Can Kerria japonica be propogated from cuttings?

Chicago, IL

I've got some poor friends who need some cheap plants to fill in a new bed-- something to grow in front of a fence to keep the kids from trying to climb through.
I have a ton of Kerria, but at the moment not too many spare runners . . . any chance I could take about 4o cuttings and root them in water? Or some other way?
I know this seems like a wierd question to those of you with Kerria coming out their ears, but I want to help these folks soon . . .

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Have they considered ornamental grasses for quick coverage or some type of vines maybe? I'm not sure what you mean by poor (lacking in money or upset?). There are lots of various small bushes and shrubs at Lowe's and Walmart right now for $5 and $7. I am looking out in my yard for ideas but about anything I think of, would have to be cut back so they would still be waiting. Hmmm.

I am not sure about the Kerria. Mine throws random variegated foliage and I am trying to see if I can root them to keep the variegation. I put them in potting mix in the shade but have not tugged them yet. I can say it has been about two weeks and they have not wilted.

Chicago, IL

They are poor as in lacking money. At $5 or $7 a shrub they might b able to afford 4 shrubs . . . . not an option.

I think she'd like vines, as in English Ivy, but I don't know where we'd get that-- all I have is some Purple Creeper (a kind of perrenial Vinca I think) and it would take 5 years to establish.

My kerria have variegated foliage too-- some plants have lighter leaves or leaves with brighter highlights that are quite pleasing to look at-- I've assumed it was due to some anomaly of the soil where those plants happen to be.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Can I ask if it is their own kids or neighborhood kids they are trying to control? Just wondered if they want to keep kids in or out.

What about rose of sharon? People are always pulling those out of unwanted places. Heck, I might even have some that are still small enough to mail.

Chicago, IL

Their own small kids-- just to keep them from casually squeezing through the porch railing (as an alternative to lattice).
I was there a week ago and found what I thought were Currants on the neighboring lot (they had grown into a big wild mess and were cut down to nothing, now grown back to tiny, 1-foot tall stumps) and planted a long row along this fence, but I don't know if they;ll take or grow fast enough . . .

Calistoga, CA

Kerria japonica start readily from cuttings but they are not fast. I have never tried starting them in water. To keep kids out I would suggest Berberis as being more effective. Al

(Zone 4a)

Yes, Kerria japonica will root in water.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I had to look this one up. Never heard it before. Lovely yellow. Do you grow it, taramark?
:) Donna

Chicago, IL

Thanks, Taramark!
I suppose I could have just tried it in all this time, but I'm going to start a bunch today!

(Zone 4a)

Yes, Donna, I grow it.

Carefully snip off all but the two top leaves before
the slip goes in the water.

You don't need a long slip, 3-4 inches will do.
Use the younger tips of the branches for slips.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have been busily digging up beds to rearrange and get ready for a move. I have enough Kerria to send you a box if it would help speed things along. Let me know if you are interested.

Chicago, IL

That's a great offer, but somehow it seems wrong to send it to me when I have so much already. Surely there's someone else here who might be interested?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Badseed, I would love to have some of that Kerria if you can spare it. If so, let me know about postage and if you have paypal I will forward whatever you need.

Years ago I had some of that and after moving I have not been able to find any.

TIA, Jeanette

Chicago, IL

"Variegated foliage"--
I'm wondering if they do that when the soil is very acidic; I juet learned a bit about composting, and the ones I have with the crazy colors are at the base of a compost bin.

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

The varigation is a genetic factor. It was probably a mutation or sport to begin with. Cuttings will be varigated, seeds will be who knows? Jessamine

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I thought you might want them roots and all, to put at you neighbors instead of waiting on cuttings. :) No pressure, it was just a thought.

The variegated ones I rooted still have their color but who knows if they will hold it? I am a play baby. LOL

Jnette, I am about to move and am taking some and leaving some, but I can share. E me.

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