Unidentified Hawaiian Vine

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I have a vine that came from Hawaii. I'm not sure of he name, however it's growing either enormous seed pods or fruit. I am downloading pictures of both the blooms and the pods.

If anyone has any idea what this is, please let me know so that I can propogate!



Thumbnail by D_Crownover
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

waiting for your bloom picture...

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Sorry, forgot the bloom image!


Thumbnail by D_Crownover
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Strophanthus gratus-

Are you wanting to trade off the seeds?

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)


Sure, I'd be willing to trade some. I have to find out when the proper time to remove the pods from the vine. I don't want them all over the place!

Soon, I'll have a few dozen crepe myrtle trees ready to trade. I'm a vine and tree lover, and unfortunately, either I have to fight the vines off of the trees, or the trees provide too much shade and the vines don't flower.

What would you like to trade?


(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Would ya trade seeds with me too,please..lol...??? What are ya looking for?? I have lots of other kinds of vines seeds to trade..some are not common around here..

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

The flowers are awesome! If you have any seeds left to trade....me to!
:) Donna

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Wait until the pods start turning brown and drying out, and just as they begin to split, but not yet crack open...
I've got tons of different vines seeds, so sure we can work something out when the time comes.
Yes, I know what you mean about the trees and the vines...we finally had to cut some trees down, because the vines were more important to me, lol...

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

oh how beautiful

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi all!

If these pods have as many seeds as they look like they do, I'll have around a g'jillion of them! The pods are now around 3 feet long, and I have about 8 of them...

The flowers are magnificent, the vine is very invasive and needs full sun. Mine's planted in sand. I live in a "scrub" area in Central FL and they don't seem to mind abuse, but will cover EVERYTHING. I'll have to reinforce the fence to keep this one up.

Here's a pic of the vine in it's entirety so you all can get an idea of what it's like. This plant is 2 years old... this is the back of the fence.

Thumbnail by D_Crownover
Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

this is the front...

Thumbnail by D_Crownover
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

What a beast! But the flowers are sure pretty.
(I love your sign about the gate. LOL Too funny)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, you couldn't tell the size from the first picture, but that certainly helps put it into perspective!
HUGE pods!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh my, those seed pods are too great. I love them. This is the second kind of Strophanthus that I just have to get in spring. Dave's is dangerous.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

At the risk of being arrested...I would love to try some. Trade? Postage?

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)


Well, since the seeds came from Hilo, I suppose it wouldn't matter (to us anyway) if some went home!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Please keep me in mind for a trade, D_Crownover.
:) Donna

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Can anyone tell me roughly how many seeds could possibly be in those things? I've been looking for information or a picture of a cross section of a pod, but all I seem to be able to find are medical aritcles and...oh, the bark and seeds were used to tip poison arrows, so careful where you plant!


Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

I'm send along a picture of my plant. Is this the same plant? Strophanthus gratus. When I bought it a few years in Florida all the nursery people knew was it's common name poison dart plant.

Thumbnail by mgarr
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, that is what you have...

Glad you two brought that up...I had no clue they were so poisonous! Glad I never stuck myself with a branch of it!

Shepherd, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, my, this is what I get when I neglect this forum. Can you put me on your trade list too? I so need to update my seed list this weekend! :-)) It looks like it makes some sturdy vines after it gets to be a good size. I need that kind of vine around here.

Taylor, do you think this will grow outside down here?

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)


I think this will grow fairly well anywhere it's hot and sunny. The thickness of the vines is around 1 1/2" in diamater, so it's a sturdy, woody vine. The meter lady wants me to give her a key to my gate so she can read the meter without me cutting it!...will have to work that one out... This one really started to grow after the storms last year. I'm in a scrub area, so the substrate is plain sand.

It needs plenty of water during the blooming, but seems to be doing fine with normal rain. I haven't watered this in about 2 months.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I cannot say for sure...Mine does well, but is in a large pot and I over winter it...
I've not propagated it and tested one in the ground...I'd say just try it, but then I'd feel responsible for it, if it didn't make it! lol...

I would think, though, planted out in Spring, and having all season to establish itself, and a thick layer of leaf mulch(not bark mulch) in winter,... that it would at least recover from the roots, for you...

Shepherd, TX(Zone 8b)

I have very sandy loam, so as far as having a sandy substrate, I've got that part, and I've got the suffocating humidity and heat of the summer months, so I've got another part...what zone do you live in D? That piece of info could be crucial...I'm really wanting one! LOL

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)


I'm in 9b. I'd like to add that to my whatever it's called, you have your name, state and zone, how do I add my zone?

Oh! someone gave me some peach pits called summerwhite, I'm going to give them a try, peaches do grow here with a little prompting, so I'll let you all know.


Shepherd, TX(Zone 8b)

To put in your zone, go to the "My Info" tab at the top of your DG screen. Then click on the link to change your preferences. You'll find another link on the left side of the screen that will allow you to change your zone, etc.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Deanna, how did your seed collecting go? I just remembered about the neat seed pods.
:) Donna

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Yeah, I was thinking about the same thing since I was planting a seed that came from a foot long seedpod!...How did it go???

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

if any left for trade please keep me in mind. i know from the thread you have alot be fore me.

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Add me to the list. I am sure I have some seeds that you would be interested in.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i would love some to plmk and thxs

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I would love to have some as well! Please dmail me for my seed list, and if nothing there suits you, dmail me for my 'stash' of special seeds. Thanks!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I think we scared Deanna off! She hasn't posted since this thread....lol. Oh dear!
:) Donna

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

looks that way lol
maybe not

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi all! Sorry it took a minute to get back online! I've got a few hundred seeds cleaned (what a job!!!) so i'll make sure everyone gets some. I have a few thousand coming....argh. Three of the pods still haven't opened and there are hundreds in each pod. They are gorgeous!

Here's the deal. I know nothing of the way these seeds grow. I don't know if they can be planted outright or if they need to be germinated.

I'll send several to each of you so you can do your own experiments.

I'll need addresses so I can get them out. One thing I do know is that they will freeze at temps lower than 30 for less than 4 hours and they take forever to produce seeds!


Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I think we are all listed in the address exchange. Will be happy to send you a SASBE or a trade.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Wow, Deanna! I'm glad you're back. I would luv some and what kind of seeds are you looking for?
:) Donna

Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi,Could you share a few of your beatuiful vine seeds for a sase please.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i am in the exchange but i can dmail it to you if that would help plmk and thxs for sharing this with us,did you ever find out what it is called?
thxs again i can send a sase to you

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

This site shows a botanical drawing of the bloom and seed pod, verifying that you indeed are growing S. gratus.


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