Jersey lillies

Birchington, United Kingdom

I 've just got back from Jersey CI and brought back a bag of the 'tall' Jersey lilly bulbs, what is their correct name please & how deeply do I plant them, they made a spectacular show over there! Many thanks Ann

Blenheim, New Zealand

H i there
If you have a Nerine , do not plant them to deep, they like To be a bit exposed,
Although mine flower in the shade.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Saggita, bet Jersey was beautiful, not been there, been to Guernsy loads of times though.Where is Birchington?is it near the coast?

What a fantastic colour bootandall, I always thought they were only pink, checked out baas link too, and see they come in a variety.

Another plant I've tried and lost, though according to the books my front garden should be perfect for them. I use Agapanthus instead, they seem to thrive there.Hot and dry.

Blenheim, New Zealand

thanks sueone , I was very lucky they where here, when I brought the place, some very nice fine white Nerines are also here, and the pink . they like to be dry when dorment,

Birchington, United Kingdom

Thanks everyone! Birchington is on the North Thanet coast, near Margate, in Kent. Excellent growing area for all sorts as have sea on 2 sides but the wind is a killer. Can grow most of the plants mum grows in Devon, excellent hunting-ground down there too

Blenheim, New Zealand

Hope they grow ok for you. I have just looked , with a torch, and found a few seeds of the White one I have, Not sure how they send, does anyone want them

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