Seed envelope from a Post It Note!

Aurora, IL

I was making paper 'Pirate' hats from newspaper a few years ago and thought 'I wonder if...' I have been using these ever since.

Thumbnail by tubbss5
oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Tubbs5, what a great idea! I'll be trying it out in my next trade. Thankyou.
Maggi xxxx

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Thanks a lot! That's so simple, if I can find a way to draw it, I will try to post the enveloppes that someone showed me how to do sometime ago.

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Hope that it will work.

Thumbnail by zarcanat
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Great idea and great diagrams. Thanks!

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thats incredible! I love it, thanks for Posting!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Very good ideas, thanks for posting

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Go to
HOME then EXTRAS then scroll down to printable seedpackeges.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool ideas!! I've been folding little paper envelopes for some of my new seeds...

I wanted to add a suggestion about DIY seed packets... whichever template you use, be sure to include the foldover tabs or edges. If you just fold a piece of paper in half and tape around the edges to make a packet, seeds (especially tiny ones) will end up getting stuck to the tape around the edges.

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

What a great idea. Good thinking about the sticky tape critterologist. I'm going to try the post it note pockets, but hope they will look neater than my attempts at gift wrapping. They always look messy choose how much I try.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've really appreciated both of the above folding patterns, as I'm trying to send out a few seeds that are still too fresh (not dry enough) to trust in my usual little plastic ziptop baggies. I print out seed packets if I'm doing a bunch of them, but these suggestions are just the trick for a few quick packets.

Thanks, Tubbs & Maggie!

Aurora, IL

Thanks everyone! I'm happy so many people are finding this helpful and useful!

zarcanat - I use these, too. The post-it envelope is self contained, tho. Don't have to hunt for a stapler or tape, just fold and go!

danak, momof2d, zhinu - Your welcome...

tayson80 - These are GREAT! If only I had the time!!!

critterologist - I agree! When you have teeny, tiny seeds like petunia or moss rose, you want an 'air-tight' envelope! And I haven't used zip bags for a few years. I lost entire crops of seeds due to putting them away undried. Just didn't occur to me that they would MOLD! I had to start all over again. But I learned a lesson :(

Patbarr - How it looks isn't important, how it seals is :) Just do the best you can...


(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I've used the post-it note packages now, and they are even easier, and better than I thought they would be. Self contained, as someone mentioned no scissors, tape, or staples, easy to fill, easy to store, ect...

Aurora, IL

zhinu - Glad to hear that they work for you!

Crossville, TN

What great ideas./ to find some seeds to save! LOL Jo

Aurora, IL

Jo - Once you start, there is no stopping. It is addictive!!!

Crossville, TN

Yeah, when I was a kid I collected that I am "of an age" I've lost most of them, but do find myself looking over plants to see "where's the seed". LOL Jo

Aurora, IL

He He, kinda like "where's the beef!"

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