Unateral plants!!...

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I was at the garden centre last week, and they had their autumn, winter display ready to tempt customers.

Part of that display was heathers, now at the best of times I'm not a heather fan, but these were vivid, and I really mean vivid, colours, reds, bright blues, brilliant greens. They'd all been treated with some sort of dye, that I assume they absorb.They looked ghastly, I'm not even sure how or where you'd use them.

I've often seen bunches of flowers too in the supermarkets that seemed too bright to be true, so I'm wondering now if they too had been artificially coloured.

Why do they think that we need these things? isn't there enough diversity of colours, sizes, scents already, without introducing these frankenstein plants?..

Don't let me get started on G.M.!!.......

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Sue I have often seen the kinds of heathers that you mean nad I also have no idea why people buy them. I can only guess that non plant people just want something that adds a rather vivid splash of colour. I also guess that people must buy them otherwise the shops wouldnt sell them. Like you say though - ghastly!

I agree, I really dislike seeing these over coloured plant, are they to go with the over coloured catalogue photos ;)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Adding my agreement to your views on these disgusting plants (well, it's not THEIR fault I suppose *g*) They really are horrendous and on a par with those ridiculous cactus things with unnatural bits added

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

I've just read this thread and it reminded me of my best friend, who died last year. She wasn't a gardener, but loved plants, and she bought some heathers which had been coloured orange, blue and red. She thought they were natural when she bought them, but they were horrendous. I think it must have been spray painted! Why do people think they can improve on nature?

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