Part 2 Super Succulent Sweet Corn

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

here is the new thread...

here was the first.

wish we could talk about corn all year.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That yellow corn vs. white corn debate is definitely a regional preference sort of thing. Around here, farmers say white corn sells better, because too many people think "yellow corn is for feeding cows."

My all time favorite variety is 'Honey Select.' A local guy tried it for the first time last year, said it was his all time favorite in 60 years of eating corn, so this year he planted much more of it! It's a yellow corn that is every bit as tender and sweet as a good white corn, but has a much better "corn flavor." IMO, while some of the white corns are sugary sweet, they just don't taste like much else.

BTW, some of those new hybrids hold their sugar for several days under refrigeration, so no need to start the water boiling before you go out to pick the corn anymore. (I think 'Silver Queen' is an older variety that still needs to be cooked asap after picking.)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

well, i only grow open-pollinated corn :-), so gotta have my burner on!

it is the opposite here. though we are the cattle capital of the world (feedlots!), you only find yellow corn in the store. i grow white, tri-color, & yellow. they ripen at different times, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to fairly compare tastes!

my white corn is an heirloom, Stowell's Evergrreen. Tastes like corn with butter & honey, really it does! but don't know if its gonna make it this year. one special thing about it, before the first freeze, you can pull the stalks up, hang the plants upside down inside a building, & the corn will finsh ripening. Now that's cool, i'll have to try it...

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

I'm here. :)

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm here....
And yes, Critter, "those new hybrids"...well, I don't usually tout hybrids but the only corn I've grown since '87 has been Kandy Korn and it gets rave reviews. People yell at me when it is sold out! And yes, it is one that actually retains its sugar for 10 days to two weeks IF it is kept cool/refrigerated. (Picked several hundred ears today and more to pick on Thursday/Friday). Guess I'll be blanching/freezing this week so I can savor the flavor this winter!! Yay!!!

Thanks for the new thread, Corny! Much obliged!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Horseshoe, do you sell most of your corn or is it for you and your family. You probably already answered that question and I forgot.

DarrelllR. Is it too far from where you live to go to your second corn patch. and do you also sell some produce. Donnas

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yep, at your service! Burger King I ain't, but I do aim to please some of the people most of the time :-)

DonnaS, Darrel has a nice thread in Market Growers Forum, called My First Market. You should check it out!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Howdy Donna...yes, I sell and give it away. Yrs ago I always sold it but then decided it was "funner" to grow it as gifts. That year began the "corn fest" where I have another garden north of town. I grew a nice field of it and when it was ready started calling friends. We all got to gether one day, all of us picking corn, sampling it in the field raw (yummy!) then commenced to having a grillj-out! We had grilled corn (and hamburgers/hotdogs, etc), pigged out AND, in the end, everyone went home with bags and bags of fresh corn!

To me that was much more rewarding than selling it at the mkt. (At that time, corn was only $2/dozen).

As for now, I grow it and still give it to "select people" and have to keep it a secret or people who don't get some will feel disappointed. However, on a good note!...

...another friend of mine has offered to let me use a couple acres of his land. If I do there is no doubt I'll put in one solid acre of corn and that will be enough for me to both sell some (at $4.50/dz) and still surprise friends with some. Yay!

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Shoe;
"I'll put in one solid acre of corn and that will be enough for me to both sell some (at $4.50/dz) and still surprise friends with some."

Great idea! Solid acre of corn sounds like it'll work for those purposes.
Tha $4.50/dz sounds good too. Can't get that here as a rule.

Will you stay with kandy korn?
One reason or tha other, never got around to it but have had the thought.
My old brain forgets, so I've never grown it.
Don't know if I've ever tasted it!
You make it sound goooooooood lol....

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey Charlie; Long time no hear. Kandy Korn is pretty good. other yellows do better in this climate. There use to be a white version, pretty good but could not compete with Silver Queen. In its age class, the old Seneca Chief did better for me as did Golden Queen. For my personal taste I am hooked on the bic-colors, but the whites are most popular in this area so I grow a major portion of my crop in them. I still experiment with yellows, grew Kandy Korner this year, good but no cigar. Merit is the number one yellow in this area, but I don't care for it tastewise. Lots of folks like because it is easy to clean. In fact, the feed and seed store sells it as silkless corn.

