Happy Birthday Lilystorm!!!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Hope you have a fun birthday!!! Margie

Thumbnail by picturelady
San Jose, CA

Thank you so much. I didn't pop into the forum yesterday, so I'm just seeing it now.

It was a good birthday!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Sorry, I missed it!! I hope you had a special delight!!

Thumbnail by Kell
Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh, I missed it, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES TO YOU!!!! Hope it was grand!

San Jose, CA

Thanks, everyone. Actually, I had a delightful lunch with some friends and then, in the evening, sat on the lawn of the elementary school and watched Lilo & Stich 2 with a whole lotta kids. (More fun than it sounds.)

Where was that picture taken, Kell? That's beautiful!

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

How sweet, great movie, and I love kids!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL, I thought Lilo & Stich 2 were your kids.

It is the Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco. I was meant to live in their pond room. I do not know how it didn't happen. You know when you go somewhere and you just know you are finally home.

Thumbnail by Kell
San Jose, CA

I kind of felt that way about Kew Gardens in London. I told my husband that when I die, I want a memorial bench in the garden. (I've only been there once, though. What a shame.)

One of their conservatories has a pond area similar to that.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Funny you said that. I hated the thought of being cremated but I finally told my husband to cremate me than sneak me into all my favorite gardens in his pant's leg and shake me out under my favorite plants. A few minutes of fire is worth an eternity of blissful company amongst my most loved ones.

For sure I want to be added to the wisteria at Filoli gardens. And now also I want to go for a perpetual swim in the Conservatory pond. LOL. It sounds like if I get to Kew gardens before I die, he will have to make sure I get there after I die too. LOL


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