias.)

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

ahhh - I did hear Tony Avent speak, and very much enjoyed it. He's the guy from Plant's Delights and he has a good article on pulmonarias.


Indianapolis, IN

sstateham, thank you for the suggestion, I have heard Tony also, and he is good. But I looked into using him just for this. He requires a $ 1,500.00 fee plus travel by air plus hotel plus... Unfortunately, we cannot afford him.

What sources are used for buying Pulmonarias?

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I've bought from Bluestone, Plants Delights, Big Dipper, and the local nursuries. Some also have come from trade. Got my first one at the Cincinatti Gargen Show about 12 years ago.

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