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks F Dill!
Glad to know that & I've really been busy. Lol, doing what? I have no idea!
Might be trying ta get a second wind. I know it can't be a little burnout.

Have you grown G-90?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

No, I have not but the description makes me want to. None of my regular seed suplliers carry it, I noticed Tha Southern States Cooperative does, but no outlets in the area. I am going to try to run it down for next year. Apparently it's the cat's meow in Texas and Mississippi.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

F-dill, I can't get G-90 here...will be glad to send you some if you need me to.
And you're right on, the "white version" of Kandy Korn didn't seem to make it here either, neither taste-wise or growth-wise". (Can't remember the name right now...was it the "Candy Corn", spelled with a "C" instead of "K"?)

Yo, , uh, 'scuse me, that should be "HEYCharlie"!...

I've grown K-Korn since '97 and it really is a great corn, and very sweet. (Some folks don't like it cus it is TOO sweet for them.) However, I could grow oodles of it and sell every ear! Have done so in the past and regretted it...I always ended up selling it and there was nothing for ourselves to eat!

As for pricing...for yrs here corn went for $2.00 (doz) that time I sold K-Korn for 3/dz, sold out each time. Now I see corn is up to $4/doz at our mkt, people don't bat an eye and buy it up! I tend to often see prices and make mine just a tad bit higher so was thinking the K-Korn will easily sell for $4.50. After all, at that price, an ear of Korn is only 37 cents, provides great flavor, lots of nutrition, is very versatile in recipes OR easily steamed/grilled, cooks quickly, can be easily put up, etc....and many folks don't bat an eye as they puff on a cigarette that costs nearly as much, offers them no nutrition and is gone in a matter of minutes. See what I mean?

This korn, and other types, should sell very good.

And dang sure thinking of adding G-90 to my offerings for next year (in another field, of course).

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

When I was a kid, a few years ago!!!!, my Dad ( I helped him) sold corn for $1.00 for a gunny sack full which was 10 or more dozen. How is that for comparison, and that was delivered. DonnaS

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

whoa Nelly!.... delivered?

who wants to fill me (us) in on G-90?

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

G-90 is a mid season bicolor 87 day sweet corn.
Not overly sweet but difinitely a sweet corn
Grows well here in E-Texican land.

I like it better than Merit which is a mid season that does well here also.
Tha G90 has more corn taste.
I was raised on field corn!

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

This is some we froze. Took them as they came.
Look closely and ya can see the bicolor.

Thumbnail by heycharlie
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Shoe, different vendors used different spellings. The one I used at the time sold it as Kotton Kandy ( with white Kandy Korn in parenthesis) but some vendors don't get fancy and just label it Candy Corn.

Charlie, do you by any chance know the producer of G-90. It must be pretty new as it doesn't show up on any of my lists, and also companies tend to name their numbered cultivars after successful trials. Texas A & M recommends, but did not seem to list the supplier.

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

Well!!!! I'll be jiggered!!......I've got small baby ears of corn starting. Yeee Hawww.....I'm excited, can you tell? :)

DonnaS.....I don't drive. :) and Yes, I sell produce. This is my first year of trying my hand at a Produce Market.

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Farmerdill;
Here after while I'll call and ask my locals seed suppliers.
I buy it by the pound from them. Several carry it!

I gotta go sweat while I've still got some shade lol.....
[edit here]
Don't know when I started growing it but It's been a while.
Some else on DG does. They have it posted in a journal!

This message was edited Aug 18, 2005 9:00 AM

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey Charlie, It( G-90) hasn't made it to plant files yet. Your chance to began your ascent to Uber.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

On another thread the topic of "corn cob jelly" came up. From what I remember (hope I'm right) Melody shared it with us a couple yrs ago. T-Faye asked that I post it here for all to enjoy! Here ya go!....

Corncob Jelly.

12 corncobs…sweet or field corn...the red cobbed field corn makes a beautiful pink jelly.

