When do I pick my Lemons?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I have variagated Eureka lemon tree that is heavy with friut. When do I pick these lemons. Bare in mind they are all variagated too so they are always yellow and green.
George in San Antonio

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

George, as the lemons mature they will lose the stripes and will turn a brighter yellow. I used to have a large variegated Eureka in Calfornia and the immature lemons were stripped cream and green turing yellow only when they ripened. It could be a climate thing though. Here my variegated lemon tree that vossner sent me is still too young to bear fruit.

The lemons began to mature between 6 - 8 months after forming. After they have turned yellow, taste is the best way to tell if they are ripe. They don't mature at the same time so keep in mind the color they reached when you harvested the best tasting ones and go by that.

Don't be surprised if the inside shows little or no color. That's the way they are. The flavor is the same as the regular Eureka lemons.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)


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