ADSL wheeeeeeeee :)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone. It's been a very hectic summer with lots of visitors and things to do. Now the weather is cooling slightly there is more available energy for all the other things ;)
I've just got ADSL and am playing - it's fantastic!

My digital camera has died so haven't been able to take any photos recently :( but a new one (well, second-hand actually) is en route, so I shall be playing with that soon too.
Hope everyone out there is well and am looking forward to catching up.......

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Philomel, glad it's been going well for you over there, we've had no problems with weather cooling's never really got that hot in the first place!!...LOL

What is ADSL? forgive my naivity,

I haven't done a lot with my camera this year, usually take loads of photos of plants as they flower.

Remember to post some on here when you've taken them.

P.S. I discovered a 'suduli'? puzzle yesyterday, heard people talikng about them, but never took any interest in them, can see why people get hooked, made my brain ache though...

Au revoir.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

It is sort of cabel-internet (broadbandinternet) via your telephoneline. makes you able to get faster and steadyer internet, and you can still use your phone.With adsl you get a fixed monthly bill to pay.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Philomel! More chances for playing then? I have Broadband - sooo much easier than dial-up. Hope you get your new camera soon.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes sueone, I'm having to learn a whole new way of gardening! I didn't think it would be that much different, but the hot summer sun and longer days mean that you can't do anything much in the garden (in fact it's hard to do anything at all LOL). Young things can't establish unless you make a lot of shade for them. Just watering doesn't do it!

Tha ADSL means you are always online and the speed in relation to dial up is f---a---s---t
Thanks for explaining it Janett, and hi to you up there in Sweden, nice to meet you :)

Hi Diane. Yes, I can't wait to get my new camera - in fact I'm going to have 2!! Greedy beast *g*
I'm going to take the plunge with a digital SLR as well as the compact.
Will let you all know how it goes..........

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Hi to you to philomel.
Isnt adsl wonderfull. How fast are yours? We have 10MB download/1MBupload.
Had I lived in the village I would have 24/10 MB but I rather have my big garden

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Ah! A digital SLR! Yes, I fancy one of those too. There's a Canon that I have my eye on.

/act drools at the thought of a fancy digital SLR


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I'm not absolutely certain of the speed Janett, as my daughter next door has the connection and I pick it up wirelessly, but on the website it says 20Mb
Yes, it's brilliant, so much less finger tapping when surfing ;)

My brother and another friend both have the canon 20D and swear by them, however I have new Minolta lenses so am going for the Minolta 7D. Some pluses and some minuses in comparison - as you'd expect, but overall sounds a good camera. I like the idea of having many external knobs and buttons, rather than having everything on a screen menu.....
We'll see :)

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Is dial-up still the norm in the UK? I just realized one day, that I don't know anyone still using it over here. ADSL is the one and only nowadays, it seems.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I think dial-up is still in use here but Broadband is becoming more popular now.

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I have broadband and wouldnt be without it, same as I wouldnt be without my dslr, canon 350d.
Hope you enjoy your new camera as much as i enjoy mine :)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks Annette :)
Here in France ADSL is only just becoming available in the rural area where I live. My commune got it in July and lots of villages still haven't got it. I think the aim is for it to be available to most people soon

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

We have had broadband here since it first became available. Its wierd to think that even in the UK there are areas that still do not have the connection.
Thats progress though eh philomel. I guess the world is surely becoming a smaller place.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I don't know what I'd do without my broadband.....I still shudder when I think about sitting there waiting for ages for a page to load, then finding it's not the one you want anyway....

i love my diggy camera, it's only a basic Kodac (they bought it for me because you just slot it into the cradle and it downloads..foolproof) but I'm now hankering for one that I can use to take real close-ups (macro?) mine has a close-up facility, but it's not brilliant.

The thing i love about them is their instantness, I took a load of photos yesterday of my plants, then came in and down-loaded them. I could see instantly which ones weren't any good, so I could go back out and shoot a few more.

I lost count of the amount of old fashioned films, that languished in the drawer ,never getting developed.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yep, smaller and smaller psilo :)

I had a brilliant little Nikon compact that was fabulous for macro Sue. I'd certainly recommend one of theirs if you are thinking of another. Choose one that has the closest focus under an inch and they work really well. They focus from closest to infinity in one go, whereas others do it in stages and are harder to cope with.

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