3 cups water
1 package of fruit pectin (Sure Jell...or something similar)
3 cups of sugar

Boil cobs in 6 cups of water for 30 minutes. Remove from heat. Strain the liquid. Add enough water to bring the level back up to the 3 cups if necessary. Add pectin. Bring to rolling boil. Stir in sugar and boil for 2 to 3 minutes or until mixture sheets from a spoon.

This is similar to apple jelly and is nice on toast, or you can brush pie or tart shells with it before adding fruit.

Then you can compost the cobs!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

just read last night that corn cobs have medicinal quality. this might be REALLY good jelly LOL

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Mr Shoe and Ms TamaraFaye;
Now you guys have got me going. Did a google search for corn cob.
Came up with 119,000 results. Haha tha first 10 made me stop, think and wonder about what some of my relatives told me, or might have told me. Antient history recall gets a little rusty.

edit here
TF; got my seed order. Thanks!

This message was edited Aug 23, 2005 8:51 PM

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I planted 9 varieties of corn in small squares at 3 different times. The second or middle square of second planting is now ripe and is the best so far. Got the seed from Parks called Serindipty. Don't think I would ever get tired of eating it. Most ears have 18 rows of white and yellow kernels, very tender. DonnaS

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

goodness, charlie, that was too much information! LOL

think I'll add one of those revipes to my web site...

corn in a week!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

heycharlie...lots of good info there! Thanks!

Sign me,
"So exhausted from shuckin' corn, blanching corn, bagging corn but tomorrow I make corn cob jelly and rest!"

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

There was no G-90 seed sold in 2005. I'm not sure why, but the hybridizer had some production problems and it wasn't available.

Originally, G-90 was bred by Funk, and was known as Funk's Sweet G-90. In fact, the old feed bags as well as posters of the original packaging are available on auction sites. Oddly enought, I've seen it listed as an SE as well as an SU. I assume it is an SU from its age (its an old hybrid). It is recommended by Texas State Extension as one of a few sweet corn that will grow in the south with its very warm nights. Its one of the few I've actually had produce in my zone 9a backyard!


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

By the way, there's another sweet corn that's supposed to be good for hot areas. It's called Guadalupe Gold (kinda sounds like another agricultural product, doesn't it?). I've never been able to find it. Anyone else seen it for sale?


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for that good info, Phil! And now we know "the rest of the story"!

Guadelupe Gold sounds familiar to me. I'll check around locally for it and see what I can come up with.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

here is a new link for everyone to read about. ok, well, a couple of them:

happy reading!

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey pmarcus [Phil]
About 55-60 miles from mesef, Houston that is!
Guadalupe Gold seed was sold by East Texas Seed Company (ETSC) there in Houston.
After several years they quit tha seed business.
Till that time their seed was an unheard of low price.
[All Seed] Across tha board!
I have no Idea what happen!
[was good corn]
Grown down south 'bout Mexico and up toward central Tx.

G-90 crop failed this year.
Its limited! Family owned. Funk's Sweet G-90 is second and third generation owners.
They only allow one company to grow it.

Shoe, I heah ya ole son!
Forget Rest, It aint happining!
Thank your garden god ya don't live in texican land.
I know your area!
Can be bad, but not as often, as some of us Texicans!
Haha lol too!
My time in your area goes back to tha early 50's.
Same same as with Farmerdill in Ga.
Been thar since but not more than as a visitor.

A thought about one of our own:
TamaraFaye of Fritch, TX is a Mother & far as I know a respected person.
Certainly an assent to this forum.
Hersef aint near as purty as some of my texas buddy's, ie birds on hat and others that need to shave. I'll get off tha floor in a moment!
I bought seeds from this lady.
Figured it out! No way she can make a profit.
Thanks O'Toole!

Its pushing 3 AM
Why am I up?

Wet from tha heat!
To tired ta pay attention jus cause its been so long a day.
Start very early and break from the 100+ temps.
Even take a nap. As it might be!

Why oh why?
I'm 70 and holding lol and garden 'cause I must!
I sell this stuff, but as taday, I jus had to stop and eat me maters!
[True story]

I do what I do as you.
Money is nice, but I'm retired and disabled!
Its Love........

