Baby wipes warmer

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

My youngest is out of diapers (as of June!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!) and we have a baby wipes warmer (my son was always getting horrible diaper rash so having the wipes warm helped in the comfort area, it wasn't just a needless luxury) whose lid hinges are busted. I'm sure someone else would toss it for sure and just buy a new one for the next baby to join the family. Rather than toss it I had a brain storm. Hmmmmm, the wipes were always just nicely warm, not hot, hmmmmm, I bet I could use this as a nice little seed germinator since I am trying to start just a few perennial seeds at a time rather than a whole greenhouse full (I was starting so many seeds that my other responsibilities were suffering)

As a wipes warmer it was always plugged in and never overheated even though it was on 24/7. Filled it 1/2 full with peat moss, moistened it up and popped in some seeds. Plugged it in on my kitchen counter top so I could always keep an eye on it and it works like a charm! Even better I found a little rectangle plastic container that fits in perfect so I could pull this in and out to water and allow the water to drainout. When the seeds poke through I pluck them out and place in pots outside.

The busted hinges on the lid just make it so I have to lay the top on rather than have it lift up....the lid has to be used though to keep things warm and moist.

I don't know if I would go out and buy one of these for this purpose since there are so many better products to spend money on but since we had it anyway and would have surely gone by way of the trash it is happy sitting on the counter now germinating seeds. I also don't know if different brands of wipes warmers will have different degrees of warmth so just a thought if you have one that will get too warm.

BTW: My husband thinks I'm nuts because the "wipes warmer now has dirt in it" (Hello Honey! It's called seed starting medium! Dirt is in the vacuum!)


(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

What a wonderful discovery. Why discard something just because it is broke. Especially if you can use it in starting seeds. I will start to keep my eyes open when I go to garage sales. Whenever I go to one and they have a lot of baby stuff I usually just past them by and really don't even look. But now I will start paying a little more attention to the baby items that are offered.


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Garity, I have three of these and my kids are in their thirties! LOL I use them to root cuttings and pre-germinate seeds - works SO beautifully. They can be found in thrift stores or garage sales for under $2 - that's where I got mine.

Calistoga, CA

When you can use a piece of equipment for a new purpose you get a feeling of accomplishment. I converted a foot vibrator to strain my compost and love it. Al

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

What a fantastic idea about using the baby wipe warmer. I didn't even know there was such a thing - shows my age doesn't it.
Even better is the "start only a few at a time". That makes so much more sense to me as I am always starting too many then I am stuck with more than I can reasonably cope with. I am off to the thrift store.........

That foot vibrator compost sifter is too funny but very clever.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Al, if YOU say it works, I KNOW it works - I will be trying this one! LOL

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have an old foot massager also...what do you mean you use it to strain your compost? How do you have that set up? I am VERY curious because I haven't wanted to throw it away knowing that I could use it for something else.


Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

ok,bought 2 warmers for 2.00 whats the best medium to put
in it.I have a bunch of seeds that need warmth,and some that need light ,can I use press-n-seal to leave it open?
what seeds did you find hard or easy?
any advice?
Thanks Pheadra

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Pheadra,
First I got a thermometer to test to see how hot or warm the warmer got. If it keeps things too hot then you are going to have a hard time using it if you don't change things a bit first. You can prop the lid open or take it off entirely if it is too hot but keep the thermometer in it to gauge whether it is one of those that will keep trying to heat up to a set temperature and then overheat. (I did this by putting a wet washcloth in it and the thermometer between the folds of the washcloth) (Just precautions because these things are all made different) For some of my seeds I keep the lid open because it just needs light bottom heat. I found a rubbermaid type plastic container that I drilled holes in so I could take it in and out to water if needed. As for medium I just used peat moss and perilite mix (50:50). All of my seeds I have used this with. Too many to list.

Let me know if there is anything I missed or you have more questions on.


Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Garity, Thank you, I will test the warmer first thing today
again thank you.

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

gg3, I've always used a commerial heat mat for seed starting, plus 1 for cuttings. $25.00 to $30.00 I use clear plastic clamshell boxes for seeds and spores. sometimes i will elevate the box for less bottom heat , I'll have to check out the warmers, thanks,hostajim1

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