Keteleeria seeds

Charleston, SC

I have stratified and grown many different types of conifer seed usually with very good success, if you make sure to combat the Damping Off bacteria. Usually most conifer seeds will start germinating in the bag. Yet it is with the Keteleeria genus and species where I have finally arrived at disappointment. I bought several different Keteleeria species from different sources, all meeting with the same outcome -- no germination! It would be very unusal if all three of these seed sources were not good seed. I cut test them after they had been stratifying for a month and did notice some green, so believing them ready to germinate, I put some out in a flat only to have nothing come up. Some I left in the bag(now 4 months) in the fridge and nothing. Some I eventually put out for warm strat then back into the frige, but nothing. If there is anyone who has had some success with this genus please give me some insight. Thank you.

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