'Only fools rush in'
Not hardly!

My 93 year Aunt Hattie
knows more than I do 'bout gardening.
She don't get around good as used to but let me mess up ???

Where when and what?
Moon, Stars or not,


Thumbnail by heycharlie
Victorville, CA

Hey guys and gals I am looking at Sugar Pearl Hybrid (SE) for next next. Anybody grown this one?

I grew the Silver Queen this year and the first few bunches we had for dinner were great but we only picked them as we ate them and I think I've left them on too long cuz now they are tough and they aren't tasting as good. I think next year I'd like to try some that are ready early and I can put in the fridger to keep for a few days more without affecting taste or texture. Do you all just pick them all as soon as they are ready?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yo Charlie! Er, wait...meant to say

HeyCharlie! :>)

Great post, thanks for sharing the good stuff! If you're ever over this way drop in sometime! (I may or may not put you to work!)

Juli, there is a short window of time to harvest corn. Most people pick it as it matures and get if off the stalk and cooled down asap or put it in the pot asap and eat it! (Silver Queen never seems to stay "fresh" very long; the little bit of sugar/corntaste quickly turns a bit starchy. 'Tis best to pick it and eat as much as you can fresh and then blanch and freeze what you can't eat soon.)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i pick & eat right away. mine make 2-3 per stlk, so i have to pick more than once, never all mature at same time. maybe they would if i watered them more?

anyhow, I also stagger plant, so I don't have them all at the same time

had true gold over the weekend. some still not ready, but watching it close. pretty good stuff

your'e right. but i don't sell them to make a profit. i love organic seeds so much, esp heilooms, & i would hear people say how they couldn't afford it. so now nobody has an excuse, unless i am sold out LOL there have been a cou-le of cheapskates who didn't want to pay my S/H charge for one pack of seeds. so they can shop elsewhere!

neatest thing got a PHONECALL today from my website. lady in Houston interested in heirlooms. of course i sent her to DG heirloom forum cause i'm no expert! she happens to be traveling this way, so I get to take her to som elocal museums next week. OK, stop laughing, some people actually have Fritch Texas on their travel itinerary --- PEOPLE WITH TASTE. LOL

how does everyone like my two handed typing? yep, its getting there, no than ks to my quakie doctor LOL

how is evreyone's corn doing? wouldn've taken a phicture of the True Gold, but we ate it too fast! maybe next time...


Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

My corn is getting real tall now. I'm going to say it's probably 7' or more with 2 ears on most of them and some of the suckers have an ear coming.

I don't know if it's the type of corn I'm growing, (Honey Select), or if I'm doing something other people aren't doing or what but, every place I see on the way into town that has a corn patch growing, it's short. About chest high. Some people have stopped by the Market and tell me, "My corn isn't like that. What did you do to it?" "Your corn is the best looking corn I've seen in a long time. Nobody around here has corn like you have."

I think part of their problem is that they are growing their corn in the same place they did last year and the year before. I don't know if they use any compost or manure. I know I put on a lot of compost manure and got a lot of help here in this thread.

I'll take a picture of the corn later in the week. It's raining up here for the next 2 days.

See ya'll later.

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

Darrell--you and my neighbour must have the same "touch" for corn growing! My corn is about my height (5')--my across-the-road neighbour has corn that must be 6 or 7 feet tall!

I know he used that black paper mulch when he planted everything. After seeing his results, I'm getting some, too! : )


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Make sure you are growing the same cultivar. Sweet corn comes in many heights.
Darrell, there are no pictures of Honey Select in Plantfiles. In fact almost no corn pics this year. Guess every ones crop failed.

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

I'll post a picture in the Plant Files, later when the rain lets up and again when it's matured so you can see the ears of corn.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

sounds great!

yes, all corn grows to different heights, t hough mostly sweet corn is shorter & field corn taller. i have also noticed the longer maturity dates get taller

when you have taken extra good care of your corn, it is less likely to affect the height. more likely the color, amount of leaves, length of canopy, health & vigor. there was a study done on corn side by side organic & conventional. will post that link later on...

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