Need Help Propogating Lily (Grand Crinum)

Hope Town Abaco, Bahamas(Zone 11)

We have some lovely lilies...I would like to have more! Can I separate the small one pictured, without disturbing the main plant? Another lily has a larger (but not big) one. If so, how? And is it OK to do it now--or should I wait for cooler weather?

Thumbnail by greenink
Hope Town Abaco, Bahamas(Zone 11)

More questions--

After blooming, the stalk drops and appears to put roots in the ground...when I try, gently, to move it seems attached. It reminds me of a walking Iris.

Should I try to make sure it "lands" in fertile ground, rather than in the pebbles of the driveway, or in the middle of another plant?

Can I carefully dig this up, cut it from the Mother, and put it into a put to grow??

THANKS for any help!

Thumbnail by greenink
Hope Town Abaco, Bahamas(Zone 11)

Finally, a photo of the plant in bloom.

Thumbnail by greenink
Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I don't know that I can really help you, since your climate is so different, but I've never been able to kill that lilly. It grows wild in Central Florida and I'm the kind of person that would probably just give it a whirl and replant anything with roots...... then see what happens. I am definately a hands on gardener. tt

Hope Town Abaco, Bahamas(Zone 11)

Thanks so very much! I think I'm going to give it a try.

Is Franklin Springs near Athens?? I worked for the U of GA...but lived in Atlanta.

Thanks again.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

kitty, i posted a reply in Florida forum also. debi

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Franklin Springs is about 25 miles NE of Athens. Go DAWGS! I actually live on Amelia Island, in Florida now (north of Jacksonville) but we recently purchased a home and anticipate moving to Franklin Springs very soon. It is just outside of Royston, as far away from Atlanta as I can get! Too much traffic for me, just give me uninhabitated spaces and foothills!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

kitty, you okay down there? no response in awhile. ??? debi

Hope Town Abaco, Bahamas(Zone 11)

Hi Debi,

Yes, I'm OK...the freight boat delivered a pallet of mulch last Wed, and I was busy spreading that & tending the plants as I went, to get ready for fall.

Friday, while I was spreading mulch under a hibiscus (near the lily) I got stung by a hornet or yellowjacket. I didn't know what had gotten me, all of a sudden I thought something had stuck my thumb with an ice pick! It hurt so badly, and I had on gloves. By the time I put everything away & took a shower my hand had swollen so much it looked like a catchers mitt, and by nightfall it was swollen about 3/4 to the elbow. By Monday it was almost back to normal and today it's fine.

That kept me out of the garden for a couple of days. But my dear husband was determined to find out what "got me". He discovered a nest, cylindrical about 8" long right in the hibiscus. I can't tell you how often I've picked the flowers or taken off a yellow leaf--right there. It was swarming with insects. I think I was lucky only to have gotten one sting. So glad it found it, because I am not sure I'd have had the courage to get near that area without knowing what/where it was.

Anyway...that's where I've been! I still plan to pot the lily...but the one that's growing in the ground was under the same hibiscus...and I want to make sure all the critters are dead.

Hope all is well with you. We have had such hot weather the last couple of days, and really need rain (but not with a storm!)

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


My goodness, what a reaction. Maybe you should keep some antihistimines around to help counteract the allergy that you CLEARLY have. That must have been so frightening.

The worst sting I ever got was a triple vindictive one from a wasp right on my cheekbone. I made a little baking soda and peroxide poultice to put on and that kept the swelling down. But I am not allergic to those things.

Hope your DH got rid of that nest for you so you won't have to be afraid to go out there. You take care of yourself.


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

so glad you are ok. yes, keep benedryl tablets and also vitamin b complex in case it happens again. i have never been allergic, except for one kind of skinny black wasp that is kind of metallic looking. same thing happened to me! my hand swelled to 3 times it's size and i was so sick. i've been bitten by a black widow in the Keys. man, that was no fun. you talk about sick. whew. we just got a nice rain. been dry here the past 2 weeks, but we have had more than our share of rain this summer. i have some crinums coming tomorrow. thanks to you, i really remembered how good they would be in a difficult spot i have. i got one called sangria, purple leaf and burgundy/ pink flower. can't wait. keep in touch. let's see more pics of your garden and that lovely coral rock-i miss it!!! debi

Hope Town Abaco, Bahamas(Zone 11)


I would love to see photos of your Crinums with the purple leaves and burgundy/pink flower--sounds great!

I've been working on updating my Journal, Windover Garden if you want to see some pictures (with the coral rocks!) they are (finally) there. More to do!

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